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Islam has become Redpilled in the West...Everyone is converting to Islam


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Another reason for conversions (by mainly blacks) is simply their understandable suspicion and even hatred of whites because of historical grievances. You could point out that arabs were enslaving and raping blacks too (and rightly so), but in the current situation blacks seeing sullay giving serious drama to gora, western societies makes them inspired - hence prone to convert. Plus many have an increasing suspicion of the christianity that was forced upon their ancestors. 

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@dallysingh101 @Ranjeet01

The bottom line is whatever flaws and -vs we might think there is in islam, the mass dont think so and its obvious now why so many Right wing conservative media figure like Andrew Tate etc praise Islam and convert. We've been talking about this for yrs on this very site the Bhangra dancing around, lgbtq far-lvl views and diluting Sikhi losing the warrior aspect, very low lvl parchar.

Just look at the quality they produce Ali dawah Mohammed Hijab on YT how they debate they really turned the tables around from Jihand islamaphobia card to make everyone wanting to come into islam.

How many parchaar high quality have we produced. Only Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji touched the masses. 

We have gone over our heads with bhangra blasting khakru musics and majority don't even know 'Jaap JI Sahid Paath'

They always draw a line in the sand when it comes to Islam. Ours have been lost 

Nihangs seem to be only ones in West that held the warrior aspect.

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33 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:

@dallysingh101 @Ranjeet01

The bottom line is whatever flaws and -vs we might think there is in islam, the mass dont think so and its obvious now why so many Right wing conservative media figure like Andrew Tate etc praise Islam and convert. We've been talking about this for yrs on this very site the Bhangra dancing around, lgbtq far-lvl views and diluting Sikhi losing the warrior aspect, very low lvl parchar.

Just look at the quality they produce Ali dawah Mohammed Hijab on YT how they debate they really turned the tables around from Jihand islamaphobia card to make everyone wanting to come into islam.

How many parchaar high quality have we produced. Only Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji touched the masses. 

We have gone over our heads with bhangra blasting khakru musics and majority don't even know 'Jaap JI Sahid Paath'

They always draw a line in the sand when it comes to Islam. Ours have been lost 

Nihangs seem to be only ones in West that held the warrior aspect.

You do not understand the damage those two youtube guys you mentioned have done to their own religion.  They were agreeing to marriage to underage children they are contributing to their own downfall.



Watch @ 8:38 they are exposing themselves,  send this to that girl and ask for her thoughts after

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1 hour ago, Kau89r8 said:

its obvious now why so many Right wing conservative media figure like Andrew Tate etc praise Islam and convert.

With him, it's because it allows him to rape and groom young women. Simple. He's a pimp. Roman Catholicism and Islam are very pro-pedo religions, so such people will naturally gravitate towards them  Same with pedos in prison in the UK, they are accepted and protected by fellow pro-pedo sullay.  


You know what, you're like the resident low IQ, hysterical apnee on the forum now. I think you'd be groomed really easily in the real world - because, to be blunt, you're dumb. I've known a few Sikh guys who intimidate sullay - as someone  said earlier, they don't broadcast it. 


Those fudhu problems we have aren't from our dharam, rather it's other lesser cultures who infest the panth and bring in their pendu baggage with them.  

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2 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

@dallysingh101 @Ranjeet01

The bottom line is whatever flaws and -vs we might think there is in islam, the mass dont think so and its obvious now why so many Right wing conservative media figure like Andrew Tate etc praise Islam and convert. We've been talking about this for yrs on this very site the Bhangra dancing around, lgbtq far-lvl views and diluting Sikhi losing the warrior aspect, very low lvl parchar.

Just look at the quality they produce Ali dawah Mohammed Hijab on YT how they debate they really turned the tables around from Jihand islamaphobia card to make everyone wanting to come into islam.

How many parchaar high quality have we produced. Only Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji touched the masses. 

We have gone over our heads with bhangra blasting khakru musics and majority don't even know 'Jaap JI Sahid Paath'

They always draw a line in the sand when it comes to Islam. Ours have been lost 

Nihangs seem to be only ones in West that held the warrior aspect.

Other than the dawah types shouting from the roof tops when they have 1 convert, where is the proof and evidence that everyone is becoming Muslim?

Ali Dawah and Hijab are just youtubers, they are just entertainers and they know how to game the algorithms like Andrew Tate has done.

Since you love youtube so much, I suggest you watch speakers Corner with these  guys. They come across Bible Thumpers like "Bob the Builder ". This guy can debate and he beats Hijab hands down everytime.  I will suggest you also watch when Hatun and Jay Smith brought with them , so many different versions of the Koran and you should see how the Muslims reacted.

We do not have a tradition of meeting complete strangers and telling them to recite Mool Mantar(without understanding) and then saying they are Sikh now.

