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Islam has become Redpilled in the West...Everyone is converting to Islam


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On 5/4/2023 at 4:21 PM, dallysingh101 said:

With him, it's because it allows him to rape and groom young women. Simple. He's a pimp. Roman Catholicism and Islam are very pro-pedo religions, so such people will naturally gravitate towards them  Same with pedos in prison in the UK, they are accepted and protected by fellow pro-pedo sullay.  


You know what, you're like the resident low IQ, hysterical apnee on the forum now. I think you'd be groomed really easily in the real world - because, to be blunt, you're dumb. I've known a few Sikh guys who intimidate sullay - as someone  said earlier, they don't broadcast it. 


Those fudhu problems we have aren't from our dharam, rather it's other lesser cultures who infest the panth and bring in their pendu baggage with them.  



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5 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

What do you know about this?

Look up Lloyd de Jonghe. 

I found this guy on YouTube after watching the Xtian/Muslim debates as these 2 groups are trying to pick holes in each others scriptures.

He's a South African guy (mixed race/coloured guy)

In a nutshell, there are 4 levels of Muslim

Sharia is really for the bottom level Muslims. Basically, the high level Muslims are like free-masons. He breaks it down into simple bullet points. He goes into the Arab terminology.

Islam in his view is Basically re-packaged Paganism as Allah is a moon God. 

The origins of Islam is quite interesting as the standard narrative is not what you think it is 


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Just now, Ranjeet01 said:

Look up Lloyd de Jonghe. 

I found this guy on YouTube after watching the Xtian/Muslim debates as these 2 groups are trying to pick holes in each others scriptures.

He's a South African guy (mixed race/coloured guy)

In a nutshell, there are 4 levels of Muslim

Sharia is really for the bottom level Muslims. Basically, the high level Muslims are like free-masons. He breaks it down into simple bullet points. He goes into the Arab terminology.

Islam in his view is Basically re-packaged Paganism as Allah is a moon God. 

The origins of Islam is quite interesting as the standard narrative is not what you think it is 


If what he says is true, I have concluded we Sikhs are the only people that believe in the One.

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17 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:



I could go on, but a bit of self-reflection might help.

Alright Mr Perfect. I'm not the most articulate but this is just a fourm not submitting a Phd. 

I'm well aware of the community shortcomings. I think over the yrs we all expressed concerns about community issues. 

Btw you same guy that couldn't give credit for Deep Sidhu since he was a mona and did not do much for the panth

Might want to look in the mirror before pointing finger at others.

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On 5/5/2023 at 11:06 AM, dallysingh101 said:

I think you've hit on the legacy of colonialism there. Bhai Jagraj Singh talked about how xtians retained their divinity status for Jesus, but had us talking about our own Gurus as bards or mere humans who came to teach - another Jedi mind trick through xtian, protestant Singh Sabha 'parchaar'.  

There is big change going on though, we are on some paradigm shift. The problem is that we need some sort of coordination, so our revival movement doesn't become yet another 'interpretation' amongst many in our panth. 

Plus, I'd say most of what came from the post-annexation period on Sikhi (i.e. this new beast called 'Sikhism') is skewed as heck. That just confuses people more than educating them. However better thought out material is being produced, and facilities like the internet allow for stimulating and informative debate and info exchange (at its best). 

That kaur who started this thread sounds like she gets her worldview completely from the internet and social media........phew

The biggest problem currently is that we are encouraged to be so unique that if we have a concept that's somewhat similar to another religion, (Christianity and Hinduism), we are told that it's not part of our traditions. I've mentioned Guru Sahib not being seen as God, by a lot of the Panth mainly as a reactionary to get Sikhs to view Jesus as God by the British, but also reactionary towards Hinduism as we are rejected that idea of reincarnation and karma. Sikhi ultimately needs to stand by itself, instead of it having to be reactionary towards something else.

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Its just simple the fact islam has become popular and more are converting esp in West. They dawah work in reaching countries where islam never existed in histoy.  I'm seeing pro catholic families converting to islam

We can cont with all the thesis about what islam teaches vs Sikhi makes no difference

With all that is going on in Panjab, Sikhs will be a minority in Panjab and disporsa we are in for tough ride

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2 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:


Many conservative women are finding Islam based and simping for the likes of alpha muslim men since they most vocal

What, you think muslim women aren't attracted to nonmuslim men?


I think you've lost the plot. Clued up white b1tches in the Uk know the only ones who gave it back hard to grooming paks was some Sikh men. Their own edl lot were too busy marching and getting drunk and coked up.    

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