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What was Guru Ji's rational behind the commandment Sikh daughters should only be given to Sikhs for marriage?


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On 19/08/2016 at 1:21 AM, Sukhvirk76 said:

@genie that is quite possibly the most stupid stuff i have ever heard. .honestly I'm wetting myself at the shear idiocy

Arent you that same anti-sikh person that promotes interfaith Sikh marriages and relationships?

You calling our Guru and his commandments idiocy?

Note to admin can we have this evil anti-sikh person banned?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Jacfsing2
51 minutes ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

I don't promote interfaith marriage. .i just don't see your issue. My beloved sikhi is a broad beautiful thing. . Not limited by narrow mindedness. . 

ik oNkaar
There is Only One God
Sat Naam
Truth is His Name
kartaa purakh nirbh-a-o nirvair akaal moorat
He is the Creator, Protector, Without Fear, No Enmity, The First Entity,
ajoonee saibhN gur parsaad. jap.
Never born, Self-perpetuating; With the Guru’s grace: Recite!
aad sach jugaad sach.
True in the beginning, True Through the Ages,
hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach.
True even now and says Nanak will be True in the future

Your Sikhi isn't really Sikhi at all, it's just your part of the regressive left, ready to destroy your own people's transitions for the ways of the world. What does mool mantar have to do with this? Daas doesn't really see anything that promotes regressive leftism, rather all it is talking about is how Vaheguru is great, and can only be seen through Gur-prassad. (Daas doesn't even believe interfaith marriage is even a sin, but it's a sin to make pakhand of the 4 Sikh ceremonies: 2 of which are optional). If you want an interfaith marriage do it at a court, and not in the Darbar of the Guru, going 4 times around means something.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Jacfsing2
1 hour ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

I believe when people get married in a gurdwara they are doing it in court. Darbar blessed by the 1 true Guru.

And? You really are bad at trying to prove your point, just be straightforward on how that's acceptable for Interfaith Anand Karaj? That's similar to you saying communion is the blood of Jesus, so since its blessed by him, everyone should be allowed communion, but your not going to make them do Pakhand of their religion. You've been completely arguing extremely vague points to defend a view that isn't Gurmat, do you have any direct Gurbani or Ithiaas to defend your view which believes Interfaith Anand Karaj is ok? (Have you even read the Laavan and understood it from GurSikhs?)

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Guest Jacfsing2
21 minutes ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

Please tell me where and how I am being vague? I would be happy to clarify my thoughts

Bro or Sis, (though don't know if Daas should call you that), You've been Vague the entire time on this forum. (Not just this topic), you've got to be specific with your details, especially since your against the status quo of this forum.


26 minutes ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

Firstly I don't understand the term 'interfaith' as being congruent with my understanding of Sikhi. I understand (and I may well be wrong) that EVERYTHING emanates and is created by  'ek oankaar' and that by not accepting that one doesn't accept the creative form 'Akaal'. To defend my view, as you say, or support my view/assertion, as I may, is the immutability of "ek oankaar". I think 'Mool mantar' is the very essence of Sikhi as expressed by guru nanak ji expresses this.

I have yet to be given any evidence that gurbani proscribed what you call 'interfaith' marriage. I am open minded and look forward to being corrected.


Since we clearly don't hold the same view of the mool mantar, how does everything being created by "Ek Oaangkar", mean that people aren't different? Every being is unique from everything else. But since you still want to argue that religion doesn't exist explain why, rather than making another statement on how you interpret one line in Gurbani to defend, "interfaith marriage", "ਹਿੰਦੂ ਅੰਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਾ ਤੁਰਕੂ ਕਾਣਾ ॥ हिंदू अंन्हा तुरकू काणा ll Hinḏū anĥā ṯurkū kāṇā. The Hindu is sightless; the Muslim has only one eye. ਦੁਹਾਂ ਤੇ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਸਿਆਣਾ ॥ दुहां ते गिआनी सिआणा ॥ Ḏuhāʼn ṯe gi▫ānī si▫āṇā. The spiritual teacher is wiser than both of them." (Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 875) Also the Laavan themselves disapprove of unions without Vaheguru, are you some Gurdwara politician which makes you defend Interfaith Anand Karaj so much?

