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Mr Singhs - New vegetarian takeaway in Gants Hill


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1 hour ago, jkvlondon said:

chuhe tidd'ch nach rehe hai ? poor guy ...all this talk of pizza must be torture :)



1 hour ago, R78 said:

We should support our own Singh's opening restaurants - got to be better than giivng all your money to some <banned word filter activated> chicken shop :rofl.

On a side note i could do with a dhaniya pizza right now.....

Ok, you make the pizza and I'll give u the dhaniya, then everybody on here can let you know if it's made properly after the free samples ?

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2 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

chuhe tidd'ch nach rehe hai ? poor guy ...all this talk of pizza must be torture :)


Big choice coming up soon, pizza or aloo wale parothe with plenty of butter for lunch :nosee: 

1 hour ago, simran345 said:


Ok, you make the pizza and I'll give u the dhaniya, then everybody on here can let you know if it's made properly after the free samples ?

Vand ke chakko applys on everything in life.....apart from dhaniya wala pizza lol!

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11 hours ago, StarStriker said:

The way meat in uk is made halal is infact not in line with islamic rules of slaughter and is stunned. Stunning isnt permissible to make meat halal. Also A LOT of muslim shops/meat distributors know full well their meat isnt even properly halal, but they still distribute to their fellow muslims, all for money. Though this shudnt give any of us any excuse to eat their fake halal maas.
Also sikhs, esp in uk, r stupid, y havnt we opened a jhatka industry? Whether or not ur a pro-meat sikh, or a veggie/vegan sikh, we shud b promoting the idea of sikhs opening fast food/restaurants/franchises.

Its typical of dumb panjabis, who seem to love lookin up to unrealistic/time consuming/expensive jobs as doctors, but look down on the idea of being chefs/restaurant owners/food industry.

Everytime u go panjab, who is the caterers? always sum darky bihari, never sum apnay who have franchises/fam business. Just look at the bangalis in uk, they own 95% of all "indian" restaurants, despite makin fake sh!t food they r a big part of the food industry. Every1 knows panjabi food is best type of asian, n we cud make a killin frm goreh, but its deemed a sh!t job. If u wanted a rishta, n told ur potential inlaws ur a chef or own fast food shop, theyd chuckle hard.

Food is sumink we all need, n just think wat gaps in the sikh market we cud plug! Like 1 of the posters above sed, itll bring sikhs together.

Also if any thick bandhar is wondering how 10 unhygenic sullahh chicken/chips make money all on the same street....all a front to sell drugs/used a secret brothels etc.

Meat is mass produced these days on an industrial scale.

My theory is Muslims were not the great meat eaters that is stereotyped.  

Historically speaking, I reckon it was on Eid-Al-Bakr that meat was halal'd on a mass scale.

However, with increase in meat consumption has resulted in halal abattoirs to find other methods to halal their products. Which means that they need to take short cuts.It's not practical to do traditional halal as it would too time consuming.

My theory is the traditional halal methods only work with small amount of animals slaughtered which is why I think Muslims were not the varacious meat eaters as depicted . 

If you have ever been to a muslim wedding and compared to the meat provided in a wedding of Sikhs, you can tell by observing that there is a huge difference in the type of meat that is served, with quality and variety.

I would venture to say that Sikhs who eat meat are bigger meat eaters than muslims are.

This my observations and opinions, this is not established facts.


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Tamils have actually opened a few chicken and chip shops but they have made them halal.  Its all about profit. 

Its a good idea to open Punjabi restaurants but then you have to find areas where theres a big population of punjabis.  otherwise you wont get hardly any customers. 

Avoid halal chicken and chips.  They use diseased chickens.  ie chickens that have died of diseases are sold on the cheap.  why do you think you can buy loads of wings and chicken for a couple of pounds.  Its because they are buying chicken for next to nothing off the back of lorrys. 

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7 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

There are 2 jhatka places in Seven Kings. 

thats nice, are they butchers u r reffering to, or actual restaurants? Also dal, do u know where they get their jhatka supply from? Is it that they do it themselves with paat or u recon they have a sikh supplier in some abatoir format?

I kno of a few jhatka places in southall this 1 being 1 of them.


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Jhakta can be peformed at home. 

Ive done it a few times. this was about 10 15 years ago when you could purchase live animals like sheeps and goats frim the farm and bring them home for chopping. one blow to the neck and removing the head and its done. its scary though being in the back of a car with a live sheep or goat. lol

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7 hours ago, StarStriker said:

thats nice, are they butchers u r reffering to, or actual restaurants? Also dal, do u know where they get their jhatka supply from? Is it that they do it themselves with paat or u recon they have a sikh supplier in some abatoir format?

I kno of a few jhatka places in southall this 1 being 1 of them.


The jhatka store owner is running a business and will say anything to attract customers.  Nidar the Giddar really adds merit, pathetic. No such thing as Maha parsad. Maha parsad of a Sikh is Gurbani.   Reading gurbani over a decapitated animal will not make it Holy neither will any time before or during. 

Anointing weapons with animals blood has no meaning and is a false practice according to Sikhism.  It's basically animal sacrifice and the Guru spoke against it.  

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11 hours ago, Big_Tera said:

Tamils have actually opened a few chicken and chip shops but they have made them halal.  Its all about profit. 

Its a good idea to open Punjabi restaurants but then you have to find areas where theres a big population of punjabis.  otherwise you wont get hardly any customers. 

Avoid halal chicken and chips.  They use diseased chickens.  ie chickens that have died of diseases are sold on the cheap.  why do you think you can buy loads of wings and chicken for a couple of pounds.  Its because they are buying chicken for next to nothing off the back of lorrys. 

actually gorey love love punjabi food most popular food in the nation, you'd making money hand over fist, cos the fakey bangla 'balti' (muslim insult to their clientele you feed animals from buckets) food is not that great . 

over 80 % chicken are affected by salmonella... and halal forget about it ... if you have a punjabi/north indian veggie restaurant it will be popular  because people like a change from the usual.

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SGGS Page 1374 Full Shabad
ਕਬੀਰ ਜੋਰੀ ਕੀਏ ਜੁਲਮੁ ਹੈ ਕਹਤਾ ਨਾਉ ਹਲਾਲੁ ॥ ਦਫਤਰਿ ਲੇਖਾ ਮਾਂਗੀਐ ਤਬ ਹੋਇਗੋ ਕਉਨੁ ਹਵਾਲੁ ॥੧੮੭॥ 

ਕਬੀਰ ਖੂਬੁ ਖਾਨਾ ਖੀਚਰੀ ਜਾ ਮਹਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਲੋਨੁ ॥ ਹੇਰਾ ਰੋਟੀ ਕਾਰਨੇ ਗਲਾ ਕਟਾਵੈ ਕਉਨੁ ॥੧੮੮॥ 

Kabīr jorī kī▫e julam hai kahṯā nā▫o halāl. Ḏafṯar lekẖā māʼngī▫ai ṯab ho▫igo ka▫un havāl. (187)
kabeer khoob khaanaa kheechree jaa meh amrit lon. hayraa rotee kaarnay galaa kataavai ka-un. (188) 

Kabeer, to use force is tyranny, even if you call it legal. 
When your account is called for in the Court of the Lord, what will your condition be then? (187) 
Kabeer, the dinner of beans and rice is excellent, if it is flavored with salt. 
Who would cut his throat, to have meat with his bread? (188)

I wouldnt cut mine, would any of you?


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