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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/28/2021 in Posts

  1. I love you Watch the movie chaar sahibzaade, read jeevan of sants, and shaheeds. Channel the emotion towards how special opportunity you got. You got a chance at Sikhi only because countless died for it. Remember them, pray for strength like they had The only reason you fall is because you’re trying in the first place. It’s never too late. Test of faith can be brutal but love for Guru Ji carries you through Review what people to keep in your life and those to remove. Do seva of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and his sangat. Beg Guru Sahib Ji to let you taste the anand of his charan.
    13 points
  2. Try harder. It's a waste of time and emotional effort. Learn a practical skill that you normally pay another person to do (home repair / maintenance, etc) or a martial art to aid fitness. Or just read something. I was a little more than an average gamer but not quite hardcore. I was in my late 20s, mindlessly bashing buttons one day. Opposite from where I was sitting was a mirror. I saw myself, a grown man, playing a video game, and it hit me like a ton of bricks; a tide of overwhelming shame washed over me. "You soft b*****d" I said to myself. Next day I sold my consoles and all my games. One of the best things I ever did. I feel the same about spectator sports such as football. I was heavily into football. I was a proper statistician. I could've told you the teams and squads up to the reserve team of every club in the domestic European leagues. That's hundreds of players! Knocked that 5hit on the head in my early 20s, too. Bread and circuses bukwaas. They get you to invest your heart and soul into this 5hit so that you ignore or neglect the actual important stuff you need to be aware of. Moderation isn't the issue at all. It's all corporate cr4p that chips away at your aatma.
    11 points
  3. 10 points
  4. This is just my take on this There's an increasing number of Panjabis in western countries learning Bhangra professionally, making Bhangra societies in universities and holding grand Bhangra competitions. Although Bhangra is a hybrid dance done by males with modern hip-hop moves, women are also seen in these competitions & performances. Some parents in the west are encouraging their children to learn Bhangra from these academies. The reason they give for joining is Bhangra connects them with Panjabi culture and they feel "proud" seeing their children on stage. I don't think Bhangra is helping any western Panjabi stay connected with Panjabi culture. Dancing like this on public stages was frowned by most Panjabi elders. It's sad to see Panjabi culture has been reduced down to jumping on stage. The bright crazy patterned uniform Bhangra dancers wear also looks very silly, no Panjabi in the past dressed like that. I've met some Bhangra-doing Panjabis in the west who can't read Panjabi, speak it properly or know anything about Panjab's situation and history. I don't know why so many Panjabi parents hold this misconception that putting children in Bhangra will connect them with culture and turn them into the next Vir Singh or Bulleh Shah.
    10 points
  5. Come on man, these are 13 year old girls. You have no clue at all at that age about the world and its dangers. You are a child at this age. This is paedophilia plain and simple. You can't blame the victims in cases like this. And the 50 year old perverts knew what they were doing was wrong.
    9 points
  6. Apne will still serve Langar to suls in Kashmir, Dubai and Delhi like a bunch of simpletons. It's like the kid in school who gives away free sweets so that all the other kids like him and more importantly don't beat him up. Pathetic really.
