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Mr Singhs - New vegetarian takeaway in Gants Hill


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12 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

muslman go into catering because it the way to spread halal meat availablity and crowd out nonhalal ... thus part of the conversion process is surreptiously done , all you need is for them to read shajada bus you're a muslim. Don't you remember sakhi where one captured singh had his kesh cut and they did sunnat but Guru ji said did you eat their meat or touch one of their women... there was a reason. Singh said no then Guru Gobind SIngh ji it's is a good job you didn't, go for pesh and join your brothers. 

What I do not understand we come from a culture which has thousands of years of veggie cuisine , how about banking on that rather than aping unhealthy western fare?

I have seen a few websites that register halal and non halal food outlets so that people make informed choices. 

But there is definitely some stealth jihad going on with dubious tactics used.

Modern lifestyle encourages unhealthy fast food eating. People vote convenience above everything else.


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22 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

I have seen a few websites that register halal and non halal food outlets so that people make informed choices. 

But there is definitely some stealth jihad going on with dubious tactics used.

Modern lifestyle encourages unhealthy fast food eating. People vote convenience above everything else.


all meat except pork is halal in schools these days because of the push for not being anti-islamic, used to be three colours meat, veg, allergies now fourth halal

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36 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

all meat except pork is halal in schools these days because of the push for not being anti-islamic, used to be three colours meat, veg, allergies now fourth halal

I worked with a school looking into school lunches and they were cash strapped and would try anything to lower the cost of producing lunches.

I think this could in part explain why halal is in a lot of schools these days and that is because they are cost conscious, halal would be considered a cheaper option.


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The way meat in uk is made halal is infact not in line with islamic rules of slaughter and is stunned. Stunning isnt permissible to make meat halal. Also A LOT of muslim shops/meat distributors know full well their meat isnt even properly halal, but they still distribute to their fellow muslims, all for money. Though this shudnt give any of us any excuse to eat their fake halal maas.
Also sikhs, esp in uk, r stupid, y havnt we opened a jhatka industry? Whether or not ur a pro-meat sikh, or a veggie/vegan sikh, we shud b promoting the idea of sikhs opening fast food/restaurants/franchises.

Its typical of dumb panjabis, who seem to love lookin up to unrealistic/time consuming/expensive jobs as doctors, but look down on the idea of being chefs/restaurant owners/food industry.

Everytime u go panjab, who is the caterers? always sum darky bihari, never sum apnay who have franchises/fam business. Just look at the bangalis in uk, they own 95% of all "indian" restaurants, despite makin fake sh!t food they r a big part of the food industry. Every1 knows panjabi food is best type of asian, n we cud make a killin frm goreh, but its deemed a sh!t job. If u wanted a rishta, n told ur potential inlaws ur a chef or own fast food shop, theyd chuckle hard.

Food is sumink we all need, n just think wat gaps in the sikh market we cud plug! Like 1 of the posters above sed, itll bring sikhs together.

Also if any thick bandhar is wondering how 10 unhygenic sullahh chicken/chips make money all on the same street....all a front to sell drugs/used a secret brothels etc.

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Just now, S1ngh said:

I guess some people are not happy of Sikhs opening up the Vegetarian only food place -_-

it was a bit round the houses but I think everyone agrees :

1. better veggie than another meat restaurant

2. better a sikh establishment than another pop-up muslim chicken shop

3. be discerning in food choices for health

4. Halal is very dominant out there.

We know that Mr SIngh's is a tried and tested business so it's bound to have massive success especially where it is located , both in our community and the wider veggie community.

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We should support our own Singh's opening restaurants - got to be better than giivng all your money to some <banned word filter activated> chicken shop :rofl.

On a side note i could do with a dhaniya pizza right now.....

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43 minutes ago, R78 said:

We should support our own Singh's opening restaurants - got to be better than giivng all your money to some <banned word filter activated> chicken shop :rofl.

On a side note i could do with a dhaniya pizza right now.....

chuhe tidd'ch nach rehe hai ? poor guy ...all this talk of pizza must be torture :)


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