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Are Other Religions Wrong?

Surrey Singh

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one thing that i dont understand is that in the pictures? why is christ white not light brown? he lived in the middle east. why do they change the bible all the time?

Fateh Ji,

Paaji, it could be sheer imagination.. the colours i mean..

maybe it was the glow on his face?

and changing bible.. it was more lyk new gospels were discovered - the ones that agreed with the rest were kept while others (like gnostic gospels which talk about jesus having a wife) are discarded.

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Gurufateh ji,

Paaji, none of the religions teach wrong.. all teach that there is one lord and we ultimately have to merge with him..

Well Hinduism doesnt teach u there is one lord, they think there is millions!

As far as my understanding of the subject goes, hindus also believe in one god though they worship HIS various avatars..

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Gurufateh ji,

Paaji, none of the religions teach wrong.. all teach that there is one lord and we ultimately have to merge with him..

Well Hinduism doesnt teach u there is one lord, they think there is millions!

Im not a fan of hindu activites, but even the Veda talks of one Brhama (Lord) But hindus have fallen of this path hence Sikhi appearing from the Lord God!

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Gurufateh ji,

Paaji, none of the religions teach wrong.. all teach that there is one lord and we ultimately have to merge with him..

Well Hinduism doesnt teach u there is one lord, they think there is millions!

Im not a fan of hindu activites, but even the Veda talks of one Brhama (Lord) But hindus have fallen of this path hence Sikhi appearing from the Lord God!

One reason why there has been a difference in the hindu panth is the priests who fool people in the name of god / avatar. These priests have become *dharam ke thekedaar*.. well they all can go for a hike ..

We need to protect our panth from similar tendencies and not permit people with vested interests to mould the panth according to their convenience..

Bhul chuk maaf karni ji!

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Found this here:

Sikh Gurus have propagated the message of "many paths" leading to the One God and ultimate salvation for all souls who tread on the path of righteousness. They have supported the view that proponents of all faiths can, by doing good and virtuous deeds and by remembering the Lord can certainly achieve salvation. The students of the Sikh faith are told to accept ALL leading faiths as possible vehicle for attaining spiritual enlightenment provided the faithful study, ponder and practice the teachings of their prophets and leaders. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib says: "Do not say that the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran are false. Those who do not contemplate them are false." (SGGS Ang 1350).

Most of the 15 Bhagats that contributed to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib were non-Sikhs and belonged to faiths including Hinduism and Islam.

Sikhs have always being eager exponents of interfaith dialogue and will not only accept the right of other to practise their faith but have fought and laid down their lives to protect this right for others. So much so that the Ninth Sikh Guru did something unparalleled in history. He as a founder of one religion laid down His life for the right of people to practise a different faith altogether. At a time of religious persecution, Guru Tegh Bahadar hearing the pleas of the Hindu Kashmiri Pandit, gave His life protecting the right of Hindus to practise their religion.

For these reasons, the Sikhs have promoted their faith as an Interfaith religion and have taken a lead in uniting all the different religions of the world so that together peace and prosperity can be found for all the peoples of this Globe and the suffering of the poor of the Third world can be properly addressed together. The message of unity of the faiths is summed up in this quotation from the Guru Granth Sahib: "One who recognizes that all spiritual paths lead to the One shall be emancipated. One who speaks lies shall fall into hell and burn. In all the world, the most blessed and sanctified are those who remain absorbed in Truth." (SGGS Ang 142)

Im confused! Does it matter then wether I choose the Sikh Path or The Hindu Path...for example!

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