    9 points
  7. << The Amritvela Challenge >> Dear everybody, welcome to the Amritvela Challenge. There is so much suffering in the world. To alleviate this, the source of life, the universe and creation, manifested themselves in the form of our Guru's to show the world a path to eternal peace and freedom that lies within each of us. To walk this path, our Guru's instructed us to rise in the golden hours of the morning and seek connection to that source through remembrance and bhagti (devotion). Through connection our pains will be lifted and we'll become truly strong. However, our mind's have been improsined by the forces of Maya, an entity which has mastered the power of illusion to imprison the mind's of all beings in the world. These forces will do their best to block us from connecting to the source as connection will free us completely from their rule. Maya will send its great warriors after us who we'll need to be ready to face. I invite everybody to join in on this journey, the path is open to all. Let's walk on this path together so that our chances of success are higher. Rules: 1. Getup everyday at amrtivela and try to connect with the source through simran, nitnetm, meditation etc.. Amritvela let's say is before 6am, so you should be starting your routine by 6 am. Try to pick one time that you can be consistent with and stick to it. If you can't get up at the time you pick, maybe get up later then over time getup a little earlier. 2. Post your streak daily, so that we can all keep each other accountable and uplift/motivate each other as a sangat. 3. If you miss one day, reset the streak to 0 and start again (don't feel guilty or beat yourself up, aim to improve more for next time). 4. Optional rule - Add the challenge to your profile signature. To do so, login and go to the top right corner and click your profile name and go under account settings and you should see the signature tab. Once there, you can Copy/Paste "(insert current streak here) IN THE AMRITVELA CHALLENGE" Notes: Let me know if there's anything you'd like to change about this challenge now or in the future. I made this so that we can actually support each other in getting up at amrtivela and make that a lifetime routine. This is a foundational routine that will totally change our lives for the better if we could be consistent enough. Not only would our spiritual lives change, but it would also transform your worldly life as a side effect. Imagine if you worked out after your routine then had a good breakfast, you would be fully charged for your day spiritually and physically. Then you could would be able to be very productive for the rest of the day and get a lot done and you'd build this positive cycle to compound your growth over time. This is probably the hardest habit to build but also the most rewarding. An idea I was thinking of was we could add ranks to be milestones for how many days you went as a fun incentive to keep going. So like 10 days could be a rank, then 20, 30, 60, 90 etc. I didn't know what to actually make the rank titles or descriptions. If you guys have ideas for that let me know.
    9 points
  8. As requested, my story in detail: So as I mentioned, during my younger years my mum had me involved in the gurdwara and I would probably go atleast once a week if not more. All the usual gurdwara trips and gurmukh camps used to be part of my normal life. I would play football with the lads from the gurdwara and would be active in social events. I am mona and whilst I reflect back and wish I had stuck with that crowd, I realise there was a part of me that felt like I didnt fit in (because I was mona). I naturally started hanging around with a different crowd which was all good at the time but I now realise that being around these people instilled some horrible traits within myself. We were very judgemental and got kicks from making fun out of others. I should probably also mention that my knowledge on sikhi was limited. I spent alot of time at the gurdwara but with no real understanding or connection to waheguru. We all came from similar households i.e. religious mothers / grandmothers but dads who drank heavily and as we grew in to our teens, drinking became natural. My first drink was with my dad. I then hit the age of 18 where I was at college. I was able to drink legally but I also started smoking weed. At the time, it was all about image. It was all about fitting in and what people perceived of me. I wanted to be seen as somebody tough to avoid being bullied (was bullied at a younger age). I managed to get through college and enrolled on to university where the weed addiction escalated. I had drifted away from the gurdwara and sikhi. A normal day for me was waking up at 11am, eat, work at my part time job and then evenings i would spend the money I had earned to smoke 3-4 spliffs and repeat again the next day. At this point in my life, something happened within our household which just made me spiritually sick for many years. A member of my family was groomed by muslims and everything around me fell apart. The dynamics in my family changed, relationships changed, we were receiving threats from muslims - I lost complete faith in everything and I lost all trust in everyone. This experience amplified my use of drinks and drugs. When I reached my last exam at uni, things had got so bad at home that I didnt want to go to my graduation and I had to get away from the city I live in. As an escape, I went to stay with my mama for 6 weeks in the US. The first day I got there I just cried. Running away from my problems had not worked. However, I believe that trip was meant to happen as it brought me back to Sikhi. My mama is a gursikh and wears a dastaar and he showed me how powerful waheguru could be. He taught me values that I still live on with today and it was from there that I started to read in to sikhi again. I came back from the US and surprise surprise nothing had changed by me running away. My mama sent me home with a gutka sahib with english translation and one day I was so broken inside that I sat down and did paath looking for answers. It was an amazing experience. Everything that I had carried around for years felt like it had been