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  1. Most women are mental. What's so mental about yours?
    5 points
  2. I know, but to get things moving you can start a topic on mindless things such as my wife/mother in law did this and have multiple replies. Those get a lot of replies.
    4 points
  3. - Agriculture is no longer the dominant industry in Punjab. The dominant industry is surely IELTS test prep. Seriously, everywhere I looked, in every village or town or roadside, there were advertisements or offices for services to assist with IELTS prep, obtaining a study visa, etc. It is impossible to overstate how obsessed the typical Punjabi is with going abroad. - It is extremely rare to come across a Sikh man with an untrimmed beard that is not gray or white. Basically everywhere I went, I was the only person with an untrimmed beard who wasn't a bajurg. - While I expected the lack of young Singhs based on my last visit, this time I noticed a conspicuous lack of young people in general. Pinds were filled with big, mostly empty houses (in most cases, nicer houses than I will ever be able to afford in America) with a couple of elderly people living in them. Mind you, I am not talking about pinds near Jalandhar whose residents have been going abroad for a century. I am talking about pinds in the "backwards" parts of southern Malwa. Also, I was at a (smallish) wedding reception, and when I glanced at the dance floor, I noticed that it was 95% aunties in their 50s and 60s. - To the extent that you still see a fair number of paghs around, it comes down to two things: 1) there are a lot more old people than there are young people, and 2) the bhaiyas working in the fields like to keep their heads covered. - Today's Punjabis speak a different language than my parents. They use different kinds of Punjabi/Hindi words for certain things than my parents did, and they constantly insert English words into Punjabi sentences (even when there are perfectly good Punjabi words they could use). They also abuse English words. For example, if they say someone easily gets "mixed-up," they don't mean to say that they get easily confused. They mean that that person "mixes well" socially with others. They also say things in cringe-worthy ways like: "tension naa lai." - Somehow, every person I came across who remotely knew of my family also knew I was unmarried and knew of some kuri who was interested in acquiring a green card ... I mean, interested in marrying me.
    2 points
  4. it was more than acceptable for Singhs to have multiple wives, because Singhs are supposed to be kshatriya. There were also other common practices such as marrying your brothers' widow, and widow remarriage, marrying rescued women that are not accepted back by their families. Fighting wars required multiple wives, many sons,uncles, male family members would get shaheed, such as Bhai Mani Singhs' sons from both his wives, and his uncles during Guru Hargobind ji. Add this to higher mortality rates, people died younger, just look at the ages most Guru jis lived to, women had difficult giving birth, there were risks to women dying during birth, higher infant mortality rates, children were at much greater risk from dying from a childhood illness. All these factors compounded with wars, it made a lot of sense to marry multiple women! And during 1947, 1984 and the dharmi faujis of the 1990s, its still made a lot of sense to have multiple wives, but only if your family was going to be armed and trained! Compare this to sikhs and amrit dharis who have multiple girlfriends and exes, and don't get married until into their late 20s and 30s, we are behaving in a really pathetic non-warrior non kshatriya way! If you're making the excuse of not getting married because you are studying, and then you make a girlfriend or multiples during that time anyway, THEN Singhs should just get married, and all the excuses for not getting married are lame and bringing down the whole panth. I seriously stand by that statement!!!
    2 points
  5. There are two types of people who read/listen to SriGurpartap Suraj Granth… 1. Gurmukh Jogi 2. Manmukh Bhogi The first type of person will listen to Gursikhs of Samparda ( the lineage of Sikhs from Guru Sahiban). These people will do immense Abhiyaaas of Naam and seva. They will follow and adhere to a very strict code of conduct at all times. These people will not take any scriptures at face value. Their immense Abhiyaas and sangat of great Gurmukhs will teach them to become a Hans ( a hans can separate milk from water). This is a metaphor for seeing the deeper meaning and moral behind a story. These people will learn to se the wider picture in every situation… Sadly, there are many people who are of the mindset where they see filth in everything. These people have not done any sangat of samparda Gursikhs. These people are self taught…
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. I remember when mentioning Jhatka would get you warnings.
