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i agree with the original poster - though i have not read all the posts - women folk are the backbone of any community. This summer the amount of sikh girls i have seen with pakistani boys is unbelievable, whilst walking my dog i see them in every park. one boy even had the nerve to laugh at me whislt he was on top of a sikh girl and imply that look at what i am doing to your sister. Whilst the girl high on ganja was busy laughing at me for being a sardar. But what can i do as the girls go with them it is their liberty and i cant impede that. And this is where the problem lies our girls are given too much freedom, and then muslim lads go round outside your house shouting "i fucked your daughter, i fucked your sister" these are cases i have come across.

But these are symptoms of failures in our community, we are too busy showing our large ego's to each other and quick to brush problems under the carpet so as that it doesn't tarnish our fake reputation.

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I don’t want to over exaggerate the problem, more than it really is and give all Sikh women/girls a bad name. As this is never helpful and also gives a false and negative image that is not true. But it doesn’ matter how small or big the problem is even if it is only few girls. That is still too many. I dont want to make out that Muslim and Hindu girls are all angels which they aren’t. Infact Many Muslim youth girls dress quite provocatively and engage in dating themselves but this always mostly with their fellow Muslims. But it has to be said that Muslim girls don’t convert or date non muslims nearly as much as Sikh girls do. Whether this be Muslim, white or black guys. As well. Obviously because of high muslim population this is probably one of the reasons for this. But it doesnt matter about that.

What we need are strong Sikh parents. At the moment what we have is very weak and un responsible parents. What kind of parents let their daughter go to a park with boys usually non Sikh. And engage in taking drugs? Who is to blame in that situation? Unfortunately at the moment in a lot of Sikh households the Children have all the power. While the parents just have to grin and bare it. also in may circumstances theres no older brother in the house hold or the girl is the eldest. and in these situations the kids dont really have a strong elder in the house. apart from Malkit singh bhangra type parent who is on the bottle every night. And hasnt got a clue what his kids are up to. in contrast to a typical muslim parent who is deadily serious about bringin his kids up correctly and with good morals.

The age when parenting is at its most needed is at the age of 14-19 this is when kids are at the most vulnerable they probably have emotional problems ect. They are still trying to find out who they are. They don’t know much about life and aren’t mentally mature enough to know what’s going on.

It’s at this time when they are emotionally weak. That predators will prey on them. It doesn’t matter what area it is. Where there are weak parents you will also find kids who are just living a bad life. To sort this mess out. Parents need to take back control. They need to teach their kids right from wrong. They need to find out what their kids are getting up to.

Forget about moddy coddling the kids and treating them with gloved hands in case we upset them. Its about tuff love. In the Muslim household the parents are King. They raise them with very good morals. Most importantly they raise them with the notion not to put a non-Muslim before your own parents and religion .

Would a Muslim parent ever allow his daughter to be out with a group of Sikhs drinking alcohol? That would never happen in a million years because they care too much about their children and their safety.

Its time for sikh parents to stop drinking alcohol and start raising their kids properly. Alcohol makes a person weak. And lowers the body’s manly testosterone levels. Making his actions, judgments, and behaviour weak.

I even think we could do with some parenting classes. we need a whole cultural shift.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khasla Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Big Tera jee I agree with you. Sikh parents need to change the way they raise their children, especially daughters. For too long parents have been giving too much freedom and the result is for us to see today. We need to bring back religious and conservative values to our community. Sikh girls need to know that family and Sikh dharm is more important then one's selfish desires. I have nothing but praise for Muslims for the way they raise their girls. Say whatever you will about them, but they sure know the dangers of liberalism.

Not too long ago, we too were culturally conservative like them but so much has changed for the last 1 or 2 generations. We have also not done a good job on the religious front as compared to the Muslims. Every Muslims you see, no matter how least religious he/she is knows how to do Namaaz where as only a small fraction of Sikhs can do Paath. I wish we had Taksal type mini Taksals in the west to teach our children how to do Paath and instill the spirit of Sikhi amongst the youth. Singhs in the west associated with Taksal or any knowledgeable Gursikh should open up mini Taksals in every Gurdwaras I think.