lifted. I remember feeling a sensation inside of me which the only way I can describe it as is a light. I was beaming and felt like I had been lifted somewhere. I started working to get by, but there was a complete lack of motivation as I still felt resentful about the hand I had been dealt. The money that I earned was spent on going out, buying bottles in clubs, drugs, women, stag dos and so on. I was still very conscious about my image as by now many people were aware of the problems at home so I felt I still had to show face and show that I was ready to battle with anyone who wanted it. I would fight alot and in a weird way get a kick out of it. As this lifestyle continued, I was introduced to cocaine. My reputation had grown with fighting and we were known as the go to people when you had trouble. Cocaine was something that only the 'top' lads used back then as its expensive and was not used like it is today. By this time, the people I had surrounded myself with were all dealers / club owners / 'rough' lads. Cocaine was so easily available to me and it quickly became a habit that grew on all of us. At first, it was just for fun, every now and again. It soon got to a point where it became a necessity after a drink. A typical night in the pub would be a few pints and countless bags of cocaine. We were doing this almost on a daily basis - thinking we were the top lads - LOL! makes me laugh now because its so far from what I believe a toplad is now. I can honestly say after a few years of living my life like this, this addiction brought me down on my knees. I had lost complete power and control over my drinking and using. I knew it, but I didnt know how to stop it. I would complete sober periods for maybe 1 or 2 months at maximum but it would never last. It was during this phase of my life that I started searching for help. I joined sikhsangat to see if there was people out there who were going through similar situations in our community. Through sikhsangat, my attention refocused on sikhi. I started watching a lot of basics of sikhi videos which really helped but they alone could not keep me sober. i was able to stay sober for longer but would always end up back on here feeling suicidal and looking for someone else to fix me. I eventually lost myself again and stopped using this site. I spent many years searching for answers and stuck in this cycle. I was up to my eyes in debt, and I was dead inside. I wanted the cycle to end and thought the only way would be to end my own life. I couldnt live with this powerlessness. I couldnt live with being such a disappointment and hurting everyone around me. Then one morning after a heavy night on drink and drugs, I had rang in sick to work (this was normal for me). I had enough. I searched for help online and found myself on the alcoholics anonymous page. I was so ashamed of reaching out to them that when they rang me back I ignored their calls and luckily they persisted and rang back the next day. This is where my journey to recovery started. Im not on here to preach about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) but my story is that this programme worked for me. There is one thing that I think has been my saviour in all of this. In AA, they say that you need to have a higher power of your own understanding - for me, this was waheguru. Everyday I would do mool mantar in the morning, meditate , do a gratitude and inventory list (as the programme advises). I truly believe that without me bowing down to waheguru in the morning and handing myself over to waheguru, I would not be here today. Today, my life is completely different. I am married and have a loving and caring wife, I have relationships with people around me that addiction had taken away from me, I am spiritually connected to waheguru, I have cleared all my financial debts and I have a successful job and career which I excel in. These are all things that in addiction, I never believed I could have. With wahegurus kirpa, everything I wished for came true. I hope this helps someone out there. I am here to help others suffering now with wahegurus backing. Message me anytime
    9 points
  9. So I've been lurking on the forum as a guest for a few weeks and I am absolutely appalled by the response of the far left to this issue. I was actually meaning on starting a similar thread on this topic and still probably will as I have so much to show and say. It's mindsets like SinghPunjabSingh that are actually a part of the problem. The racism from said community is much much more widespread than he thinks as this is happening in the UK too and is not at all limited to a handful of crackheads as suggested. No, this does not mean we should start 'hating' the community (I have to say this because brainwashed people will see this and think it means I am saying it is an excuse to hate them), but it 110 per cent needs to be called out!!! We should be able to call it out without being shamed. You have black drill artists in the UK using 'Paki' in their songs now too which is basically the N word for Asians. You have many racial attacks on Asians from Blacks in the UK let alone the USA (on East Asians and South Asians alike). But as I said, I am working on presenting how bad the issue is and why it is how it is so I am going to be starting a new thread in the coming week or so.
    9 points
  10. It is not non-Muslim countries that actively invite Muslims in, it is the liberals in these countries that emotionally backmail the rest of the population into allowing Muslim migration in and shout 'racist!' if there is any voice which wants to restrict their migration into non-Muslims countries. In Punjab it is the same, it is liberal organisations that started the trend to build Mosques for them and started the propaganda that they are 'beecharay' Countries that have voted in right wing governments understand the danger of Muslim migrations, countries such as Hungary, Poland and Serbia. Countries with Muslim populations already have tried various methods such as expulsion like Myanmar and De-Islamification like China has. It would be interesting to see how the first group of countries fare in the next few decades compared to the second group.