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1 hour ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

Firstly I don't understand the term 'interfaith' as being congruent with my understanding of Sikhi. I understand (and I may well be wrong) that EVERYTHING emanates and is created by  'ek oankaar' and that by not accepting that one doesn't accept the creative form 'Akaal'. To defend my view, as you say, or support my view/assertion, as I may, is the immutability of "ek oankaar". I think 'Mool mantar' is the very essence of Sikhi as expressed by guru nanak ji expresses this.

I have yet to be given any evidence that gurbani proscribed what you call 'interfaith' marriage. I am open minded and look forward to being corrected.


logically if one partner does the diametrically opposite things to gurbani's teachings then they are not following sikhi and their behaviour is NOT the same as a Gursikh someome who IS following Guru jis hukham. There is no meeting point ...they are walking away from each other and also Guru ji. Sikhi is simple do it and be a sikh , don't do it and you stop being sikh

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9 minutes ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

As far as I can tell your quote says nothing about interfaith marriage.  I provided one quote outlining my understanding of the oneness of everything  unequivocally emanating from 'ek'. Please provide me with a gurbani quote that proscribes 'interfaith marriage'

there is too much gurbani to quote ...we are told don't do sunnat, pray to ka'aba, tomb worship, remove rom from body Hijamat, eat Ritually killed meat Halal, Not to believe in superstitions of astrological charts, charms, spells, the hindu caste system, sacred threads, idol worship, pollution, belief in 33 million devtey/devis , we are told the woman has equal nature (that alone goes against most of the world faiths). Following gurbani means there is no point of concensus on which to base marriage . In fact Marriage in all other faiths is binding a woman to a man like some form of chattel good which only has value in bringing forth the next generation. This is not the sikh view which is the marriage of two souls to Akal Purakh Through the guidance of the Guru. Again if you don't follow the Guru ji you are not married 

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47 minutes ago, Sukhvirk76 said:

Please my friend choose just one example and share with me the reference in Gurbani. You have suggested that their are many many to choose from I am just looking for one example you would be doing me a great service and I would be forever grateful.




Go and read 1st paragraph of lavan (anand karaj) it says to make the guru the centre of ur life and meditate on gurus name and worship the guru only. How can u do this, if u r a christian, whos guru is jesus, muslim whos guru is mohammed, a hindu (who have no guru) and take lavan? By bowing down and circulating around guru, u r agreeing to a contract with guru ramdas ji. U cannot break that contract 2 hrs later wen u go n marry in a church.

Rather than asking for proof like a kid, u just like other atheistic communist 2minute sikhs havnt even bothered reading the actual prayers which r involved in the anand karaj itself.


Watch this.


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On 12 September 2016 at 5:32 PM, Sukhvirk76 said:

I don't promote interfaith marriage. .i just don't see your issue. My beloved sikhi is a broad beautiful thing. . Not limited by narrow mindedness. . 

ik oNkaar
There is Only One God
Sat Naam
Truth is His Name
kartaa purakh nirbh-a-o nirvair akaal moorat
He is the Creator, Protector, Without Fear, No Enmity, The First Entity,
ajoonee saibhN gur parsaad. jap.
Never born, Self-perpetuating; With the Guru’s grace: Recite!
aad sach jugaad sach.
True in the beginning, True Through the Ages,
hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach.
True even now and says Nanak will be True in the future

Listen to the Laavan Bani and  reflect on what the Bani says. You don't need to get uptight about the whole thing. You are annoying. The good thing is that it has English translation.  Read the  Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji too for extra blessings. You don't  have to listen to all and sundry for different interpretations of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.  Different people will give you their own interpretations. Do your own khoj, don't let them confuse you.  They are not the custodians of Gurus' teachings, we all are. You can also buy shabdarth version of the SGGS.


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