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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2017 in Posts

  1. Im not amritdhari so i might think differently, but i think if one has a relationship with guru ji then no one can decide if they are sikh or not. plenty of moneh have a lot of respect for sikhi and plenty of amritdhari are corrupt these days. who is anyone to decide who is sikh and who is not ...
    4 points
  2. you have no right to tell Sikhs on their knowledge of Sikhi since your not a Sikh. Why are you here anyways no one wants you here, your just an anti-sikh troll that's been tolerated far too long on here. You contribute nothing positive only promoting anti-sikh narrative, agenda and rhetoric. As far as I am concerned you are the far left marxist atheist punjabi sunny hundal of this forum whose views are irrelevant.
    3 points
  3. Nicely put. We do need a place where we can all talk amongst ourselves. It should not be a place where everyone thinks exactly alike. What would be the point of that? One big lesson that you get out of participating on Sikhsangat, is that a person that you may disagree with vehemently on one issue is the same person that you may agree with strongly on another issue. In my opinion, this breeds empathy and brotherly-feelings among us where we can appreciate that a Sikh who disagrees with us on some issues still has Panthic emotion.
    3 points
  4. Hindus will be hindus they have no honour their priestly class practice chankya's teachings so we know what they are all about. And as for christianitys evil eye on Sikh punjab. Well we all can do something about it by making pro-sikh propaganda and anti-christian propaganda especially on youtube but 99% of Sikhs are too lazy to proactively defend their faith online even. Whereas certain sects of Christians are highly motivated just like their fellow abrahmic's the islamic's to convert people or refute stuff said about their faith. Most Sikhs are still too liberal far left marxists sarbart da bhalla idiots they need to grow a pair of balls and attack Christianity for what it is a white man worshiping, huge money making ponzy scheme for the west and roman empire pedo catholic church bank cult..
    3 points
  5. The reason why this forum survived is because it's being driven by sangat itself. We do not align with anyone as we want to stay independent. We never believed in promoting one group nor try to demonize anyone. sikhsangat is sangats forum and will stay up as long as waheguru akal purakh wishes it to stay. special thanks is to amar @Balait_da_Sher for keeping it safe for 15+years.
    3 points
  6. it's simple land/power/money grabbing , most Indian christians at moment are poor, landless dalits , whereas Punjabis have land and money plus sikh conditioning to donate daswand without complaint. Since Badal stole money from golak to build churches and hindu temples , the other faiths think why not cut out the middle man
    2 points
  7. Well at least Sikhs can see the growing threat of Christianity and christian missionaries in punjab and not let the toad boil slowly as deceptive sly Christians takes over Sikh punjab like a cancer. Its a good thing this tension is happening cos now Sikhs in punjab will actively fight and Akali Dal / SGPC will be forced to keep an eye on Christians instead of concentrating on hindutva idiots who do not pose the immediate demographic danger that abrahmic cults of Christianity and Islam do.
    2 points
  8. Most blacks are incredibly gullible when it comes to being corralled in issues of religion or even social causes that are ironically to their detriment. They are followers in nature, even when they assume they're leading. A tiny minority of blacks who are capable of seeing the truth are hated and verbally abused into silence so that the majority can continue to play the blame game. A few of the notable figureheads of the various jathe and parchaar groups who reside in Punjab are currently touring North America on lucrative kirtan tours designed to rake in the dollars. Perhaps they should refocus their collective efforts on the Punjabi population back home, in order to prevent vulnerable people being drawn into the arms of these Christian missionaries. Sikhs converting to Christianity in India can be traced to government policies that put the squeeze on some of the vulnerable and desperate members of that society.
