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Dasam Granth Issue Behind Attack On Dhandriawale ?


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Update 9pm 21.05.16 | "ਮੇਰੀ ਕੋਈ ਦਸਮ ਗ੍ਰਥ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ Statement ਦਿਖਾਓ" | DHADRIANWALE

As per this link by veer Singh559 , people who speak against dasam deserve to to be shot dead ? Guru sahib will be very happy with such talibanised 'sikhs' ?

Had these goons attacked someone like dhunda or panthpreet singh, people here will be cheering and doing jakare ?

Remember Aurangzeb ? He persecuted people for their beliefs and remember Guru Tegh bahadur - who stood up for their rights even though his own views were materially different from the hindus .

In Gurmat voilence is permitted only to prevent further voilence , e.g taking out indra or Beanta was ok .

Update 9pm 21.05.16 | "ਮੇਰੀ ਕੋਈ ਦਸਮ ਗ੍ਰਥ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ Statement ਦਿਖਾਓ" | DHADRIANWALE

So by this token , people who speak against dasam need to to be shot dead ? Guru sahib will be very happy with such 'sikhs' ? What's the difference between us and taliban ?

Had these goons attacked someone like dhunda or panthpreet singh, people here will be cheering and doing jakare ?

Remember Aurangzeb ? He persecuted people for their beliefs and remember Guru Tegh bahadur - who stood up for their rights even though his own views were materially different from the hindus .

In Gurmat voilence is permitted only to prevent further voilence , e.g taking out indra or Beanta.

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Yup as most of you have correctly concluded its BS from dhumma's camp and the worldwide sikh sangat can see it clear now.

He is in all but explicit words justifying the attack on bhai ranjit by making up excuses now trying to drag dasam granth into it when bhai ranjit never said anything against dasam granth. But even if he did or any scholar or paracharik did there is no way any violence is allowed to justifyed in the Sikh religion against anyone who has different views let alone your fellow sikh brother.

Dhumma in a video statement said bhai ranjit made a slur against the turban of the damdami taksal and so some of his students were angered and attacked him. Bhai ranjit never slurred against the DDT he pointed out dhumma personally for his shortcomings and failings. He never accused or slurred the damdami taksal. So is now Dhumma saying he is damdami taksal and damdami taksal is him?

So we can safely conclude that Dhumma is a keshdhari hindu government agent along with few of his brain washed and brain dead low IQ students who are defaming the Sikh institution of DamDami taksal.

Sikhs now need to form a committee to excommunicate dhumma and his associates from the panth and a new head of damdami taksal needs to be elected.

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There are those of us who believe Sikhi is the way forward for mankind. Then there are these regionalised squabbles between the very people who are supposedly at the top of the Sikh hierarchy. We wonder why people laugh in our faces when it's suggested that Sikhi is the one true path.

Come on. If any Sikh ever needed clear proof that petty, villager type mentality has wormed its way into the very core of the panth and is strangling it by representing itself as 'Sikh thought' - behold....

Has it got to the point that people are using arguments about religious texts to execute one another? This is that anakhi pendu soorma, with a bandook on his mohda mentality gone wrong. It has no place here. The guy who offed that preacher even had the balls to say that others will meet the same fate.

With all the problems we face as a community in India (let alone globally), who the hell needs this.

If anyone ever wanted evidence that 'religious Sikhs' are a backward, narrow-minded, savage bunch of junglees, who can't be trusted as leaders for their petty thinking - they just got handed an ace card.

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It all starts at the top and since our sri akal takht is not free and sovereign and we have a Indian govt agent as its jathedhar then he will not guide or unify the panth rather he will work towards his paymasters in punjab govt/ delhi govt.

And as no one respects the Jathedhar of Sri Akal takht . Thus at present anything coming from Akal takht he has little or no influence in Sikh circles.

And we can see without sikhi the punjab and surrounding states are in trouble with violent crime rising, debt riddled families, castism, jatha-ism, waters diverted, farmar suicides, drug mafia, land mafia, alcohol mafia, gangsterism hooliganism, capitalist consumerist society forgetting the lord, adharam atheism rising with no respect for dastaar or kesh. No love for your fellow Sikh never mind non-sikhs..... creating a dog eat dog society... a real mess without sikhi and real leadership from the top.

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There are those of us who believe Sikhi is the way forward for mankind.

I have to add:

I've given up such illusions for the moment. At the very least though, I always thought that our community (at least) has a potential ability to defend itself in some worst case scenario in the diaspora (compared to many other communities). Then you see this. It's just simply petty, gratuitous violence like I would expect over some village land dispute between 2 pendu brothers - not between two preaching groups.

What the....

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