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Why was Jathedar Baba Sahib Singh ji Kicked Out?

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And by intoxicated they probably meant stoned which makes it even more luaghable.

Yeah these melloow dudes came and chilled, and when we sent the women after them, because we know they won't hurt women, and our men are cowards, they left.

Oh but! They did something bad to Shabad Guru, their Guru, that they wouldn't do to any people? ? ?

Uh huh. 

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The Nihang Jathas seem to have been heavily heavily murdered, maligned, and infiltrated. We know sgpc isn't beholden to Sikhs. Have the same attempts been successful against the Dals? Yes, but to what degree. 

I respect all the Dals, but am worried about and for them. 

Hazur Sahib has done an exemplary job of withstanding all the assaults, these seeds of subversion. 

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On 7/3/2021 at 7:19 PM, GurjantGnostic said:

The Nihang Jathas seem to have been heavily heavily murdered, maligned, and infiltrated. We know sgpc isn't beholden to Sikhs. Have the same attempts been successful against the Dals? Yes, but to what degree. 

I respect all the Dals, but am worried about and for them. 

Hazur Sahib has done an exemplary job of withstanding all the assaults, these seeds of subversion. 

Though I am not affiliated with any dals, I can only speak from an outsider perspective as well. It really shows you how bad the situation looks within the Dals. However, I don't think you're far off with your observation. It is quite clear that the Budha Dal, ever since the passing of Baba Santa Singh Ji, has fallen victim to the same negative influences that impact most of our panth. Most of this resulted in the internal turmoil we see today. There seems to be two main rivaling factions within the Budha Dal itself, a rivalry that revolves around leadership. 


I wrote a draft trying to summarize the two factions, however, I'm not even going to attempt to post it. But, there are multiple posts that go into it though. From what I seen, most Nihangs believe Baba Surjit Singh Ji as the rightful Jathedar of Budha Dal. All in all, these factions go at it. You can see news reports of Nihangs shooting each other in the past. I believe Baba Surjit Singh Ji's leadership line currently rests with Jathedar Mann Singh Ji. Here are some posts that describe this whole situation: 





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On 7/4/2021 at 10:57 AM, dharamyudh said:


My thing is this: It's fine to have the Nihangs reinstated. I can support that. I want Sri Dasam Guru Granth Sahib Ji parkash and getting rid of of this horrid voting system we got. However, we really need to address the fact that the Budha Dal is not at all united regarding their leadership. Additionally, it unfortunately has a sketchy link, like most Sikh intuitions, with the Panjab politics. Besides bringing back parkash and puratan maryada, we would essentially be in the same exact boat regarding leadership. They need to address their issues. 

Getting rid of voting should help with the leadership.

It would remove the artificial division between Mona and Khalsa Singhs as well. 

Fiscal transparency can do a lot to secure yourself against being bought out, and would just about finish the fix. 

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On 7/4/2021 at 3:35 AM, chatanga1 said:


Let's look at WHY the SIngh Sabha wanted to take over Sri Akal Bunga first.


IN the 1920s when 2nd Singh Sabha Lehar started, low caste people, esp Churre and Chamars, were NOT allowed to enter the Parikarma of Darbar Sahib because of their caste. The management (pre SGPC) were enforcing this. Low castes had to do namishkar from the steps and go back.


What kind of nonsense is this in the holiest place in the world?


The Singh Sabha wanted to end this as they did an enormous amount of parchar amongst low castes and brought thousands into Sikhi. However the British backed management of Darbar Sahib would not allow them in. Guess who was either supporting the management, or at the very least allowing it to happen? The same Nihangs you are talking about.


How on earth is this Gurmat? By those whoare supposed to be the custodians of Sikhi?


When the Singh Sabha had wrested control of Darbar Sahib from the British stooges, they moved to the next important shrine in the complex - Sri Akal Takht Sahib.


You have to ask yourself, why did the nihangs let such manmat happen in there.




The key is to be on the side of Gurmat, not nihang or singh sabha.


Also you are confusing Babbar Akalis with Nihangs. They are not the same.




The Nihangs were not on the point of extinction. At this time, the British passed an order to shoot Nihangs on sight in Panjab, but it was repealed soon after. When this order came about most Chakarvarti Nihangs left Panjab for safer confines, but not ALL and certainly not those in their deras or bungas.



Worhsip of weapons. It is mentioned in old Sikh texts and is still practiced by Dal Panth. If I'm not mistaken the shastar pooja day falls one day after Diwali.



Baba Binod Singh didn't commit treason with Baba Banda Bahadur. They simplt differed over battle tactics. Binod Singh wanted to leave the fort and face the moghals in open battle. Banda Bahadar wanted to wait and see if reinforcements arrived, or for the beseigers to get tired of the siege and lift it.


Banda Bahadur did not stop any Sikhs leaving with Binod Singh and as it turns out the end result was not favourable for either group. Binod Singhs' group were all killed in open battle against overwhelming enemy forces. Baba Banda Bahadurs' forces were taken almost at death from starvation and then executed in delhi.




1. Yes.

2. Answered above.

3. This is the issue.



Yes, because if they are given control again, they will start doing parkash of Sri Dasme Patshah's Granth Sahib, which is essential as some much poison is spread against Guru Sahib's Granth, and this will be a good way of countering that.



haha. Only cos they hate his hindu-sikh nonsense and got him at Sri Hazur Sahib were he was humiliated. Afterwards he released a statment that if he desired to, he could have killed them all easily. Niddar would never have lasted one day in the camps. This is just his warped way of claiming that he, and only he, is the true Sikh in the world lol.




I will say that he conducts himself fairly well under fire. His statements after the fact are rediculous but he does hold his own. Holding one's own however, and being able to "kill everybody" are worlds apart though. 

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