    2 points
  9. Take a Hukamnama... no one besides guru sahib can give you an answer
    2 points
  10. It will never happen bro therefore game is on. Sikhs everywhere should attack Christian ideology and promote Sikhi on social media and those who insist on liberal far left nonsense are anti-sikh agents like on this forum (ie sukhvirk76 /sukhvirk1976) who wants inter-faith sikh marriages and mock Guru Gobind Singh Ji's commandments for kaum not to give Sikh daughters to non-sikhs for obvious demographic reasons and salvation of the soul spiritually speaking. He would love it to see Sikhism vanish in the world or Sikhs reduced in population to a meaningless dying minority like Zoroastrians who lost their empire, demographics, their faith and women to islam eventually.
    2 points
  11. I have no objection to Christians living in the West or, say, the Middle East. But there's absolutely no reason for someone who has the Satguru (a Sikh) to adopt Christianity. I object strongly to aggressive proselytization tactics. I think that that an agreement should be made between the Akal Takhat and the Christian bishops of Punjab that we won't convert your people if you don't convert ours. If they refuse this agreement, then game on.
    2 points
  12. From my own research it (khalsa raaj) will happen in chaotic like situation in Hindustan. War between Hindus and Muslims of the sub continent will likely happen, eventually this will result in Khalsa Raaj. The signs are already showing for those who are looking. China will probably fully help the Muslims in all of this with weapons against Hindu India.
    2 points
  13. I do not mind them touching or pat down the turban. Good thing is that they use gloves. I mostly gets swab chemical test.
    2 points
  14. Dasvand in the past was set up as a sort of charitable tax that Sikhs had to give to keep the kaum going. Nowdays Sikhs are paying so much tax in many services and to govt that dasvand does not work for most Sikh families so they dont give any charity for fellow needy Sikhs. And even if they do give charity its to some non-sikh cause. And this has a huge demoralisation affect on poor and needy Sikhs left to fend for themselves making easy pickings for rich islamic and christian charities eager to increase their numbers and take over regions for political reasons. Dasvand needs to be in line with the tax people pay in everyday life and from that they can calculate how much they need to give to fellow Sikhs. The islamics are 1.3 billion strong and give to charity actively but only give to muslim charities who only cater for muslims in 50+ muslim countries. This is what purtatan Sikhs of the past used to be only helping and giving charity to fellow Sikhs and thus people would convert to Sikhi even just to get aid but after they got aid they became loyal followers of Sikh teachings. We need to go back to basics...
    1 point
  15. Ok abu abeeda you carry on child Grown up's who really loved Sikhi would defend Sikhi, Sikh identity and Sikh population seeing how demographics are key to survival whereas you cant see that cos your not one of us so advocate interfaith marriages between sikhs and non-sikhs. As for Guru Ji's 52 haukum look them up as I told you many times. From now on you will be ignored and not addressed by me. Mods want a non-sikh troll like you here to divert topics and damage this forum thats up to them. I for one will not entertain your nonsense no more.
    1 point
  16. no not saying that at all. Would actually be good if everyone learnt stuff then just limiting it to amrit dhari Singhs. A good influence overall.
    1 point
  17. Um... It depends on how far the silly sexual thing went. Kissing and sexual intercourse, is where germs are being being shared. Sikhs do not give/ take jooth when it comes to food. So, did you guys kiss? Did he insert himself into you?? If yes to one or both then go pesh! ANY AMRITDHARI READING THIS! Please do not go now thinking "it ok to do minor sexual stuff b4 marriage!" This is kaam and trishna (contentment) will certainly NOT be fulfilled!
    1 point
  18. It is mostly low caste Hindus who convert. The demographics of Punjab are changing fast with some Sikh villages turning Christian. Even though they are only 1 percent. If Christianity grows in Punjab mostly Dalits will be affected.
    1 point
  19. Every time someone converts from one religion to another it's used for maximum PR, Christians and Muslim organisations are notorious for it but you can't force someone to believe in something of they don't want to, simple as, by doing that your causing more harm than good, in the case of the original story, I've met people with views a lot worse than that, it used to offend me at first but know i just don't give it the time of day, there's more important things in the world.
