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Ukraine-Russia crisis


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1 minute ago, dallysingh101 said:

UK is facing bigger economic shock than 1973 oil crisis that could leave families £1,750 worse off as energy prices soar and ban on Russian imports is set to pile on more pressure

  • An economic shock worse than the 1973 oil crisis could hit Britain this summer as fuel prices march upwards
  • Rocketing inflation and rising oil prices could hit Britons in their pockets as food prices also rise fast
  • Tory MPs have warned over the Government's policy response to the crisis, amid fears inflation could hit 8


The DM is well known for being pure click bait, the recent hospital attack their headline was that 3000 babies were under the rubble! They changes it after even the comments from their readers started to question it. Now it look like a few people were killed. All media is pretty much propaganda nowadays. If it does come about that we are in for an economic shock then it will have been self inflicted. BS green levies on energy bills, trying to gain brownie points with the climate change lobby by going net zero. Building cycle lanes for lyra clad goons while car users are victimised and used as a cash cow. 

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7 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

An economic shock worse than the 1973 oil crisis could hit Britain this summer as fuel prices march upwards

You would think that British (and American) politicians would know that putting sanctions on a country they depend on for oil would have huge repercussions for their populations.

But, the thing is, they already knew that and didn't care. They're doing all this anyways to foment war and thereby funnel more money to the arms makers and the bankers who, in turn finance them all.

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Just now, BhForce said:

You would think that British (and American) politicians would know that putting sanctions on a country they depend on for oil would have huge repercussions for their populations.

But, the thing is, they already knew that and didn't care. They're doing all this anyways to foment war and thereby funnel more money to the arms makers and the bankers who, in turn finance them all.

I think this is on the money. Looks like they are trying to use Ukraine to create a wider conflict. 

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4 minutes ago, BhForce said:

What are you talking about? The Russian army is fighting and killing Ukrainian soldiers, not every civilian they can get their hands on.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is not like the invasion of parts of America by English/colonists. The goal is not to genocide /move the population and then take over the land. 

Putin's goal is to force Ukraine not to join NATO.

Of course, that's not my goal, because I'm not the President of Russia.

The sheeple are falling for the propaganda that Putin is the bad guy and Zelensky is the good guy. The fact is both sides are being stubborn. Putin should not have gone in and by going in he has played into Zelensky's hands. Putin has been the master manipulator for the last 20 years. He managed to save his client Asad in Syria against both the concerted efforts of the west and ISIS, he managed to gain Crimea and kept the Donbass out of Ukrainian hands. He should have bided his time, taken out the comedian Salisbury style. By going in, he has to either take over Ukraine and risk a Vietnam type situation or take control of only the Russian majority areas but then the west will still keep the sanctions in place. The Ukrainians sense that they have the upper hand by their use of clever propaganda and even the Ukrainian negotiator was interviewed and she said that Ukraine wants complete capitulation of Russia! 

The best Putin can hope for is that the west and Ukraine agree to a referendum in the Russian majority areas if they want to join Russia, he has lost the game to prevent Ukraine not joining NATO, even nations that were neutral like Sweden are now clamouring to join NATO. 

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On 3/4/2022 at 6:01 PM, proactive said:

Hindi imperialism is just one aspect of  Indian colonialism. In the globalised world, Punjabis have more need for a language like English than Hindi. The only two languages than matter in Punjab should be Punjabi and English. 

Exactly. If you know English, what's the point of Hindi? And the schools in Punjab that make kids speak Hindi and not Punjabi. Why?

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