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How Many Indian Muslims Showed Solidarity With Sikhs For 1984 Anti-Sikh Genocide?


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The recent visit by Indian prime minister modi has been met by a large number of ethnic British Indians protesting against him and his BJP hindu nationalist government. It was the congress secular atheist terrorist party which attacked the Golden temple and murdered over 5,000 Sikhs in 3 days of state sanctioned violence in 1984. Many of the congress terrorists were secular hindus and muslims. Hardly any where right wing hindu nationalists because they did not see Sikhs as the enemy.

Now I am really confused why are some brainless British Sikhs protesting against Modi and siding with Indian Guji muslims who have never lent their support or sympathy for Sikhs since 1980's. Some of these British Indian guji muslim's have made jokes about Sikhs on social media and don't seem themselves as part of an Indian society rather more of their separatist muslim collective. So why are our stupid Sikhs always the first to help other peoples causes rather than concentrate on purely Sikh centric issues and movements.

The Hindu nationalist government has no real wish or desire to provoke the Sikhs in a violent confrontation that would be counter productive to their dharmic centric society they want to create. They do want to make muslims / missionary abrahmics either assimilate in their hindu nation or look else where to go. Which i think is fair enough especially since hindus, sikhs and buddhists are forced to tolerate daily humiliation and subjugation in islamic countries like pakistan and afghanistan or convert or get killed.

Some of low IQ Sikhs are not protesting for the rights of afghan Sikhs or pakistani Sikhs getting victimised by muslim societies yet they are quite happy to protesting against modi which I think is very counter productive and not addressing the demographic and geo-political influence problems we have as a panth

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Muslims and hindus teamed up together in dehli 84 genocide. I have a quote of slogans they both used in unity when murdering sikhs, in a book by sangat singh will dig out and put on.

Yes but not largely hindu nationalists. They didnt like Indira gandhi cos she had imprisoned their leaders during the dictatorship she took india briefly during the emergency she imposed taking all the power and jailing opposition hindu leaders. Modi had to disguise himself as a Indian Sikh to escape her secular atheist government clutches.

We are making a huge mistake if we can not see that it was the atheist hindu secularists of the congress were the ones that murdered innocent Sikh civilians rather than purely hindu nationalists.

I have checked the names of people caught by the Indian police during the time and most of them have hindu punjabi, hindu and muslim names... so basically indian congress party supporters.

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Yes but not largely hindu nationalists. They didnt like Indira gandhi cos she had imprisoned their leaders during the dictatorship she took india briefly during the emergency she imposed taking all the power and jailing opposition hindu leaders. Modi had to disguise himself as a Indian Sikh to escape her secular atheist government clutches.

We are making a huge mistake if we can not see that it was the atheist hindu secularists of the congress were the ones that murdered innocent Sikh civilians rather than purely hindu nationalists.

I have checked the names of people caught by the Indian police during the time and most of them have hindu punjabi, hindu and muslim names... so basically indian congress party supporters.

Yeh o agree most of the genocide took place in congress controlled parts of dehli, and some hindus helped sikhs and harboured so they don't get butcherd. Scum were let out prison to murder and rape sikhs, all the creation of devils like rajiv and batchen
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Muslims and hindus teamed up together in dehli 84 genocide. I have a quote of slogans they both used in unity when murdering sikhs, in a book by sangat singh will dig out and put on.

Congressi hindus are hindu by name sake.. Plz dont call them hindus.

i have been trying to convince the same. You can barely a post against Sikh in Indian forums, threads and twitter. Most of Hindu nationalist support Sikhs. Congress party owns indian judiciary and its impossible for anyone to expect Congress judiciary to punish culprits of 1984 massacre. Indian govt hve been trying to implicate Sonia gandhi & her son in natioanal herald scam but the judges are refusing to take up the case.

All the proofs implicating Congressi hindus involvement in 1984 massacres have been obliterated.

Some of RW sikhs based abroad have tied up with Pakistan & they are letting down Sikh community big time. Come on, you cant blame Modi/Hindus for Akali dal failures in punjab. Look at the anti modi posters where these people are holding him responsible for recent Sikh killings in punjab...Are these people out of mind???

Law & order is state subject. But the khalistani protests are blaming modi for every mess in punjab

Akali had appeased RW Sikhs & some of them are taking advantage of bad law and order situation in punjab as pretext to stroke communal divide. Desecration is very much the agenda of those RW sikhs to unite all radical elements.

Indian sikhs have integrated in main stream. Many of BJP youth leaders are Sikhs. It was Hindus who are most worried about declining Sikh population in Punjab. But all we hear from Sikhs based abroad is that Hindus/RSS are trying to destroy Sikhism. Sikh group associated with RSS have converted 5000 Christianity back into Sikhism with their ghar wapsi campaign.

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Modi is the common enemy for all the minorities of India. It is short sighted to just think that just because the Muslims were Modi's targets in 2002 then we should not be against Modi. The fact is that Modi is anti-Sikh and he proved that just recently by his victimisation and discrimination against the Sikhs settled in Kutch. The state government lost the case against the Sikh farmer and yet still took it to appeal in the Supreme Court. What more proof is there that Modi has it in for the Sikhs? He knows how his treatment of Sikhs will affect the way Sikhs perceive him in Punjab yet he still went ahead with the appeal. he had a chance to withdraw that appeal prior to the election but he did not care about the Sikhs so again did not withdraw the case.

As I said, all minorities are in danger under Modi, he has even pi.ssed off the Nepalese with his behaviour of interference in their internal affairs. If he can interfere in Nepal that what would stop him interfering in Punjab in future. Modi is a lame duck, his political honeymoon is over, he is unlikely to win any state elections in the next few years and so cannot get a majority in the Rajya Sabha which means that he basically needs to rely on other parties to pass legislation. Just as Modi is getting weaker and weaker the Panthic parties are getting stronger in Punjab. The more pressure that can be put on Modi the better, his visit will no doubt be presented as some kind of victory but all his visit has shown to the western world is that Modi is a criminal and that their leaders are willing to do deals with mass murderers for economic benefit.

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The more pressure that can be put on Modi the better, his visit will no doubt be presented as some kind of victory but all his visit has shown to the western world is that Modi is a criminal and that their leaders are willing to do deals with mass murderers for economic benefit.

I don't get the point of the protests myself? We know that the west has no problem with dealing with all manner of tyrants (like saudis) when it is to their economic benefit.

I think the majority of goray are happy with these things as long as it helps them maintain the quality of life they have.

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