    1 point
  20. disowning your kids over drinking and drugs is something i am very against. These ppl need help and disowning them and leaving them to the streets is just awful. I knew one punjabi girl since I'd say Junior high she was always very respectful but you could tell she's the type to fall in peer pressure. In high school days she was quite attractive and had alot going for her i remember but alcohol and cocaine ultimately became her downfall. Her parents found her doing lines in her room or something and they kicked her out. Last I ever heard of her was that she roams around downtown and goes to homeless shelters and is on even harder drugs. It's a real shame these ppl need their families support to tackle issues like drugs not fend for themselves
    1 point
  21. One thing i noticed is difference between western born people converting to Sikhi and Christians converting gullible punjabis is that the westerners convert to Sikhi usually by no help from Sikhs at all. They learn from books or online about Sikhism and get interested so decide to convert. Whereas Christians actively promote their faith like muslims do to get non-believers to convert they have sly leaflets how to target Sikhs by first falsely claiming our Guru is same as what Jesus taught, then after inviting them to church and before you know it davinder becomes david on the sly while still wearing a pagh to fool other Sikhs into joining the abrahmic middle eastern cult. So that begs the question whats the strategic value in converting punjab to Christianity? Whats their long term aim and goal? Its the same as muslims its power and control over the masses for the human resource power centre's in the west. Just as saudi arabia and iran are control power centre's for branches of Islam. demographics population numbers win wars, huge numbers vote in democracies and forming or swaying governments. So we can see why they trying to target Sikhs and Hindus for conversions especially those of chamar / ravidassia / dalit "low caste" backgrounds who are larger in number and often disenfranchised in Indian society.
    1 point
  22. Seems like while our kaum's eyes were on dawahist islamic etxremists we had some sly black christian extremist groups who have been grooming british punjabi girls of Sikh families for relationships and eventual conversion to Christianity and here this one girl called raj jerett who probably ran off with her black christian boyfriend is on stage abusing Sikhi and Guru Ji's, while Christians in the clip clap and cheer her on. It reminds me of when hizb ut tahir and al mahajroun the 2 islamic extremists groups in 1995 who had allegedly converted 2 sikh girls on stage in london who went on to abuse sikhism and guru's seems like these evil abrahmic cults have the same tactics and agenda. This video seems like was uploaded by a chrisitan org originally 7years ago long before the current controversial viral videos between sikhs and Christians in punjab.
    1 point
  23. Hands down. The worst site I ever encountered for editing people's posts was sikhchic. They would edit your posts to mean exactly the opposite of what you were trying to express.
    1 point
  24. That is true Singh, I use the term in my posts to refer to the army of the Sikh Panth. I stress this definition because it reminds the Khalsa not to shirk his or her military obligations, as well as the importance of being trained shastardhari. The Singh Sabha threw the baby out with the bathwater in my opinion bro. One of the movement's preoccupations was dealing with corrupt mahants, but it failed to apprehend that Mahant does not equal Udasi/Nirmala. Moreover, it hardly succeeded in this aim in the long term. So many of the 'Khalsas' currently running Sikh institutions are basically mahants come again, allowing manmat to take place in Guru ghars just as their predecessors in the 19th century did.
    1 point
  25. If the rest were right then do you really think there would be any need for Sikhi? there's truth within them, but also corruption. Hence why Guru Sahib came, the stupid argument that "all paths lead to God" is completely redundant. I'm 100% sure the Aztec priests who performed human sacrifices are definitely enlightened beings (!).
    1 point
  26. I don't wan't a gandu telling me anything about morality and Sikhi either. Mincing queen is doing EVERYTHING and insulting everyone trying to be centre of attention again. And don't worry, if the afghans hypothetically invaded Punjab, you'd fit the role of one of their 'dancing boys' perfectly.