    2 points
  8. Been married for 9 years now, have 1 child. Ended up getting an arranged marriage with a mental chick.from India. I highly recommend sardaras from canada, uk, please if your born there, don't get married in India. I have always been positive perosn, unfortunately I married someone who basically destroyed my mental sanity, if it wasn't for my son, I probably would have ended myself. Unfortunately it your a wealthy person, it's not easy to get a divorce. I have worked so hard for my son.
    2 points
  9. Basically, the 'culture' Moosewala exemplified is pushing a lot of our own samaaj into the polar opposite of this direction, and I don't think it's doing anything remotely positive for Sikhs.
    2 points
  10. B0llocks. I'm glad he's dead. All he did was promote his sh1tty caste, f**k all else. Seriously, have some brains.
    2 points
  11. If western nations had open borders; it would be overpopulated by Desis; and UK would be India 2.0
    2 points
  12. I'd just let his channel die into obscurity
    2 points
  13. What did I just watch?? He's a kesadhari bro who loves to be surround by girls in bikinis. He quotes a tuk of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji translated as: The world is just a hill of smoke, what makes you think it was real? p1186 But the shabad goes on to say to worship God with devotion: ਇਕ ਭਗਤਿ ਨਾਰਾਇਨ ਹੋਇ ਸੰਗਿ ॥ The Lord's meditation alone shall depart with thee; ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਭਜੁ ਤਿਹ ਏਕ ਰੰਗਿ ॥੩॥੪॥ Says Nanak, remember thou Him with pure love. The music video of "Air Singh" is basically pure Maya, not what the shabad is saying. I mean, if he's into girls in bikinis, to each his own, but why quote Guru Tegh Bahadur ji in the video?
    2 points
  14. He didn't do eff all. If anything he dragged us back decades.
    2 points
  15. Veer Ji, please be careful about this Colombian woman. I know we all want to believe it when someone suggests they take a liking to us. But she is surely primarily (if not entirely) interested in you because you live in a more prosperous country. It hurts to admit it, but that is almost surely the case.
    2 points
  16. I find this a bit hard to believe. - I concede that they prefer men who are not Singhs - I concede that they prefer fair skinned. But most Punjabis who sellf-identify as fair skinned are delusional and not very fair skinned. Unless you are abnormally dark, I doubt this is an issue. - Sure, they want a guy who is well off. But by virtue of living in the west, you are already very well off from the perspective of a Punjabi girl, even if you don’t make anything close to 6 figures. - Sure, they want tall men. But have you seen how short Punjabis are on average? And have you seen how prone they are to exaggerating their heights? Just say you are 5’10” or 6’0” or whatever. It won’t matter, since you are certainly taller than their midget celebrities.
    2 points
  17. If you are open to girls from the developing world, why not just consider a girl from India? Anyway, I agree with you about the ridiculous standards people have in online dating. However, you should have just put down that you are 5'10': - 90% of other guys exaggerate their height, so it's still relatively accurate - All the stupid 5'0" girls who demand a tall guy would not be able to notice the difference anyway
    2 points
