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Maula Jat was a classic movie. I especially loved the character of Noori Nat. The way he gave a murderous smile with a killer expression in his eyes and said in a heavy yet soft voice "navaan aayaa hain sohneya?". Simply fantastic! I loved it so much I tried doing it to a few people, only difference is I looked much more scarier LOLLLL !!!!

But you're right, there are tons of Pakistani Punjabi movies with caste based titles, such as Jatt, Gujjar, etc.

Haa, u joker. There muchha (moustache) r legendary man, u can tell a lot of saron da tehl went to preserving them!

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These pictures are nothing to be proud of. They depict a mona who is shaven with blood on a axe.

I think you are forgetting this is a Sikh forum not a place to talk about some muslim tribes and posting pictures of people with axes and blood dripping from them.

Okay so your proud to be a Jat and your also proud of your muslim jatt brothers pakistan for also being jat.

Good for you star striker. It was jat people who were actually the first in india to embrace Islam. Everyone gives a lot of stick to south Indians for converting to Islam. But it was the jatt people who converted to Islam the most. The pakistani jatt probably dont care that your a jat also they probably just see you as another kaffir. why do you care about them so much. but each to their own.

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These pictures are nothing to be proud of. They depict a mona who is shaven with blood on a axe.

I think you are forgetting this is a Sikh forum not a place to talk about some muslim tribes and posting pictures of people with axes and blood dripping from them.

Okay so your proud to be a Jat and your also proud of your muslim jatt brothers pakistan for also being jat.

Good for you star striker. It was jat people who were actually the first in india to embrace Islam. Everyone gives a lot of stick to south Indians for converting to Islam. But it was the jatt people who converted to Islam the most. The pakistani jatt probably dont care that your a jat also they probably just see you as another kaffir. why do you care about them so much. but each to their own.

Mehtab Singh Ji wasn't saying anything about Jatts or promoting them. He literally only posted videos from a Punjabi movie he enjoyed when he was younger that so happens to be about 'Muslim Pakistani Jatts.'

This thread is about Punjabi. Punjabi is also spoken in Pakistan Punjab. Hence why this movie was brought up. It has nothing to do with jaat paat.

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Coming from certain Punjabi background which I am sure most people are aware of I have found that the Punjabi dialect we speak is slightly different from other Sikh communities in the UK. It is not worse or better but just a bit different. ie I find that our Punjabi is more similar to Punjabi spoken by Muslim Punjabis.

However, I also find that Canadian/American Punjabi sounds more similar to what I speak then the UK Punjabis. What could be the reasons behind this?

Could this just be the geographic locations in the Punjab. As most of the people from the community I come from, originate from Amritsar Lahore. Ambala areas.

Could this also be the reason that Sikhs that come from the above areas tend to be more strict and conservative then Sikh from other areas. As these areas are more closer to where Sikhism originated.

Ya i also noticed this. i live in canada and some of my friends spoke a diff way then me n thts cos they were from jalandhar and my family is in moga district. i think punjabi spoken by majority here sounds similar to you cos alot of the pop in canada for punjabis is malwa region there r alot of doaba speakers too but i think malwai speakers have overtaken them in pop now lot of newer immigrant from punjab come from moga. also in canada there r alot of jatts and also huge rajput populations n also big pakistani punjabi/pahari speakers so that could be another reason why it sounds a little diff from doabi and more similar to your dialect n the only thing i no about american sikhs and punjabis is tht they r very americanized n speak english n not punjabi even at home.

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Mehtab Singh Ji wasn't saying anything about Jatts or promoting them. He literally only posted videos from a Punjabi movie he enjoyed when he was younger that so happens to be about 'Muslim Pakistani Jatts.'

This thread is about Punjabi. Punjabi is also spoken in Pakistan Punjab. Hence why this movie was brought up. It has nothing to do with jaat paat.

Haiinnn?!?!?! mai taan tuhanu kuch vi ni keha bhenji... :blink2: :wow: :huh2:

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These pictures are nothing to be proud of. They depict a mona who is shaven with blood on a axe.

I think you are forgetting this is a Sikh forum not a place to talk about some muslim tribes and posting pictures of people with axes and blood dripping from them.

Okay so your proud to be a Jat and your also proud of your muslim jatt brothers pakistan for also being jat.

Good for you star striker. It was jat people who were actually the first in india to embrace Islam. Everyone gives a lot of stick to south Indians for converting to Islam. But it was the jatt people who converted to Islam the most. The pakistani jatt probably dont care that your a jat also they probably just see you as another kaffir. why do you care about them so much. but each to their own.

Oh dear o dear, geezer, wat u spittin ur dummy out for? Right firstly, im not the 1 who started talking about panjabi muslims in the 1st place, that was u! Secondly it was u, who then referred to their ancestry etc. thirdly im NOT a jatt, so i have no bias towards them or have anything against them! Then u say pics of blood drippin axe of a mona is nutin 2 b proud of on a sikh forum, well should i put a video full of bhatra "sikhs" at wedding drinking more appropriate then? Or how about a bhangra singer who's also mona singin about a girl, like u did in ur bhatra thread 2 weeks back? Pure double standards.

You seem to think im some obsessed jatt, well as ive mentioned that im not even a jatt,so thats out of the question, but who r u to say to any1 on this forum that theyre proud of their "caste", when ur the 1, who only contributes to threads where the subject is about bhatras? Mate get real, ur the 1 who thinks bhatras r some special kind of human stock, when u say outrageous things like "Bhatra Punjabi is more clear direct and better prounicated then Muslim Punjabi".

AS I've mentioned in of 1 of ur 1 thousand bhatra threads before, ive got bhatra mates, and ur not doing them any favours with ur mindset on this forum. Infact below is a video of my mates wedding reception, with his younger brothers' bhangra group performing. Great dance on show.

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Haiinnn?!?!?! mai taan tuhanu kuch vi ni keha bhenji... :blink2: :wow: :huh2:

Nai veer ji mere toh galti ho gayi I read this thread through my phone and I did not notice the pictures posted by StarStriker Ji and I assumed JRoudh Ji was referring to the videos you posted.

Ignore my ignorant response sangat Ji :blink2:

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Ya i also noticed this. i live in canada and some of my friends spoke a diff way then me n thts cos they were from jalandhar and my family is in moga district. i think punjabi spoken by majority here sounds similar to you cos alot of the pop in canada for punjabis is malwa region there r alot of doaba speakers too but i think malwai speakers have overtaken them in pop now lot of newer immigrant from punjab come from moga. also in canada there r alot of jatts and also huge rajput populations n also big pakistani punjabi/pahari speakers so that could be another reason why it sounds a little diff from doabi and more similar to your dialect n the only thing i no about american sikhs and punjabis is tht they r very americanized n speak english n not punjabi even at home.

:biggrin2: Sorry to laugh ghettosikh, but how have you "noticed" you sound like a man you've never heard before ?

You're a malwai and he speaks in a Majhail dialect that is only heard in deepest Sialkot district of Pakistan. So how have you "also noticed" that you sound like him ? :stupidme:

The two of you are almost made for each other. One has so little knowledge of Punjabi that he doesn't know how rural malwai is just as if not more 'pendu' in style than doabi and the other doesn't realise the accent he thinks is similar to his is as different to his as different could possibly be.

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