    1 point
  27. Yes, I just want to reiterate I am still married to her. I was trying to find some practical steps, I keep my mind on gurbani, and contemplate sometimes, why I lived my life a certain way before marriage. Sometimes it seems like I wasted it being such a good person, if this was the person I was going to get. I didn't have a preference in getting married in India or wherever, but I just wanted the love of my parents. My parents did so much for me as a kid, and I didn't want to leave them after getting married nor be controlled by my wife. I realize marriage is alot more chalenging and can honestly say, I would honestly highly encourage people not to go to India for marriage unless they know the girl very well. If my story helps one person escape the troubles, and dileima I am in in mentallly, then I can say all the pain was worth it. I come from a respectable family and was always taught Sikh values, if I didn't have any faith in gurbani, I would have dissolved the marriage months ago.
    1 point
  28. For me sikhawareness is a great forum, the amount of knowledge on those topics, real discussion and not a debate with limitations of what you can say.
    1 point
  29. Credit should also be given to behind the screen Akali, RSS, Congress, RAW, ISI, Mi6 supporters as well as employees :-) Oh forgot to thank Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Yogi imposters for spicing things up
    1 point
  30. I haven't cried of laughter reading something on Sikh Sangat in a while. Last thing I remember was by Mehtab Singh paji
    1 point
  31. Three things: One: Some women have become so expert with the 'war paint' that they can make themselves look really attractive with it but when it comes off - the opposite is true. This ain't fair on guys who get conned into being with someone who is essentially wearing a mask that is nothing like their true physical self - with the ensuing confusion and shock when the mask is removed. Second thing: People don't wan't to end up like Jagsaw, who obviously looks at other people's attractive wives and then looks at his own, and then falls into depression. Everyone should make efforts to keep themselves in good, presentable shape. Same way a Singh shouldn't get married, get too comfortable and let go, and turn into a bloated lard ar5ed, beached whale - now that he has 'captured' his missus. Lastly: As dyslexia is to writing, and dyscalculia to maths skills, a helluva lot of Sikh women seem to have some condition with renders them completely incapable of utilising make up products in any balanced way. Their choice of colours (usually bright and the opposite of subtle, pretty much like a farmers bhangra paa-ing outfit) coupled with the share amount of product they use can often lead to them looking like this (see image below - you know we've all seen aunties that look exactly like this!). If they must use it, many need to be trained on how to do so, so the whole endeavour doesn't become self-defeating. Less is more in this respect.
    1 point
  32. Do sukhmani sahib da paath. I do it before every exam. Not to ask for good grades (tho i do ardaas for that as well but because it calms me down. My anxiety goes away and i can trust that all is in gods hand and he is the most kindest, so all will be well. That way you dont have to worry about giving evil eye since u wont be anxious. Try to do the paath with love and concentration. Also it is said, that sukhmani sahib protects from buri nazar. And whenever your mind starts comparing you to others or thinking about how others did, tell ur mind to mind ur own business. Tell it to take care of itself, stop worrying abt wat others r doing
    1 point
  33. (382-8) aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: jaa tooN saahib taa bha-o kayhaa ha-o tuDh bin kis saalaahee. Since You are my Lord and Master, what is there for me to fear? Other than You, who else should I praise? ayk tooNtaa sabh kichh hai mai tuDh bin doojaa naahee. ||1|| You are the One and only, and so do all things exist; without You, there is nothing at all for me. ||1|| baabaa bikh daykhi-aa sansaar. O Father, I have seen that the world is poison. rakhi-aa karahu gusaa-ee mayray mai naam tayraa aaDhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. Save me, O Lord of the Universe! Your Name is my only Support. ||1||Pause|| jaaneh