  18. Good sources: European: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sicques-Tigers-Thieves-Eyewitness-1606-1809/dp/1403962014/ref=sr_1_2?crid=MNBKUMJ01FCX&keywords=siques+tigers+and+thieves&qid=1684585079&sprefix=siques+tigers+and+thieves%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-2 Not read this one, and can't find any reviews: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kings-Lahore-Empire-Through-French/dp/1911271091 Persian (free ebook): https://www.vidhia.com/Historical%2C Political%2C Philosophical and Informational/Sikh_History_From_Persian_Sources_-_JS_Grewal_Irfan_Habib.pdf Sikh (free downloads): I think (for me), one of the best sources on puratan Sikhs in Gurmukhi is Rattan SIngh Bhangu's Panth Prakash, you can get english translations here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/54832175/Vol-1-SRI-GUR-PANTH-PRAKASH-by-Rattan-Singh-Bhangoo-Trans-Kulwant-Singh https://www.scribd.com/doc/149671030/Vol-2-SRI-GUR-PANTH-PRAKASH-by-Rattan-Singh-Bhangu-VOLUME-2-English-trans-by-Kulwant-Singh
    2 points
  19. Yes. But I and that poster on Twitter are not making this stuff up. All he's saying is what Guru Hargobind Ji taught us. Again, it is not to do bad things with your physical power. It is to have the physical power to do good. And that's not the job of women. Sure, they should be healthy. But they can never be as muscle-bound as men. So brothers need to get off their sofas and build some muscle. Here's how Maharaj starts the Bachittar Natak, his autobiography, with a paean to the Khanda: ਖਗ ਖੰਡ ਬਿਹੰਡੰ ਖਲਦਲ ਖੰਡੰ ਅਤਿ ਰਣ ਮੰਡੰ ਬਰਬੰਡੰ ॥ Khga Khaanda Bihaandaan Khladala Khaandaan Ati Ran Maandaan Barbaandaan ॥ The sword chops well, chops the forces of fools and this mighty one bedecks and glorifies the battlefield. ਭੁਜ ਦੰਡ ਅਖੰਡੰ ਤੇਜ ਪ੍ਰਚੰਡੰ ਜੋਤਿ ਅਮੰਡੰ ਭਾਨੁ ਪ੍ਰਭੰ ॥ It is the unbreakable staff of the arm, it has the powerful luster and its light even bedims the radiance of the sum. ਸੁਖ ਸੰਤਾ ਕਰਣੰ ਦੁਰਮਤਿ ਦਰਣੰ ਕਿਲਬਿਖ ਹਰਣੰ ਅਸਿ ਸਰਣੰ ॥ It brings happiness to the saints, mashing the vicious ones, it is the destroyer of sins and I and under its refuge. ਜੈ ਜੈ ਜਗ ਕਾਰਣ ਸ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਉਬਾਰਣ ਮਮ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਪਾਰਣ ਜੈ ਤੇਗੰ ॥੨॥ Hail, hail to the cause of the world, saviour of the universe, it is my preserver, I hail its victory. 2. ਬਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਨਾਟਕ ਅ. ੧ - ੨/(੪) - ਸ੍ਰੀ ਦਸਮ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ OK, so how are you going to pick up a Khanda without muscles? Those things are heavy! Secondly, note in the 3rd verse that the purpose is to bring happiness to the Saints. Not Nihangs killing Nihangs.
    2 points
  20. Alright Mr Perfect. I'm not the most articulate but this is just a fourm not submitting a Phd. I'm well aware of the community shortcomings. I think over the yrs we all expressed concerns about community issues. Btw you same guy that couldn't give credit for Deep Sidhu since he was a mona and did not do much for the panth Might want to look in the mirror before pointing finger at others.
    2 points
  21. Speaking for real, in modern times our faith is heavily-centric to Punjab and Punjabi issues. There are more talks on Punjab in Punjabi in Gurdwaras than the issues aam bande have wherever they live. If all the people in the Gurdwara are Punjabi, all the talks are in Punjabi, and we are talking about Punjab; why would average Gora or Kalla want to join? What made people like Jugraj Singh unique was that he didn't make the focus on a place far-away and focused on what the average bande living in UK actually needed, spiritual growth, also even when he did speak about Sikh issues; he always made the focus on what we can actually achieve instead of talking about goals that average Sikh likely can't achieve. If tomorrow someone wanted to learn about Jesus Christ or Muhammad, they could do so in pretty much every language with people from every ethnic group, but if tomorrow we want to learn about Guru Sahib, our only options are in Punjabi and only recently English, otherwise we just learn "Someone born in Talwandi and who traveled a lot as a good man".
