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Racism - callout as it is


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30 minutes ago, Deepthinking22 said:

Any logical, mature non biased Black person reading through this would realise what we are trying to highlight and many would actually agree (thankfully more of these types are rising up, not enough yet though sadly). 

They're out there, and they're getting sick and tired of being used as punching bags as well as Trojan Horses by politicians, media, genuine bigots and patronising "allies" who imprint the bigotry of low expectations on these people.

When blacks finally stand up and make their voices heard in a way that doesn't involve them being manipulated by Marxists who want to use them as golems and proxies to take the fight to whites, it will signal a change in the course of history. Unfortunately, they're mostly Christians. ?

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1 hour ago, MisterrSingh said:

They're out there, and they're getting sick and tired of being used as punching bags as well as Trojan Horses by politicians, media, genuine bigots and patronising "allies" who imprint the bigotry of low expectations on these people.

When blacks finally stand up and make their voices heard in a way that doesn't involve them being manipulated by Marxists who want to use them as golems and proxies to take the fight to whites, it will signal a change in the course of history. Unfortunately, they're mostly Christians. ?


Do you dislike your "Marxist" NHS?

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It in no way means we should keep quiet about an increasingly dangerous mindset and behaviour from the said community. 

Nobody has said that we can't make our bazurgs aware of the danger from a minority of troublemakers but what was being suggested is that against the backdrop of Patrick Lyoya's killing and the creation of links between Sikh organisations and those seeking to uplift the American American community that greater awareness of who Sikhs are relayed by African American activists themselves would yield greater dividends in terms of the safety of Sikh bazurgs as well as inter-community cohesion and mutual support.

What an absolutely ridiculous response!  I agree, if a racist experiences racism then there is not much they can complain about lol. 

That's exactly what I said. In your subsequent you put words into my mouth that I had never stated as I condemn racism in ALL instances.

But are you saying innocent Punjabis who are racially abused have no right to complain because  a minority of Punajbis who are not even known to them exhibit racist beliefs? 

Can you provide any quote of mine where I have ever said that as I have never said but you seem to responding to points which I have never ever made lol. 

Unless you are implying 'ALL' Punjabis are racist?

I specifically stated that a MINORITY of Punjabi's are racist

that it's not limited to a 'couple of crackheads with mental issues'? 

That was my guess on the Richmond Hill attacks. It would be naive to assume that there are not racists like the Nation of Islam out there.

Also, convenient how you didn't give an excuse as to why they are also the largest perpetrators of racial violence in the UK where South Asians outnumber them. 

White Supremacist establishment forces programming West Indian youth to fail via encouragement of Drill music springs to mind. Surely you are aware that in east Punjab the non-Sikhs who control the so-called Punjabi entertainment are filling the youth's minds with the same nonsense (albeit marginally less violent).

My point was that since African Americans are the biggest victims of racial attacks in the US and that white Trump supporters are responsible for most of the attacks against East Asians why are two incidents that the Police have not established the motivation behind being used to seemingly present that African Americans are the main problem when it comes to Donald Trump and his supporters (who are overwhelmingly white) attacks upon east Asians?

Attacks on East Asians and other ethnic minorities by Black racists has been going on well before Trump came on to the scene politically.  Go into East Asian neighbourhoods throughout the US and they will tell you this is not a new problem. 

Indeed Korean shops were targetted as far back as the LA riots. That is condemnable and I have always urged strict punishment for the gangbangers as the community that suffers most from them is African Americans themselves.

Yes, Covid has caused an upsurge in the violent racist attacks against them but it has been going on for decades 

But the fact remains that the vast majority of attacks against East Asians are carried out by white Trump supporter types.

At least one of the Richmond Hill attacks has been established as a hate crime

But i condemn all hate crimes - not least of which those against elders of my own community. I am happy for both attacks to be prosecuted as hate crimes if it means the despicable attackers can be kept in jail for longer. That said it doesn't detract from the agenda that needs to be pursued with the African American community in order to raise awareness of who Sikhs, increase parchaar and offer our moral support in the challenges they face against systematic racism.

How can I be fobbing off these murders of elderly Chinese folks by mostly white attackers when I wholeheartedly condemn Trump supporters for their violence against East Asians? Where did you jump to that extrapolation from?

Because you made light of it by comparing it to a couple of slaps

Not at all. You have completely misunderstood what I was saying. I was saying that in the context of Patrick Lyoya's killing, Police brutality by certain officers against numerous African Anericans, the NRA and deep-state establishment promoted murders of thousands of African Americans via black on black violence that we need to keep in context that two non-fatal attacks against Sikh bazurgs are problematic but not the be all and end all of how racism impacts American lives (in which African Americans are overwhelmingly the VICTIMS).

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On 4/20/2022 at 3:07 PM, Deepthinking22 said:

Listen. I like many others here (I'm sure) want to see the Black community throughout the world prosper (Sikhi would be great for them). 

I 100% agree with you on this point and if you are in a position to act as an educational mentor for schoolgoing Sikh and West Indian children that are sitting exams (but lack the presence of a father figure - which highly impacts on educational and life outcomes - as one of the worst legacies of Slavery) then I would highly encourage you to look into that. Because sewa and support for the oppressed and downtrodden will yield the greatest dividends for both of the communities mutually and which can achieve so much united together under Sri Nishan Sahib.

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22 hours ago, SinghPunjabSingh said:

1. Lol Paji how did you conclude all that from a few fake twitter handles?

2. Let's assume for a second that they were genuine handles, how does a couple of handles become reflective of a 50million strong community? Do KPS Gill and General Brar represent who we are as Sikhs if they support and look up to Indira Gandhi?

3. I don't understand what is so difficult about stating "a *minority* of blacks" rather than just applying such a blanket to 50million people?

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LMAO WHY ARE YOU SPAMMING THE SAME PICTURE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Guys I can’t, this is freaking hilarious. ?

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21 hours ago, SinghPunjabSingh said:

I'm embarassed that first you told us fictional tales of some perfect millionaire white guy sitting in his folks basement in Europe in front of his computer.

Then you moved on to promoting disunity among Sikhs on the basis of Sikhs ancestry when all other normal Sikhs would promote Unity.

Now you scrape the barrel denigrating kaaleh just because you think Gurjant Singh is African American (when in fact he is not - but unlike you tries to combat and confront real racism in America wherever he sees it).

Your generalisations against kaaleh (whilst pretending to be Sikh) are why we failing in Parchaar terms.

May be an image of one or more people, beard and turban

Why did you divide my post into two different points and addressed them LMAOOOOO, you’re absolute jokes my guy. And lol at the millionaire. all I said was that he has a Tesla. Suddenly owning a Tesla equates to being a millionaire. 

Oh my, so much effort to defend black people. This is so hilarious to me. Are you and Gurjant secret black agents or something? There’s no freaking possible way an apna can be so cucked. Second hand embarrassment for the state of Sikhs tbh.

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I don’t care about kaleh goreh or whatever. I really doubt this website even gets traffic from black dudes trying to join Sikhi. Like I mentioned before that kalleh usually join Islam. This website gets traffic from OTHER SIKHS for and foremost and not the liberal types. If they saw what you’re saying they’d be disappointed by the fate of our quom. Literally you’re embarrassing Sikhs. It seems you’re willing to write entire novels and essays for people who don’t give a sh!t about us. I guess this is all sikhi is good for now. Putting our people down and uplifting others lmao.

And yes I liked the white dude bc he was interested in Sikhi and joining Sikhi. I was seeking advice you seem hypocritical 

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