birthaa sabhaa man kee hor kis peh aakh sunaa-ee-ai. You know completely the condition of my mind; who else could I go to tell of it? vin naavai sabh jag ba-uraa-i-aa naam milai sukh paa-ee-ai. ||2|| Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the whole world has gone crazy; obtaining the Naam, it finds peace. ||2|| ki-aa kahee-ai kis aakh sunaa-ee-ai je kahnaa so parabh jee paas. What shall I say? Unto whom shall I speak? What I have to say, I say to God. sabh kichh keetaa tayraa //tai sadaa sadaa tayree aas. ||3|| Everything which exists was created by You. You are my hope, forever and ever. ||3|| jay deh vadi-aa-ee taa tayree vadi-aa-ee it ut tujheh Dhi-aa-o. If you bestow greatness, then it is Your greatness; here and hereafter, I meditate on You. naanak kay parabh sadaa sukh-daatay mai taan tayraa ik naa-o. ||4||7||46|| The Lord God of Nanak is forever the Giver of peace; Your Name is my only strength ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1096-15) pa-orhee maaroo dakh-nay vaar mehlaa 5. Pauree: Vaar Of Maaroo Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl jaa too mayrai val hai taa ki-aa muhchhandaa. When You are on my side, Lord, what do I need to worry about? tuDh sabh kichh maino sa-upi-aa jaa tayraa bandaa. You entrusted everything to me, when I became Your slave. lakhmee tot na aavee khaa-ay kharach rahandaa. My wealth is inexhaustible, no matter how much I spend and consume. lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee sabh sayv karandaa. The 8.4 million species of beings all work to serve me. ayh vairee mitar sabh keeti-aa nah mangeh mandaa. All these enemies have become my friends, and no one wishes me ill. laykhaa ko-ay na puchh-ee jaa har bhakhsandaa. No one calls me to account, since God is my forgiver. anand bha-i-aa sukh paa-i-aa mil gur govindaa. I have become blissful, and I have found peace, meeting with the Guru, the Lord of the Universe. sabhay kaaj savaari-ai jaa tuDh bhaavandaa. ||7|| All my affairs have been resolved, since You are pleased with me. Guest Jee, best of luck for your exams and may His blessings be upon you always. Sat Sree Akal.
    1 point
  34. Some tought the world would end in 2000. It didn't. Some think it will end when the myan (Aztec / Ancient Mexican), calender ends in december 21 2012. Do you thibk it will be the end of the world? I doubt it - See what happens. If you think it will there just under two years left do everything you ever wanted to!
    1 point
  35. why do you have to be a good "Taksali" kaur? why cant you be a good kaur or a good daughter of guru gobind singh jee.. a gursikh is a gursikh?
    1 point
  36. who is a Taksali?? If we tread away from Social casts we grab ahold of religious sects/groups. I see no difference. All i gotta say is: Om, I am neither the mind, intelligence, ego nor 'chitta', neither the ears nor the tongue, Nor the senses of smell and sight, neither ether nor air. I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness, I am Shiva! I am Shiva! I am neither the 'prana' nor the five vital breaths, neither the seven elements of the body, Nor its five sheaths, nor hands, nor feet, nor tongue, nor other organ of action. I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness I am Shiva! I am Shiva! Neither fear, greed, nor delusion, loathing, nor liking have I, nothing of pride, of ego, Of 'dharma' or Liberation, neither desire of the mind, nor object of its desiring. I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness I am Shiva! I am Shiva! Nothing of pleasure and pain, of virtue and vice, do I know, of mantra, of sacred place, Of Vedas or sacrifice, neither I am the eater, the food or the act of eating. I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness I am Shiva! I am Shiva! Death or fear, I have none, nor any distinction of 'caste', neither Father nor Mother, Not even a birth, have I, neither friend, nor comrade, neither disciple, nor Guru. I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness I am Shiva! I am Shiva! I have no form or fancy, The All-pervading am I, everywhere I exist, and yet I am beyond the senses, Neither salvation am I, nor anything to be known. I am Eternal Bliss and Awareness I am Shiva! I am Shiva! by Shri Shankaracharya Shivo Hum...Shivo hum...Shivo hum
    1 point
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