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How Would You Treat A Muslim Guy Who Was Interested In Becoming A Sikh?


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she's only seven but i have started on the whole warrior ethos via kurosawa and Tolkien and cs lewis

Seven is fine. Get started on the samurai swords asap.

I'm kidding, lol. Although, Kurosawa? Seven Samurai? That's awesome. C.S. Lewis is a great starting point. I began with the Narnia series too. It was the lion that drew me in (Singh iconography and all that).

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Seven is fine. Get started on the samurai swords asap.

I'm kidding, lol. Although, Kurosawa? Seven Samurai? That's awesome. C.S. Lewis is a great starting point. I began with the Narnia series too. It was the lion that drew me in (Singh iconography and all that).

I think she yelled 'yesss!' and did a fist pump when The Lady Eowyn killed the Nazgul king in 'Return of the king' movie.

She saw two towers when she was five and loved when the lead orc was beheaded too ...

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I think she yelled 'yesss!' and did a fist pump when The Lady Eowyn killed the Nazgul king in 'Return of the king' movie.

She saw two towers when she was five and loved when the lead orc was beheaded too ...

Orcs getting beheaded are somehow permissible (probably because of their fantasy / grotesque appearance), but I think a kid would get freaked out if it was human. I was watching Schwarzenegger movies at the age of 7 (his gory, violent period) and it never did me any harm. I'm mellow and well-adjusted, I think. Depends on the child. If the kid is easily led or emotionally delicate it will affect young minds for sure. My dad always made a point to loudly declare when watching violent films with me, "It's fake. It's just acting." At the time I thought he was annoying me, but now I realise it was the desi way of getting me to think it was not reality. It worked.

LotR is a great introduction to concepts of good and evil for youngsters. It's not over-simplified so that it becomes childish in the extreme, as well as not too complex that the kid gets bored.

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Orcs getting beheaded are somehow permissible (probably because of their fantasy / grotesque appearance), but I think a kid would get freaked out if it was human. I was watching Schwarzenegger movies at the age of 7 (his gory, violent period) and it never did me any harm. I'm mellow and well-adjusted, I think. Depends on the child. If the kid is easily led or emotionally delicate it will affect young minds for sure. My dad always made a point to loudly declare when watching violent films with me, "It's fake. It's just acting." At the time I thought he was annoying me, but now I realise it was the desi way of getting me to think it was not reality. It worked.

LotR is a great introduction to concepts of good and evil for youngsters. It's not over-simplified so that it becomes childish in the extreme, as well as not too complex that the kid gets bored.

madam was born the year of the olympics 2008 and she really got into the taekwondo , she was a kicker all the way before arriving and even when watching these women she would kick too ...I think she is designed for the fight , she doesn't back down from arguments easily even with her elders ..right is right and wrong is wrong .

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I clearly recall you mentioning a few weeks ago that you'd relinquished all ties to Islam and had become an atheist. So, what exactly are your so-called Sikh friends trying to understand about your way of life when that particular way of life is devoid of Islam? In that case surely they're trying to learn about atheism in context of how it relates to you, an ex-Muslim? So, which is it? Are you a Muslim or an atheist?

And you gain what from making things up?

That's even after all the crap you wrote about Taqiyya, which is a ploy and yes fabrication often used to discredit a Muslim no matter what they say. The ultimate irony is the very fact you're lying here and now.

I have always been Muslim, I've not once denounced Islam - if you want a reliable source of such it can be found on my own forums.

But, if people decide the believe you for whatever reason, that's upto them.

I have zero to prove to anyone here.

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And you gain what from making things up?

That's even after all the crap you wrote about Taqiyya, which is a ploy and yes fabrication often used to discredit a Muslim no matter what they say. The ultimate irony is the very fact you're lying here and now.

I have always been Muslim, I've not once denounced Islam - if you want a reliable source of such it can be found on my own forums.

But, if people decide the believe you for whatever reason, that's upto them.

I have zero to prove to anyone here.

You guys never give up, lol! Even with irrefutable evidence, you'll still peddle the "It's all lies!" party line.

I'm not even angry, I'm actually impressed. That takes some dedication. Carry on, good sir, your rewards await you in your "paradise."

BTW, if you don't like it, I suggest you stay on your own forums.

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Lol no, it's not some ridhi sidhia. There are non-sikhs that can also feel people's auras and can tell what kind of personality they have just by looking at them. Misterrsingh and dallysingh101 have explained this well.

This explains more on auras and vibes we get from bad and good people.


A book called Baba Naudh Singh which I read some long time back provides an excellent example of this effect.

Being in the company of the Guru Granth Sahib gives us alot of peace. Being in the company of an ordinary person is totally different. These energies sort of rub off onto us.

I was recently reading a piece of cleansing using salt water where it was recommended to dip your feet into salt water to get rid of evil energies. It involved the saying of a prayer as well before and after.

So these energies do exist. Baba Naudh Singh's book explains how we use Gurbani to cleanse ourselves just as we clean our house every single day and throw out the dirt.

Me and my friends were having lots of negative thoughts lately. This was because we missed our prayers and did not do them regularly. We decided to perform them regularly and the results were amazing. We are both very peaceful now. We do not blame others for our misfortunes. We stopped cursing others and seeing them as bad. We try to encourage others to pray as much as they can. We offer prayer as a solution to others who have any problems. We still have problems but we dont let them overwhelm us and discourage us from prayers. We have now learnt to distinguish our misfortunes and bad lucks from our prayer times. Prayer is now supreme and we are both highly peaceful. In the case of disturbed thoughts we simply go and pray and get our peace back.

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And you gain what from making things up?

That's even after all the crap you wrote about Taqiyya, which is a ploy and yes fabrication often used to discredit a Muslim no matter what they say. The ultimate irony is the very fact you're lying here and now.

I have always been Muslim, I've not once denounced Islam - if you want a reliable source of such it can be found on my own forums.

But, if people decide the believe you for whatever reason, that's upto them.

I have zero to prove to anyone here.

Give it a rest mate. Why are you here bothering us?

Go preach some humanity closer to home - your brothers REALLY need it. I don't think you're remotely interested in Sikhi. I just think you're being nosey and working like some PR agent for your people.

You want to do something positive: teach some of your brothers that rape, murder, beheadings, grooming and abuse are low life activities.

How do you expect any of us to take Islam serious when you haven't even made any serious attempts to civilise your own people, but you want us to 'understand' how great and misunderstood Islam is... phew....

You got some front.

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You guys never give up, lol! Even with irrefutable evidence, you'll still peddle the "It's all lies!" party line.

I'm not even angry, I'm actually impressed. That takes some dedication. Carry on, good sir, your rewards await you in your "paradise."

BTW, if you don't like it, I suggest you stay on your own forums.

Irrefutable evidence like regurgitated crap you labeled truth?

Or irrefutable evidence like my postings for the last consistent forever on my forums proving you've lied about something already, so how can anyone trust anything else you have to say...? (Now that you've attempted slander. I mean, talk about clutching at straws to discredit someone...)

The most humour thing is, YOU'RE the one to bring up taqiyya. You're the one to assert Islam permits lying...A proven lying Sikh of all people.

Really, you should be embarassed.

Are you a parody account, or just incapable of logical thought processes?

I don't peddle the 'It's all lies' line, in fact you're the first I've said it to...Because it is, all lies...?

Discussion. A two way street.

Get on board, bro.

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