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Bbc Sunday Morning Live / Guest Jagmeet Singh Anand Karaaj Issue


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That gori was very hostile and rude towards the Singh. As a host who is discussing an issue one should be neutral. And I would think the Muslim lady would have at least made the same stand as the Singh but she just played the same pc tune as the others.

This is why I say, don't waste time and energy on these non Sikhs. They will never understand. Besides, this is an internal Sikh matter and the other guests have no say in our internal matters.

My first salvo would be all other faiths maintain their central religious ceremonies to people of their faith we are no different , however our marriages are not binding of man to woman but of both to God through the execution of faith professed at that time to Guru Granth Sahib ji

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"Sikhs around the world have been using online protest tactics to highlight what they say is injustice"

See how it's been highlighted in bold. And why are these words in bold too?

"Reports" "reportedly" "onto YouTube" "used" "petition" "shared" "increasingly heated of late"

I can understand why the channel names are bolder or if there are keywords, but don't understand them words.

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"Sikhs around the world have been using online protest tactics to highlight what they say is injustice"

See how it's been highlighted in bold. And why are these words in bold too?

"Reports" "reportedly" "onto YouTube" "used" "petition" "shared" "increasingly heated of late"

I can understand why the channel names are bolder or if there are keywords, but don't understand them words.



there already has been a woman 'caught for the beadbhi in Ludhiana' guess what she is 'Amritdhari'

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why was the musilmani girl sayings its ok for her to marry a non muslim now , as its hard to find a partner. I thought she woulda backed jagmeet up. As for the presenter she was rude she should have said respected how passionate he was. Plus she didnt let him finish his point about the anand karaj. U can kiss sikhi in the Uk bye as that did not help at all.

Also what about anita kapoor, shes not even sikh. Why is she so hostile why doesnt she refer to guruji properli. Im geting so angry day by day on how we are being treated.

she didn't but she implied she would be open to it classic taqqiya, anita was announced as a sikh but I'm sure she's married out to hindu because she seemed bigg that up 'going around the great fire'. Actually I could see the Edwina was giving Jagmeet an approving look when he TV guerillaed Sian , She can recognise a multi decade pogrom has been executed on the kaum. If she was against him she would have been like a bulldog I've seen her in action. Even the Muslimah looked a little surprised and smiled .

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VAHEGURU!! ***Share and Click***

#SikhLivesMatter now reaches 6th on the BBC Trending News Stories. **COME ON SANGAT JI - Lets get it to number 1**


Encourage all to see summary of all press and videos on www.sikhpa.com/sikhlivesmatter


Please click http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-34572118?SThisFB

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I'm disgusted at the BBC for still not including it in main news - they're gone down in my estimation. There was a demonstration mentioned yesterday on Sikh Channel planed for Thursday 22nd October at Indian High Commission in London. Modi will be visiting UK soon and that will be perfect opportunity to highlight the situation as will be a lot of media attention.

There must be other ways we can help people in Punjab besides contacting the media. Please read this link about the famer protests before the beadbi linking the Badal family to what's happening - its full of corruption

http://sikhnet.com.news/whitefly-brief-oped This link doesn't seem to work but if you copy the text into the browser hopefully that should work or just type "whitefly brief" to search

Does anyone know of organisations working with the farmers so we can give practical help?

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