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Racism - callout as it is


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“By being consistent with our message. Here is my question that I put out to the city: I thought Black lives mattered. Where are all those who stated Black lives matter?” he asked in response. “Then go do an analysis of who was killed or shot last night. I was up all night speaking to my commanders in the Bronx and Brooklyn. The victims were Black. Many of the shooters were Black.”

“Why are 16, 17, 18-year-olds out on our streets armed with guns at 12:00 or 1:00 a.m.?” - NY mayor Eric Adams






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39 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

It's not surprising that Western-based "Sikh" institutions have realised that the Progressive Stack of Minorities & Causes must prioritise non-Sikh demographics at the expense of the people they're supposed to be advocating for.

Imagine Jews being attacked on the streets in New York, and in response the ADL or other Jewish advocacy organisations decide to browbeat Jews on the street not to highlight the racial or religious background of the perpetrators. ? Vah, that's wonderfully tolerant and progressive.

Throw your own under the bus because your bogus western social ideology has convinced you the "fashionable" pet minority demographic is under "threat", while all along it's this fashionable pet demographic that's going around smashing up the elders from your community!

And yet, deep down, these "Sikhs" don't even have the courage to resent the actual demographic who did the crime, because they unashamedly wish it was white supremacists who were committing these acts against your people so they can grandstand on their soapboxes, and probably get more funding from the government! F**k me, I'm exhausted just writing about these mental gymnastics. How do the people who partake in it get through the day? ?

Is this a US problem or do people think it's wider? 

Personally, seeing how NY was presented whilst I was growing up (esp. Bronx/Brooklyn), seems like exactly the place some crackhead would punch some oldie in the head. 

I think people need to start calling it out now. It's latinos as well sometimes.  

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On 4/17/2022 at 4:21 PM, dallysingh101 said:

1. Is this a US problem or do people think it's wider? 

2. Personally, seeing how NY was presented whilst I was growing up (esp. Bronx/Brooklyn), seems like exactly the place some crackhead would punch some oldie in the head. 

3. I think people need to start calling it out now.   

1. The drug-addicted underclass in the US is tens of millions strong (with ready access to guns too) so on a complete different level to UK+Canada poverty levels. And the level of synthetic drugs and mental illness in the States is massively higher.

2. Exactly some junkie crackheads with mental illness might assume that Sikhs are Muslim terrorists but our people should NOT be presenting that as bogus evidence of supposed racism on the basis of the melanin content of the attackers by a 50million strong community who merit our maximum support as our natural allies and victims of hundreds of years of Slavery and Racism.

3. @GurjantGnostic was calling out the racism by some on this site and yet *he* is the only one placed on QC!?


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22 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

1. So while they're working through their issues, shall we just bend over and take it?

2. How many Sikhs are you willing to sacrifice in this self-effacing show of support for a group that doesn't:

A. Give a 5hit about whatever or whoever we happen to be?

B. Are going to default to turning to Abrahamic factions for "allyship" in a potential recovery process rather than a bunch of bearded, "Pagan" Indians?

3. Even the black people I know would say you're making excuses for people who don't deserve it.

4. But that happens when you see every black criminal as a junkie.

5. Maybe they're just racist b******s looking for an easy target like some white criminals?

1. Not at all. If anyone attacks a bazurg that violent criminal ought to be severely punished.

2. None whatsoever. Sikhi teaches us to be tyaar bar tyaar and look out for the weak and oppressed and bazurgs.

A. The 50million African American population do not hate us and we need to foster greater links with them.

B. Supporting Reparations which equalise academic, health and legal outcomes for African Americans is something which I passionately believe we as Sikhs should automatically support and furthermore as they are the most oppressed community in the USA (along with native Americans). Just like how we should focus a lot of energy on supporting 250million Dalits outside Punjab and morally support indigenous Canadians in Canada or the Aboriginal community in Australia or those that were oppressed by Apartheid in South Africa or Tibetans in China, these are things fundamental to who we are as Diaspora Sikhs that pray daily for Sarbat da Bhala.

3. I don't make excuses for any violent criminals. I believe they need strong punishment for these two such despicable attacks. What I am saying is that there is no massive racist conspiracy or mindset against Sikhs by the 50million strong African American community. I am saying we need to redouble our efforts at outreach and parchaar to the community so that they all know what Sikhi is and who Sikhs are.

4. I can pull the statistics and show to you that indeed a majority of the incarcerated violent criminals from an African American background do indeed have drug addiction issues. The average middle class African Americans (the majority) in the main simply do not hate Sikhs. They are as horrified by these attacks as we are and from the State Senator down many have roundly condemned what happened despite these attacks being no big deal against the backdrop of black on black violence encouraged by the bigger real issue of White Supremacy in America. And the same can be said of low income but hard-working non-addicted African Americans too that work alongside Sikhs. They are very good people.

5. I believe these two thugs were crackheads who attacked but let's say you are right that the two attackers were actual genuine anti-Sikh black racists that genuinely espouse the racial inferiority of the Punjabi Sikhs. It doesn't follow that a majority of African Americans are racist against Sikhs. There is no major widespread phenomenon of anti-Sikh racism by 50million African Americans. Albeit that there may be a small crackhead minority which are involved in such random attacks or indeed crime against business owners.

(Similarly if two thirds of the one thousand paid Congress thugs in November 1984 were from a Hindu background {= 1 in a million Hindu's around at the time} it does not negate the fact that there are 1,000 million poor Hindu's who could be highly receptive to Sikhi if we do some parchaar to them and actually deliver an improvement to their lives instead of some of us going on about evil Hindu's that hate us as if they represent 1.1 Billion Hindu's).

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