    9 points
  11. The fact that you can equate these two sells outs with Deep Sidhu shows that you have have a very superficial understanding of this issue. That in itself in this day and age when information is available at the click of a button is criminal in my view.
    9 points
  12. There is a misconception here among some apne that only Mirpuris are carrying out grooming activities in the UK. The reality is some of you are naive. Many grooming gangs have been Pakistani Punjabis, and even Bangladeshis and Afghans. The partition violence, genocide and mass rapes were initiated and committed by Punjabi Muslims against Sikhs. The forced conversion of Sikh girls in Pakistan is carried out by Punjabi Muslims. Pakistani Punjabis are themselves no better than Mirpuris but scapegoat Mirpuris for everything wrong in their own communities. Many of the groomers have been Pakistani Punjabis yet some of you act like Pakistani Punjabis are culturally akin to Sikhs just because some Sikhs happen to speak in the same dialect of Punjabi as some Pakistanis. The ringleader of the Rochdale grooming gangs was a Pakistani Punjabi from Gujrat confirmed here. This gang was the most perverted of all grooming gangs and it was run by Pakistani Punjabis: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/rochdale-grooming-gang-deportation-rights-10903124 Another Pakistani Punjabi extradited from Faisalabad. He is another pedo from Rochdale jailed for raping kids: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7942011/Child-rapist-fled-UK-Pakistan-begins-19-year-jail-term-extradited.html The grooming gangs in Oxford were Pakistani Punjabis (most Pakistanis there are Punjabis). You see names used by central Punjabi Jatt tribes such as "Virk" and "Dogar" : https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/may/14/oxford-gang-guilty-grooming-girls https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2844528/Taxi-driver-three-friends-sentenced-total-68-years-gang-rape-drunk-woman-passenger.html Pakistani Punjabis have endless videos on tiktok mocking Sikh victims of grooming gangs just look at this page: tiktok.com/@datpakistanipunjabi
    9 points
  13. Although people accept the Shahmukhi script as a valid script for Punjabi, there are number of Punjabi words which can be misread if they are written in Shahmukhi script rather than Gurmukhi. We need to stop catering to their whims and insist that Gurmukhi is the only script for Punjabi. One thing that I have noticed is how Pakistanis misspell Sikh names as well as other words associated with Sikhi. I think it is intentional, a way to show that these are unimportant.
    9 points
  14. With Akaal Purakh's kirpa another sant sipahi is amongst us. Amritpal Singh. Thousands have gathered / do gather for Amrit after listening to his prachaars. Leader of Waris Punjab De party.
    8 points
  15. Isnt it sad to see their roots being cut off? What do you guys think? Sikhi is ending in afghanistan. Also I hope they are able to keep their sikhi intact while living in a completely different religous and cultural country like mexico.
    8 points
  16. people have become used to comfort in first world countries. The smallest inconvenience happens and they act like the world is ending. Imagine how these people will act when something big actually happens? These people have forgotten nothing is permanent.
    8 points
  17. Bloody hell, grow up and move on. Do you see people in any civilised developed society talking about how their grandfather or Great grand father was a farmer, carpenter, shop keeper, soldier and being overly proud about it? It's pathetic.