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i agree with the original poster - though i have not read all the posts - women folk are the backbone of any community. This summer the amount of sikh girls i have seen with pakistani boys is unbelievable, whilst walking my dog i see them in every park. one boy even had the nerve to laugh at me whislt he was on top of a sikh girl and imply that look at what i am doing to your sister. Whilst the girl high on ganja was busy laughing at me for being a sardar. But what can i do as the girls go with them it is their liberty and i cant impede that. And this is where the problem lies our girls are given too much freedom, and then muslim lads go round outside your house shouting "i fucked your daughter, i fucked your sister" these are cases i have come across.

But these are symptoms of failures in our community, we are too busy showing our large ego's to each other and quick to brush problems under the carpet so as that it doesn't tarnish our fake reputation.

Come now, you're calling girls who do drugs sikh? Really people are taking liberties here calling every one and anyone born to sikh parents or self proclaimed sikh parents 'sikh'. A sikh(Student of Truth) is only so by deed, end of story.

We do not force self proclaimed sikhs to believe anything, only educate. These girls have been to the gurdwarras, they've most likely seen translated gurbani on the big projector screens in the gurdwarra but have chosen to turn a blind eye- or have come across sikh teachings but chosen not to listen. It is their choice, they cannot be forced to start behaving in accordance to gurbani, Speak Truth to them and if they don't listen, accept and respect that it just isn't their time yet- it's all God hukam. There are plenty of god fearing people out there who would love to hear the sikh doctrines, many muslims and hindus dropped their narrow minded ideals and embraced Truth back in the day, lets speak truth to others aswell if our relatives are not listening.

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The same expectation is up for boys as well. Don't only single out the females, this applies just as much to males as well. Brothers and fathers play a huge role in shaping kids as well.

Only way to tackle this problem is through love, sharda and sewa. Talking and hating on people who are in a cycle of mistakes won't make a difference. You can take a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink. To make the horse drink (or our youth- specifically the girls in this thread) is to be confident in our own Sikhi and set up youth programs where you inform the reasons why getting involved in so and so lifestyle is bad.

If you don't give a reason and go straight to the danda what is the point? I've seen in many punjabi (specifically jatt) families the father role beats up the kids and wife when the kids are young and when they get older and gain a little independence they break free and do everything that was stopped. All because the parent figure wasn't able to explain what is right and wrong and WHY through communication.

The key is a balance of love, sharda, sewa, simran and sternness.

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Sikhs themselves are the biggest threat. Panjab has become a ghetto of uneducated, drunken, intoxicated fools.

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Yeh that is what we need better parenting. But above all more inquisitive and caring parents who actively engage with their kids not just send them to school and bury their heads in the sand about wht their kids are getting up to. We all know that children are very good at deceiving their parents and getting up to all sorts. And I know it’s also to easy to blame parents. But we have to say that its tough for parents also. Because a lot of the Sikh youth don’t listen to their parents and are stubborn and rebellious. Hence parents have a difficult job.

Especially at the ages of 14-19. All parents want the best for their kids. But sometimes many Sikh parents are to westernized themselves and have loose morals so how are they going to bring their kids up to act differently? Many go out drinking themselves. Don’t care what their kids are up to.

We have to act now because of risk losing future generations to conversions. Many Sikh girls seem only to be interested in hanging around with gangs of boys, smoking, and generally becoming some gang’s tool carrier, drug mule or whoever knows what else. They in this instance disgrace themselves, their family and their community with their actions. You won’t find Many Muslim or Hindu girls doing this on the scale of the Sikh community.

Everyone has a brain and knows right from wrong. Even at a young ages ie in their teens. If parents care about about their kids and the sikh community they must act now. They should visit their kids school. Find out who their kids are mixing with. I would even say spy on their kids. It’s all about tough love.

What we have is Sikh girls at the ages of 14-19 who mistakenly look up to these Muslims. Thinking they care for them and that they like them and become a part of the gang. its here were the relationships form.love feelings only arise when you spen alot of time with somone. ie attchement to somone . we need to stop thes friendships from occuring in the first place. if a girl wants friends thenj just become friens with another girl simple.

p.s I live near Gants hill in london. What ive noticed is the problem is in seven kings, goodmayes. these areas have high sikh populations but also high muslim populations. Muslims tend to stick with the muslims. while the sikhs just remain ununited. we should beceom more united. mix more with our fellow Sikhs. as at the moment. other relgions take advantage at the fact that sikhs are so divided.

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