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The Sikh Revolution by Jagjit Singh

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9 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

People who read should jump into this section now and then. You might find some gems? Did you read the book? What did you think? 

I didnt. But to be honest, i dont want to either. All my life I have been told how great sikhi is and how it was first religion to be egalitarian. First i read accounts by our own people. But they seem like bragging. Then theres accounts by british and muslims about how brave and amazing we were. 

But after awhile it just becomes wish fulfillment.  Especially after the reality. My own father who taught me these sikhi ideals is a big jatt casteist and a ruthless business man and a badal supporter. He had to realize to succeed in life, ideals dont help (not without lots of bhagti).

I know sikhi was meant to he great. And its teachings are amazing. But what if you just want to be normal? What if ur too weak to follow that path? 

And what if the rest of the world has already implemented all of sikhi ideals leaving the sikhs laughably behind. 

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14 hours ago, Not2Cool2Argue said:

I didnt. But to be honest, i dont want to either. All my life I have been told how great sikhi is and how it was first religion to be egalitarian. First i read accounts by our own people. But they seem like bragging. Then theres accounts by british and muslims about how brave and amazing we were. 

But after awhile it just becomes wish fulfillment.  Especially after the reality. My own father who taught me these sikhi ideals is a big jatt casteist and a ruthless business man and a badal supporter. He had to realize to succeed in life, ideals dont help (not without lots of bhagti).

I know sikhi was meant to he great. And its teachings are amazing. But what if you just want to be normal? What if ur too weak to follow that path? 

And what if the rest of the world has already implemented all of sikhi ideals leaving the sikhs laughably behind. 

if you are too weak you lean on Guru ji and follow his footprints to avoid the landmines of life .  If you look closely the world has not even implemented as far as the Guru Sahiban have shown us as basic needs of the people, wildlife, nature  and planet .  We are meant to work hard to illustrate how the model is supposed to work. I'm sorry you father has tripped up and gotten into caste egotism but that was never a part of sikhi . SIKHI IS GREAT, WE ARE NOT ...YET ..  the fault lies with us

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2 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

if you are too weak you lean on Guru ji and follow his footprints to avoid the landmines of life.

So it's only those who can't bear the tribulations of life who seek refuge in the Guru? What of those people who overcome life's cruelties and emerge as stronger people without even knowing the existence of a Guru? Are they now greater than the Guru?

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56 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

So it's only those who can't bear the tribulations of life who seek refuge in the Guru? What of those people who overcome life's cruelties and emerge as stronger people without even knowing the existence of a Guru? Are they now greater than the Guru?

think about it, our Guru is Akal Purakh, and its that taakhat which has helped them even if they do not know  because that is the ONLY power in the universe not us , so NO they are not greater . Guru ji even looks after the aghiratghan/nastiks  because that is Waheguru ji's nature .

I meant because the person said they feel weak ...they should rest their burden with Guru ji and rely on simran/gurbani to change their karams.

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On 2/4/2020 at 4:48 PM, Not2Cool2Argue said:

My own father who taught me these sikhi ideals is a big jatt casteist and a ruthless business man and a badal supporter.

What exactly do you mean by "jatt casteist"? That he whips and kills members of other groups? Or that he married a Jatti (your mother)? There's a big difference between the two.

"Ruthless businessman"? This has been covered in the forum. Just because you are a Sikh does not mean you are required to sell products at the cost you bought them. You shouldn't lie, but you really don't think you're required to run your business at a loss, do you? Search for it, there's a sakhi of I think Bhai Banno that someone quoted.

He's a Badal supporter? Being a Sikh doesn't mean everybody has to agree with you in every respect on politics. If you have a good reason to oppose Badal, why don't you bring them up in a nice way to him?

On 2/4/2020 at 4:48 PM, Not2Cool2Argue said:

I know sikhi was meant to he great. And its teachings are amazing. But what if you just want to be normal? What if ur too weak to follow that path?

Then do what you can. You're not required to be have all of Gurbani memorized plus be a muscled warrior like Baba Deep Singh ji.

It's not all or nothing.

At the very least, you can not steal. You can certainly do that much, can't you?

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On 2/4/2020 at 4:48 PM, Not2Cool2Argue said:

And what if the rest of the world has already implemented all of sikhi ideals leaving the sikhs laughably behind. 

Gurmat is a system of spirituality. It's not just a progressive social ideal.

The entire reason that some of our missionaries hate naam simran and other forms of worship is they think of it as the latter.

The "rest of the world" is actually laughably behind us in spirituality. Don't fall into an inferiority complex.

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6 hours ago, BhForce said:

The "rest of the world" is actually laughably behind us in spirituality. Don't fall into an inferiority complex.

Not really. 

The buddhist are way ahead of us. They are actually providing answers and solutions to ppl suffering from lack of spirituality and materialism.

And now the new age people are into meditation. And with The Secret and such philosophies they have already learned about how powerful the mind is. 

Even hindus are pretty good at the abhyaas of simran at their ashrams.

And us sikhs are using SGGS as a wish granting genie what with all the akhand paaths. And langars are only for relatives and friends etc. We all know the problems. My point is, sikhs as a collective are not anything to be proud of. We act no better than any other religion or athiests out there. Yes we do have some gems in the panth. But that is due to their personal effort. 

Basically, its not the religion that one follows that makes a difference. Its how much an individual puts in the effort. Like what studies show with diet. Its not what diet you follow, but how much you adhere to it, that determines your success. 

So yeah Sikhi is great, but that isnt gonna save me nor the millions of normal panjabi sikhs. And sikhi has great ideals and great history. But once you know it all, have studied it since childhood, and  know it is one of the best religions in terms of its 'philosophies'/teachings compared to the others. Then what?

So far sikhs are just hung up on talking about how great sikhi or sikhs are. Whats next? 

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