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100% False Allegations Made Against Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale – The Truth About An Orchestrated Campaign To Stop Sikhi Parchaar

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the sikh channel do brillaint parchar and have helped manny people obtain a general basic knowledge of sikhi.

however at the same time, due to not vetting or on purpose allowing misguided individuals on tv knowingly they have caused great harm aswell.

it was same sikh channel that did first live event from india and huge media hype on baba ranjit singh initially.

if only we were this concerned and proactive when the channel presenters and panel openly call sri guru granth sahib ji a book - dr jagbir, sikh channel was approached and after meetings etc failed to appologise on air.

dr udhoke speaking against sri dasam bani in a show. likewise panel members speaking against dasam bani and pro prof darshan sio.

there are several things that have happened in the past.

again the channels are needed and we all do definately need to support them, but at the same time they need to do gurmat parchar and not try and cater for everyone. whats sikhi should be said, what isnt should be refrained from.

this is not only a problem with sikh channel, sangat tv have made several major blunders aswell, which we all know about, and as sikh channel are most likely reading this, i hope they do take these concerns on board, and do understand that its not an attack on them, but general observation.

why is jaswant thekedar, mohinder rataul, dr jagbir etc allowed on tv? half are gurbani nindaks, thekedar called sant ji congress, its in sant jis tapes and is a sell out.

I make you right. Problem is decent people won't step forward. When our Parcharaks do like Baba Ranjit Singh then we have just seen what happens. So you end up with these fools who will call Maharaj a 'book'.

Last time they put forward Prof Darshan sio to question Baba Ranjit Singh. Look what happend to him. I hope Sikh channel and its 2 presenters dont end up like profs darshan sio.

They had my support until they over stepped the mark on this occasion. The only way to put it to rest is for Sikh channel to come out and openly apologise.

Also it would be advisable for sikh channel to not give in to pressure from canadian/american sources as they are very mis-guided. Afterall who is paying for the channels to run. is it canadians? Another Beadbi has been brought to light in america but they are quiet. They only wake up if it is something to do with babae.

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I saw a Sikh Channel interview last week with Gurinder Mann author of the book "Sri Dasam Granth Sahib : Questions and Answers" they also talked about the changes and dilution that the British influence bought to SIkhi. This was actually very Pro Dasam Granth, so it's not entirely true that Sikh Channel are anti Dasam Granth...

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I saw a Sikh Channel interview last week with Gurinder Mann author of the book "Sri Dasam Granth Sahib : Questions and Answers" they also talked about the changes and dilution that the British influence bought to SIkhi. This was actually very Pro Dasam Granth, so it's not entirely true that Sikh Channel are anti Dasam Granth...

yea tru, coz the co-author of that book, bhai kamalroop singh appeared on last yr 2 talk bowt that book, so sikh channel being anti-dasam granth? im not so sure.

heres the video of that programme. BTW the book, is fantastic, i bought it wen it came out.

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was talking with a singh from india who has done time in nabha jail recently about this case of Sant Ranjit Singh. He told me that Samra, the guy that made the allegations against Baba Maan Singh Pehowa-wale was also in that jail, and and that guy samra got a good hiding in the jail, becasue he confessed to makng the rape alegations up.

He says that this is nothing new, people that get kicked out of dera's etc usually make up stuff to hide their own faults/actions, and shift the blame onto the dera heads.

Even uptil today people call Sant Jarnail SIngh a terrorist.

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was talking with a singh from india who has done time in nabha jail recently about this case of Sant Ranjit Singh. He told me that Samra, the guy that made the allegations against Baba Maan Singh Pehowa-wale was also in that jail, and and that guy samra got a good hiding in the jail, becasue he confessed to makng the rape alegations up.

He says that this is nothing new, people that get kicked out of dera's etc usually make up stuff to hide their own faults/actions, and shift the blame onto the dera heads.

Even uptil today people call Sant Jarnail SIngh a terrorist.

Let us please not put Maan Singh Pehova in the same holy category of Sant Mahapursh or even the average Sant. Pehova is a real Kaam-pervert. I personally know a Singh whose wife was assaulted by that fake Saadh. This Singh was a real close follower of Pehova until Pehova did ShedKhaani with his wife.

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no matter whatever your critcism ; all on this thread fail to realize - that NO HARM WHATSOEVER can be done to Sikhe the flower is too beautiful- yes indeed there is a load CHIKaR around it. Do you think those parcharks or presenters you mention realize this ? What is higher Gurbani - katha vichaar or - anti dasm parcharks or any other tom ,d1,and harry coming on the sikh channel.

Just as well both sikh channels do 20-30% damage however 80% of the time Gurbani is benig aired and katha is being aired.That is enough for someone, just by listening to the basics of sikhe to take amrit and there have been people who have done JUST THAT..I reiterate Gurbani and veechaar that is being aired by both channels is plentiful ENOUGH to enlighten someone to take amrit - Don't particulalry need Babes or anyone else for that matter .This has been proven time and time again will keep on being the case.Joe average is not interested at all in debates OR dasm Granth especially someone who gets inspired by katha or keertan - all other debaters or discussion for that person is NIL..

And as a final - both channels for the point i've rasied should be supported. Till of course they cut out Gurbani/keertan/katha- WHICH i doubt they will.

Now to really do your work - a list of complaints and gripes against anti dasm grant and all other dodgy people coming on air shuld be sent to both channels on a monthly basis - infact a website should be set up reporting everything that is anti on both channels.Isn't that something more constrcutive than just cutting direct debits.- Remember who is higher than everyone on the channel - DHAN SIRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JEE.

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please expand on this. first I've heard of this outside of India.


Missionaries do not recognize banis of Guru Gobind singh ji. Three banis of amrit sanchar are from

his bani in Dasam Granth sahib. Hence they have conducted some amrit sanchars with two banis only.

That amounts to total rejection of sikhism.

Also a little known heretic cult called Dasam Duaris have followed the same practice at some places in

India.There is a video of a singh on youtube from kanpur describing his experience. In short this is

to disown amrit sanchar.

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Joe average is not interested at all in debates OR dasm Granth especially someone who gets inspired by katha or keertan - all other debaters or discussion for that person is NIL..

Dasam Granth and SGGS are life line of sikhi.So average sikh is interested about dasam granth sahib very much.

No disrespect should be allowed to bani of our father.

Sikhi comprises of four things namely Bani, Bana, traditions and history. One cann't take anything out by dodgy people

writing/preaching dodgy ideology.

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i did not say sikh channel are anti dasam granth. all i said was that some of the presenters and panel have made comments against guru granth sahib ji and sri dasam granth sahib ji and spoke in favour of ppl kicked out the panth. and the channel didnt do anything and continues to allow these people on tv. that was my concern. likewise sangat tv have made similar errors. its not a channel vs channel thing. when sikh channel have done well they are congratulated. but when they mess up, they try to argue and make excuses and call the police on singhs.

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