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Possible Contemporary Painting of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji?

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13 hours ago, proactive said:

True, but I think had the British arrived in Delhi and Punjab's frontier a few decades later than they actually did then it would have given him time to consolidate control over all of Punjab. When the British arrived he was only a minor King and his prestige came from ruling both Lahore and Amritsar. Had the British first come into contact with him in the early 1830s he would have taken control of the Sikh states in Malwa and this would have brought over 90% of the total Sikh population under his control as well as given Sikh state strategic depth in any future war with the British. The Sikh armies would have been closer to Delhi then the British would have been to Lahore. In that situation he could have kept the British at arms length and had relations with rival powers such as the Russians and French. 

True. I wish that M Ranjit Singh arrived 10 years earlier when the British were still far away. This would have given the time needed to consolidate the scattered Sikhs into a united force.

Another Sikh ruler who could have united the Sikhs was Sardar Hari Singh Bhangi. He expanded the Sikh rule west wards towards Attock in areas which were almost purely Muslim, fighting against Gakkars, Janjuas, Awans. He was the most powerful Sikh ruler of his time. Afghans, Baloch all feared him. Had he not been assassinated early he would have brought Jammu, Bahawalpur, Multan under Bhangi rule. Even his sons were good rulers unfortunately they also died early and the fortunes of the Bhangi misl began to decline from there.

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20 hours ago, proactive said:

The Japanese did this and isolated themselves from the 16th to 19th century. They also killed Japanese Christians who had converted under the Jesuits priests. It was only in mid 19th century that the Western powers forced Japan to open up and trade with them and the Japanese protected themselves from colonialization by modernising their army and their industries. 

The Meiji Restoration. 

I think it was around the late 1850s. 

Their transformation in 50 years to early 20th century was phenomenonal.

I think it is maybe an effective example of how to modernise whilst keeping your culture and traditions. 

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19 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

Yet any European arrivals into India would've still come by sea, therefore their attack would not be a secret, meaning preparations could be made on the Indian coastline to head off any sea-faring armada. 

The Europeans could never have to come by land because the Silk Road was controlled by the Muslim Empires. 

The Europeans had indirect trade with India and China via this trade route.

They wanted direct access to these markets and the muslims would not allow for them to take the land route. 

That is why Christopher Columbus wanted to travel to India by sailing west.



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3 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

The Europeans could never have to come by land because the Silk Road was controlled by the Muslim Empires. 

The Europeans had indirect trade with India and China via this trade route.

They wanted direct access to these markets and the muslims would not allow for them to take the land route. 

That is why Christopher Columbus wanted to travel to India by sailing west.

Would a trek through the Himalayas, from Europe into North India, be certain suicide for an invading army in those days?

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20 hours ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

they had the advantage of living on an island ?

the japanese were very fine people. Have u seen how dangerous katana is lol. But today their opulence is only a fraction of what once was, mostly due to the twin nuclear bombs US dropped on japan in WW2 , forever crushing their confidence from which I think the japanese have still not recovered. But Japanese had their own share of skeletons in closet, for instance massacre of chinese in Nanjing around 1937.


The Japs have the capability to turn back to their militaristic ways if they choose to.

With an increasingly aggressive China and a belligerent North Korea, they are in a tough neighbourhood. 

They know how to build nuclear power plants, it won't take much for them to build nuclear weapons and being Japanese they would do it with great speed and efficiency. 

It would be China's biggest nightmare. 

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14 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

Would a trek through the Himalayas, from Europe into North India, be certain suicide for an invading army in those days?

When it comes to trading,  sea ports are far more effective. 

The conventional to invade India would have been through the North West route.

The Brits took a different route, they sailed to East Bengal.

The conquest of India was always from West to East.

The British Empire (East India Company) went from East to West.

They went straight to the richest province which was Bengal at the time.

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5 hours ago, Premi5 said:

I consider these images more realustic






these are all from google images if you search ‘Guru Gobind Singh’




Most of those images are Sobha Singhs work. I believe he just painted what he dreamed of. People just roll with that. We have conditioned ourselves to believe that our Gurus looked like that. When in reality, we really don't know how our Gurus looked like. And it shouldn't really matter. The true image of the Guru is contained within the shabad. 

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