Where the Muslims seem to be gaining ground is the agenda that is being imposed by the elites on the populace. It seems that the Muslims get a free pass on a lot of things and they seem to be allowed to push back on the agenda. If they are accused of being transphobe they can pushback with pointing the finger back with islamaphobe. 

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16 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

So what happened to Sikhi?!

Sikhs forgot Gurbani. Gurbani is redpill:

ਜੋਰਾ ਦਾ ਆਖਿਆ ਪੁਰਖ ਕਮਾਵਦੇ ਸੇ ਅਪਵਿਤ ਅਮੇਧ ਖਲਾ ॥
The men, who act as women tell them, are impure filthy and foolish.

ਕਾਮਿ ਵਿਆਪੇ ਕੁਸੁਧ ਨਰ ਸੇ ਜੋਰਾ ਪੁਛਿ ਚਲਾ ॥
The impure persons are engrossed in lust. They consult women and walk accordingly.

ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਆਖਿਐ ਜੋ ਚਲੈ ਸੋ ਸਤਿ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਭਲ ਭਲਾ ॥
He who walks as the True Guru tells him he is the true man the best of the good.


Not to mention Dasam Granth Sahib.

But Sikhs want to pretend to as if Sikhism is just Western feminism with kakkars.

Sikhi provides for true happiness for both men and women. And it doesn't consist of apneean screwing around.

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9 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

That's so funny! lol

But it also highlights a very important aspect of sullahism. It's strangeness.  

It's a hotchpotch of paganism, heretical Christianity/Judaism.

It's heavily influenced by the Jewish Talmud. 

It's a deen not a religion for the most part.

Deen means a social-political system. That is why when you see Muslims debate, they argue like lawyers with a bit of sales spiel thrown in. You ever notice the way their dawah types speak, it is called "simiya ". It is a form of NLP that they have been trained to do.

If you look at their Koran, it is a very small book. It needs to be supported by Hadiths and other sources.

One verse in the Koran can be abrogated by another verse. The hadith can supplant the Koran and vica versa. All very circular, designed to confuse. 

That is why Muslims find it easy exploit the rules in the UK, they look for loopholes because In Sharia law, for every law there is loop hole. They come from a system of rules and regulations. 

We are more a principle based people. Though we have our edicts and rulings, ours are relatively more straightforward and less complex.

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On 5/5/2023 at 8:44 AM, Ranjeet01 said:

It's a hotchpotch of paganism, heretical Christianity/Judaism.

It's heavily influenced by the Jewish Talmud. 

It's a deen not a religion for the most part.

Deen means a social-political system. That is why when you see Muslims debate, they argue like lawyers with a bit of sales spiel thrown in. You ever notice the way their dawah types speak, it is called "simiya ". It is a form of NLP that they have been trained to do.

If you look at their Koran, it is a very small book. It needs to be supported by Hadiths and other sources.

One verse in the Koran can be abrogated by another verse. The hadith can supplant the Koran and vica versa. All very circular, designed to confuse. 

That is why Muslims find it easy exploit the rules in the UK, they look for loopholes because In Sharia law, for every law there is loop hole. They come from a system of rules and regulations. 

We are more a principle based people. Though we have our edicts and rulings, ours are relatively more straightforward and less complex.

They also had a head start on their preaching and have known and interacted with other abrahamics from a long time ago. So they've had more time to develop their techniques, and frankly as we know (or should!!) they aren't remotely averse to using underhand tactics like targeting the vulnerable or under-aged (especially females) or trying to use scare tactics when they feel they have numbers or a perceived upper hand. 

It must be said though, according to Jahangir's memoirs, In Guru Arjan Dev Ji's time, Sikhi parchaar was so strong even sullay were converting (hence jahangir's anger).   

Thing with sullahism is that it is what you outlined above, pure rule based, technical - it doesn't have soul like Sikhi.   

But we should note, even according to their own faith, most of them are going to go to hell. 


Another issue I think we have these days, is that our parchaar is too 'soft'. We are too scared to offend other people, when we have exchanges - even if they are the ones that instigate it. This needs to stop! Bhai Jagraj Singh ji reignited that trend for in-your-face parchaar, and this should continue. I distinctly recall in the 80s, when christian preachers would knock on doors to 'speak' to people (but really to convert them), sullay already had pamplets and tracts to refute all of the christian missionary activity. And they didn't hold back - questioning the authenticity of the bible, pointing out contradictions therein  etc. etc.   

We should also mercilessly put the boot in when required, point out the pedo problems in their communities, show how they kill each other, and all the vile gundh they do behind the façade.   But we need to make sure we have warriors ready too, because these lot like to try and undermine other people's beliefs, but cry and throw wobblies when someone does it to them and they can't answer the criticisms (which is easily done). 

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