    2 points
  22. With him, it's because it allows him to rape and groom young women. Simple. He's a pimp. Roman Catholicism and Islam are very pro-pedo religions, so such people will naturally gravitate towards them Same with pedos in prison in the UK, they are accepted and protected by fellow pro-pedo sullay. You know what, you're like the resident low IQ, hysterical apnee on the forum now. I think you'd be groomed really easily in the real world - because, to be blunt, you're dumb. I've known a few Sikh guys who intimidate sullay - as someone said earlier, they don't broadcast it. Those fudhu problems we have aren't from our dharam, rather it's other lesser cultures who infest the panth and bring in their pendu baggage with them.
    2 points
  23. Because the Bhatts are praising Guru Sahib only and not another God (like Vishnu). The Jaap in Dasam Granth starts with Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
    2 points
  24. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh! Khalsa Ji, Vaheguru is the Gurmantar given to us by Guru Sahib. That's why when we take Amrit, Panj Pyare tell us that we must do Gurmantar which is Vaheguru Jap and Mool Mantar. Bhul Chuk maaf ji Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh!
    2 points
  25. This fool tried to kill a Sikh in 'revenge' for Lee Rigby.... I just heard the brother who was attacked on the radio castigating the police and media for their hypocrisy, saying if this had been a non-white attacking a white it would have been represented as a 'terrorist attack'. Zack Davies, who screamed ‘white power’ as he attacked Dr Sarendev Bhambra. A loner fascinated with far-right ideologies and violent video games has been jailed for life after launching a racially motivated machete and hammer attack on a dentist of Asian origin. Zack Davies, who screamed “white power” as he attacked Dr Sarandev Bhambra in a supermarket, was told he would serve at least 14 years behind bars before being considered for parole. At the time of the attack, Davies claimed he was avenging the death of the soldier Lee Rigby, who was killed by Islamist extremists outside a barracks in south-east London. He also said the British Isis terrorist nicknamed Jihadi John was an inspiration for the attack, which left 24-year-old Bhambra with severe injuries to his head, back and hand. Davies, 26, from Mold in north Wales, was found guilty of attempting to murder Bhambra, who is still recovering from his injuries. Bhambra’s family has argued Davies had committed an act of terrorism. They said if the men’s ethnicities had been reversed the family had no doubt it would have been reported as an act of terror. Judge Rhys Rowlands said Davies had left his home that day intending to kill. He said: “Zack Davies, you subjected Dr Bhambra to a dreadful and sustained attack. Blows were aimed at his head. You were shouting ‘white power’. He desperately tried to get away from you. There were shoppers in the store, some with children. One can only imagine the sheer terror you subjected the victim to.” The jury at Mold crown court had heard how Davies would sit in his flat playing violent video games for six or seven hours a day. Expelled from school at 11 for bringing in a knife, Davies became a loner and admitted carrying a weapon with him every day since he was 15 because of his growing paranoia. On 14 January he spotted Bhambra on the street in Mold at lunchtime and followed him to a Tesco supermarket, where he attacked him from behind with a claw hammer and 30cm-long machete in front of shoppers and children. Bhambra was saved after a former soldier, Peter Fuller, stepped in to help. Davies told Fuller: “We are under attack” – but Fuller said what he was doing was madness and Bhambra had not done anything wrong. Davies admitted saying “white power” and “I did it for Lee Rigby” during and after the attack. He told the court: “I got very fascinated by Jihadi John and was inspired by him. I even had a mask.” He was described in court as a racist with a fascination for far-right ideologies. In interviews he told police that maybe the wrong side had won the second world war. The court heard items associated with white supremacy and Nazism were found at Davies’s home, including swastika badges and Combat 18 material. Davies apologised in court to the family of Lee Rigby and to Bhambra. The judge praised Fuller for his “remarkable bravery” and said he probably saved Bhambra’s life. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/sep/11/lee-rigby-revenge-attacker-zack-davies-jailed-for-life
    2 points
  26. Is it me or are we seeing alot of fake news? For example, here in Canada more specifically Toronto, it seems some of the news here is fabricated. There seems to be a lot of deep issues written in new articles that journalists seem to be very "passe" about.
