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2nd Generation Sikh Fanaticism


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Waheguru Jika Khalsa, Waheguru Jiki Fateh

Wow, an attack on second generation Sikh's with a lot of ignorance.

Here's how I look at it:

- You can't be a student in any discipline if you don't follow the rules of that discipline

- Why are we not muslims or hindus? Because we don't follow the rehat of those religions

- Can we be a Guru Ka Sikh if we do not follow what our Guru said? Are we more knowledgeable than our Guru's that we think we can break away and redefine the view on Sikhism. This is the constant theme that I have been observing from those who call themselves Sikhs but do not care to follow the rehat.

- I'm of the opinion that we do not judge others based on their apperances but please quit insulting those who follow Sikhi rehats with quotes such as "fanatiscm" just because you do not have the courage to follow the path.

Forgive if offended anybody.

Waheguru Jika Khalsa, Waheguru Jiki Fateh

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everyone is born in sikhi saroop...............ever thought about that............there is no one born who has cut his/her hair, shaped their eyebrows, or waxed their legs while still in the womb...........

what happens after the birth

ilv CuVkI lgI iqRsnw mwieAw Amru vrqwieAw ]

liv chhurhkee lagee tarisnaa maa-i-aa amar vartaa-i-aa.

Love for the Lord wears off, and the child becomes attached to desires; the script of Maya runs its course.

in this course of maya one tries to become beautiful on the outside to impress the world......to fit into the world........but sikhi is not to fit into the world .........sikhi is to stand apart from the world..........

guru nanak sahib didnot try to fit into the world..give me any example where he tried to fit into the world

the 2 younger sahibzadey were 7 and 9 years old.....they attained saheedi but did not accept their hair to be cut.....

to all those cowards out there who try to fit into the world...think about these youngest martyrs of the history...who didnot compromise instead choose to give up their lives.

it is not the second generation piyario.....its almost more than 500 years old now....

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At end we ought stop talking about others.. It ain't like your sikhi jeevan is getting effected by the lifestyle of other person.


I think this is the bottom line. We need to look after our selves, and stop pointing the finger. Take the path which leads only to God and truth, and use the light the Guru has given us then only can we become a pureone(Khalsa).

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At end we ought stop talking about others.. It ain't like your sikhi jeevan is getting effected by the lifestyle of other person.


I think this is the bottom line. We need to look after our selves, and stop pointing the finger. Take the path which leads only to God and truth, and use the light the Guru has given us then only can we become a pureone(Khalsa).


Guru Ji has given us that path.

It goes by keeping his command in heart and following it. Doing the 5 lessons of Bani in the mornin! and 2 in the evening at a basic level then to attain more spiritual power, one needs to read and recite more of the Gurus Shabad.

Read the book of Bhai Rama, he was a born hindu turned Khalsa Sikh! And a VERY Chardikala Singh too!!! He was doing more paath then most amritdharis on here when he was hindu!!!!!! And look at where the Gurbani got him!! Then he finally took the steps to keep his kesh and continue his spiritual quest.

Just a question, those who call us fanataic, do you wear the Babbar Khalsa n Bhindrawale tops to??

Just out of interest...


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to be better people regardless of whether or not they cut their hair or not. When I say this I mean that they are loving, selfless people whereas some amritdaree people I know tend to be full of ego because they think they are better then other people.


Phenji have you ever been to a club? Have you been to universities? More so bhangra gigs!!!! U say amritdhari have ego huna, yeh its true, and they wrong for it. There is wrong in everyone but unfortunatly when it comes to ego, non-amritdhari do take the biscuit!! and win hands down!!!!!!!! even the ones who claim to be Sikh with their BIG massive kara on walking like penguins wobbling left to right slanting back, drive with their seat soooo far back a patient in hospital would think its their bed!!!! blasting out bare tunes and giving it loads of attitude so the girls think they kool, and the same goes for girls too!! Thats ego.

If you are Gurus Sikh, his son/daughter, u should be so proud of it you should be shouting from the roof tops!! Guru Gobind Singh is MY DAD! Yes remain humble but be Proud to Be Khalsa.


Actually....to let u know...the non-amrithdaree people that I am talking about are people who are ADULTS and married and do not attend clubs....so please do not make assumptions...and i actually do know LOTS of non-amrithdaree people who are young and DO NOT attend these kinds of gatherings....they are in love with Sikhi just like the rest of us..

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If one is in love with Sikhi, one will follow the Hukam


As one of my paaji's said, Pritham Rehet is to take Guru Saahib's Amrit.

A Bhai Saahib once said to me, "you're either all in, or all out you can't have the best of both worlds"

In response to a message from Kandola Veer Jee, yes, a while ago, I too would have said its all about what spiritual level one is on. But that was my own justification for continuing to break the rehet which I so wanted to follow but did not.

Eventually you realise, there is only one way in which to love the Lord, and that is to follow his command.

I stand by what I have said previously, which is, that one is not born a Sikh... nor is one a Sikh just by keeping kesh. One is a Sikh when they follow the commands, hukams and disciplines of life that our Guru Saahibaan's have set out.

If a gora was to "be in love with the teachings of Sikhi" attend Gurudwara everyday, listen to baani etc, would we say "yes he is a Sikh" - I doubt it. We may feel and it may be the case that he is of a very high avastha and has an amazing jeevan, but that alone will not make him a Sikh. A Sikh must be intitated into the Khalsa Family through the blessing of Amrit. The taking of Amrit alone, is then not enough - the following of rehet is also a must. You don't give your head once at the day of your Amrit Sanchaar, but in fact must give your head EVERY SINGLE DAY for the rest of your life.

This is done through improving your jeevan, taking Guru Saahib's teachings and engraving them within the mind, heart and soul. Taking the name of the Lord. Serving those who are created by the Lord - mankind. Keeping the society of the Lords beloveds and sacfricing oneself for the Love of the Lord.

Bhul Chuk Maaf Jee. I'm a moorakh of no sense.

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Kandola Ji, why have you put a Dastar & Dara on Homer Simpson. What's the significance in that? Just curious....

i sent my reason to the man who said said this. but out of curiosity, people have come monthes later and have asked me this?

anyway, i was once bored, and i was practically in love with gyaani sant singh ji's dastaar, so i got his pic, and tried to make a cartoon version of it, and the only suitable guy i thought would be homer simpson. so, i took the image of maskeen and modelled his paag on homers head and same with dhari.

also, a singh sahib who once posted on W!N and had an image of homer in a dumaala, (no dhari)

so i thought, how about getting an image of homer singhson, paag and dhari?

the answer is out of bordom.

is that a crime?

rKr, i ask you this ek sawaal, if you encounter a moona, and he proudly says "i am a sikh"

what do you say to him?

at the end of the day, its ok saying this on forums, but do you use this in your daily life, because this is where it counts.

do you actually confront these people who say they are singhs yet cut their hair?

you do put your vichaars to practice right?

gustaphi maaf

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