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PIZZAGATE, Yewtree, peodophilia


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Has everyone heard of Pizzagate? At the moment A lot of people have been looking into peodophile rings run by the US government, actors and actresses and the elite. Their symbols are everywhere, on toys, on tv, on people’s Instagram feeds. I found some on Aishwarya Rais Insta page. Alot of things happening presently that show the truth of what the elite and governments actually are and do. 

There was operation Yewtree, Jeffrey Epstein and John Podesta and Hillary Clinton and many more including Prince Andrew have been linked to peodophilia. John Podesta and Hillary were put under the spotlight when Wikileaks leaked thousands of their emails to the public. There was also the Wayfair scandal where missing children were being sold under the guise of overpriced wardrobes. 

Here are a few links I found. I don’t know everything about it but it looks serious And has been going on for a long time. When celebrities talk about pizza, pasta, icecream etc for no real reason in their movies and Instagram feeds, it’s usually peodophilia related. 

The symbols are on company logos eg Walls, Magnum and seen on on Disney toys and cartoons. Disney actors and also singers like Bieber and Ariana are known to do the love heart symbol with their hands symbolizing their pedophilic affiliations. It’s truly sick and very sad.


Some people say it’s a conspiracy theory, and some of it may be, but there’s a lot of evidence to the contrary and previous convictions of celebrity peadophiles and the prevalence of peadophilia in catholic religious institutions and govt organizations strongly suggests otherwise. 












image.png.9be7c900dd90286b87303313a3662042.png Walls Icecream logo


On another note, Masonic and satanic symbols incorporated into the logos of some of the worlds most prominent companies. It could be a conspiracy theory but doubtful 




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15 minutes ago, Harditsingh said:this crap is deep these symbols are everywhere as you said even on kids toys and long time ago i was doing some research and what i found shocked me all these weird symbols literally everywhere. it made my head start spinning and i decided not to look further into it. point being this can literally make u go crazy if u dig deep enough these monsters are real and playing  a sick game with all of us we need to put an end to them financially, spiritually  and physically  

Yes. Im guessing that once you reach a certain amount of wealth, you get invited into their circle, but I’m not sure. It seems that the Illuminati. High level freemasonry, billionaires, royals and the elite are all interconnected and run the world. 

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The last store i worked in got shut down like most stores are closing these days leaving the high streets with big empty buildings everywhere. Anyway when the store was closing down the council bought it even before it closed down. It was a building with many floors and every escalator had the free mason symbol on it! the triangle symbol in a circle with a line running through it in gold. Another thing was we have many massive stores that closed in the high street, they been closed for years, even the store next door to ours has been closed for years and years, but from all the empty buildings they bought that particular building. The ex executive of our local council is one of the richest council officials in the country. It all makes sense why the bought the building considering it had these Freemason symbols everywhere. Also it was a very haunted building lol!

The triangle symbol is used in the music industry too, Beyonce and her demonic husband Jay Z always wave that hand gesture around on stage. My sister is obsessed with Beyonce! I'm trying to her out of that!  Crazy thing is when they do this on stage and audience start doing it back to them in 100s!    

Beyoncé's Illuminati Sign Illuminated – Texas MonthlyMusic's Craziest Conspiracy Theories | BillboardWhy Jay-Z Might Be IlluminatiWarsaw (June 30, 2018) - Beyoncé Online Photo Gallery ...Jay-Z Just Can't Get Away From the Illuminati Rumorsjay-z-beyonce | Jay z illuminati, Beyonce, Beyonce and jayWhat is the illuminati? 9 questions about the Illuminati, answered ...8: The Illuminati Was Behind JFK's Assassination - 10 Things ...Beyonce reignited rumours about her connection to mythical group ...https://bossip.com/721818/faker-beyonce-talks-about-her-super ...



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1 hour ago, puzzled said:

The last store i worked in got shut down like most stores are closing these days leaving the high streets with big empty buildings everywhere. Anyway when the store was closing down the council bought it even before it closed down. It was a building with many floors and every escalator had the free mason symbol on it! the triangle symbol in a circle with a line running through it in gold. Another thing was we have many massive stores that closed in the high street, they been closed for years, even the store next door to ours has been closed for years and years, but from all the empty buildings they bought that particular building. The ex executive of our local council is one of the richest council officials in the country. It all makes sense why the bought the building considering it had these Freemason symbols everywhere. Also it was a very haunted building lol!

The triangle symbol is used in the music industry too, Beyonce and her demonic husband Jay Z always wave that hand gesture around on stage. My sister is obsessed with Beyonce! I'm trying to her out of that!  Crazy thing is when they do this on stage and audience start doing it back to them in 100s!    

Beyoncé's Illuminati Sign Illuminated – Texas MonthlyMusic's Craziest Conspiracy Theories | BillboardWhy Jay-Z Might Be IlluminatiWarsaw (June 30, 2018) - Beyoncé Online Photo Gallery ...Jay-Z Just Can't Get Away From the Illuminati Rumorsjay-z-beyonce | Jay z illuminati, Beyonce, Beyonce and jayWhat is the illuminati? 9 questions about the Illuminati, answered ...8: The Illuminati Was Behind JFK's Assassination - 10 Things ...Beyonce reignited rumours about her connection to mythical group ...https://bossip.com/721818/faker-beyonce-talks-about-her-super ...



Yeh, they’re trying to spread their satanic agenda and stop people from believing in God and in magic instead, which is why there a lot of dark magic themes in their music. It’s said that they’re doing it for the final stage of the apocalypse so people will accept the antichrist or their false god 

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Symbolism goes back for years, illuminati,  freemasonry, knights templars, gilderburgs. 

Its all about secret societies,  watch the big bang theory at full speed you will notice it pauses on the chief corner stone, illuminati all seeing eye. If you can't spot it its around 13th seconds mark. This all gets fed into your sub consciousness 



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24 minutes ago, Redoptics said:

Symbolism goes back for years, illuminati,  freemasonry, knights templars, gilderburgs. 

Its all about secret societies,  watch the big bang theory at full speed you will notice it pauses on the chief corner stone, illuminati all seeing eye. If you can't spot it its around 13th seconds mark. This all gets fed into your sub consciousness 



They’re really sneaky. The day will come when we’ll need to rise up against this organization. Better for Sikhs to educate themselves on it now. Corona was a man made virus as confirmed by Trump unleashed onto us, massacring our elderly. Wars, biological warfare, they’re capable of wiping us out. They say they’re planning WW3, better to be prepared. 

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Its called branding products and services to a certain company/owner.  Also sex sells, so branding a company with a symbol helps people recognize who made it and brings up certain feelings that will help sell the product.  The same is true with ideas.  Calling people who follow the dress standard of Gurbani as Muslims, sexist, saying men and women are equal, etc all such phrases are said to distract the mind from the true message of Gurbani and latch on to a slave mindset that is rooted in extremist feminist ways. Poster @Sat1 used this very technique to take away from the true message of Gurbani.  This poster has a brand to sell on this forum.  Jay z and beyonce are selling a brand by attaching a symbol. 

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