    2 points
  27. The Christians remember the poor and homeless during Xmas and then forget for the rest of the year. The Muslims remember the poor and homeless during Ramadan and then forget for the rest of the year. We Sikhs remember the poor and homeless all year round. The Muslims helps a non Muslim so he can convert them. A Christian helps a non Christian so he can convert them. We Sikhs help non Sikhs with no strings attached. Big difference
    2 points
  28. Exactly. What you do outside the gurdwara is more important in terms of diet and exercise. Even if you live a sedentary lifestyle then you simply don't need to eat as much. Having said that the Gurdwaras can also help matters, they should stop serving kheer or any sweet dish at Langar considering the fact that Prashad is already heavy and sweet. I've rarely seen a giani that didn't have a massive belly.
    2 points
  29. I was at the Gurdwara yesterday and it seems like we are feeding ourselves too much! It looked like a who's who of diabetes and heart attacks waiting to happen. Punjab is the fattest state in India. It seems we just like putting everything in our mouths whether it is food, alcohol or drugs.
    2 points
  30. If you are in a toxic relationship, your health is the most important. If you are financially wealthy person and you are young enough, it maybe better to cut your losses and start over and rebuild your wealth. If you divorce and you have crazy wife, she may try to weaponise your son against you. The reason you married in India is because you thought you were going to get a traditional wife. But as a westerner, you have to be mindful because you are not aware of all the covert tactics employed . At least with the sadarnis in the west, you have a better idea where you stand because at least they are more overt in their intentions.
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. What information did you have about the girl before you got married?
    2 points
  33. Ukraine has had a reduction of about 15 million in it's population. About 11 million have poured into Europe and 4 million into Russia. The Ukrainians have lost approximately 150 to 160k troops, Russia about 18-20k. The Ukrainians has a further approx 250k troops injured or incapacitated. So that means 400k soldiers are lost. The Russians are winning this war as it is a war of attrition. There was opportunity last year for a ceasefire but the US told Ukraine not to as this really a proxy war against Russia. One can feel sorry for the Ukrainians because there won't be much of a Ukraine left after this war. I think that Russia will move to occupy Ukraine as they have hundreds of thousands of troops amassed at different parts of the Ukrainian border. There will be no peace talks. The US bombed the Nord Stream pipelines. The US has deliberately f**ked over Germany a NATO ally. With friends like that who needs enemies. Now Russia is piping their gas to China and India. They are free of the financial systems of the west. They have largely de-coupled themselves from the western economies and are more self sufficient. Now the US is itching for a war against China, which they want in 2025. Just how many wars can the US want? They just don't know when to stop.
    2 points
  34. Only Mickey Mouse Singhs go there. You have to be absolutely Goofy to even think about it!
    2 points
  35. Idk to stop the promotion of caste system, and turn these jatts to singhs or something like that.
    2 points
  36. IMO Sikhs , Hindus and Buddhist should look out for each other as they are all Dhamic faiths . India is Dhamic nation (not the Government btw) not be happy to see other one in danger, pain etc. This forum is full of hate for India and all Hindus. its fking ridiculous. and ohh yeah some posters on here have extra hate for Brahmins LOL. and I can see some Jatt hate too. I must say Jatts have big heart. Thier are the best Punjabis IMO.
    2 points
  37. Yeah a few years back on his tour of uk
    2 points
  38. Thanks bro, for bringing forward these evil facts, which for sure are of public and human interest. The bad facts of the devlish culture can not remain undercovered.
    2 points
  39. Paedophilia, grooming, hatred and terrorism, can never be excused or justified under no circumstances. To act or agree with it otherwise, is just sickening.
    2 points
  40. Maybe your 'posh' accent cheesed them off and they didn't want you affecting other people with your airs and graces?
    2 points
  41. My family are doing farming these days too. Or at least leasing land to farmers. They haven't started to call themselves Jutts yet. They didn't buy into the inferiority complex I guess???
    2 points
  42. Very misguided, both the man and the woman are at the bottom of a triangle and through Sikhi you both walk the same path to Waheguru, you tell mia bhago ji that she gets led around by a man.
    2 points
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