    8 points
  18. Don't think it's related to badals veerji. In my previous posts and in posts by other Sangat members a few years ago, they mentioned about how Khalsa Raj is in our lifetime. Many people like to dismiss this unfortunately and have no faith in Bachans of Mahapurakhs. What They tell us is just the end result. Khalsa Raj is going to happen in our lifetime, but when many people hear this they think we are referring to it happening magically without any work. All the events that are happening now are towards preparation of Khalsa Raj and all of these are in Vaheguru ji's khel. Bad times will be for those who do tyranny Bhul Chuk Maf ji Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh ji
    8 points
  19. I think you need to step back and put your ego in check @shastarSingh. Referring to Baba Nand Singh Ji with such little respect isn't in your interest. These Mahapursh have contributed to Sikhi in ways we can't put a number to. Inspiring people to follow Sikhi in a genuine way and igniting the joy of bhagati is not an easy task. You can lump all intellectuals gyanis and parcharks on one side and they can never inspire the way a mahapursh Sant mahatma can. Don't take this the wrong way, we need all the intellectuals we can get, but their domain is never going to extend into the realms of these rarest of the rare type mahapurshs. You need approach these panthic matters with more grace. There is a way of offering constructive criticism without insulting. You need to refine these skills before speaking beyond your scope. Also, current Nanaksar as an institution is a complex matter, and also separate from Baba Nand Singh Ji.
    8 points
  20. Indian origin faiths don't have the cunningness, hatred and aggression to deal with Abrahamic faith's especially Islam. Malaysia and Indonesia were once Hindu/Buddhists and now they are overwhelmingly Muslim. Islam wants to conquer, they see secularism as a weakness to expose and when Muslims become a majority they impose sharia which forbids the populace from leaving Islam. So it's a one way win win situation for them. You can never have a Liberal attitude towards them or it will come back to bite you.
    8 points
  21. It was the lived experience of millions of Sikhs. I would venture that Arjan Singh was a more articulate, sophisticated and adventurous person than someone like you who gets triggered at any mention of Sikhs in the army in WW1 or WW2. Whatever your views about him, he deserves to be honoured as do all those Sikhs who left Punjab to fight in both world wars. Another 'illiterate pendu' I found apparently this 'pendu' went on earn a PhD and fought the racist citizenship policies of the USA.
    8 points
  22. These kinds of petitions don't work. If we had more unity, then all the Gurdwaras should declare her persona non grata. They should declare that they will not engage with any ministers or any conservative MPs or candidates unless Priti Patel is sacked. That would be much for effective than a petition. Priti Patel is a joke, she has been a total failure on the migrants coming on boats from France.
    8 points
  23. Pakistanis in the USA are simply in far fewer numbers than the UK. White Americans are probably less likely to take any nonsense from them as well, most of them have guns. Even if more Mirpuris are involved than Pakjabis, both Mirpuris and Pakjabis hang out at school and are likely to influence each other. I cannot emphasise this enough - Islam comes before any silly concept of Punjabayat, which only laloo Sikhs believe in.
    8 points
  24. Punjab has a very old history. What we are taught in school about hindu and Hinduism is mostly lies. Punjab was part of the indus civilization and today we are in clash with the ganges civilization. We are taught a history that doesnt even belong to us. Punjab has a very old history starting from ancient persia. The punjabi language is very old and has evolved since then. The people of the ganges hate the indus civilization and are hell bent on destroying the punjabi language in both east and west punjab. In their hatred of sikhs these west punjabi adopted a language called urdu which is the language of the ganges plain from which hindi was made for the hindus.Brainwashed people giving up their language and culture.
    8 points
  25. Day 0 today, starting tomorrow, aim is to wake up consistently at 4 am.
    8 points
  26. By the same logic pocs should be beating goras left and right for all the &lt;banned word filter activated&gt; they have done around the world. They have committed so many crimes on a large scale against people of color but act like they are defenders of morals. What a joke. Thats why every sikh needs to learn martial arts and show these people their place. When all we do is act like victims on social media they think we are weak. Throw a few punches back and show them their place.
    8 points
  27. Lmao, bull5hit. Again, what's the definition of "pray" and how is it enacted? What exactly are they praying for, btw? This is like when people were polled about who they'd vote for between Trump and Hillary. People overwhelmingly asserted for Hillary... then the results came in and Trump won, which means the polled folks didn't reveal their true thoughts / intentions. ? There's a specific term for this phenomena that I can't remember at this time. You get someone confront you with a clipboard about your religious habits, and unless you completely DGAF you're going to embellish your answers, particularly in a society like India that still likes to convey a false sense of spiritual propriety. Plus, Indian Sikhs are some of the most brazen liars and frauds on this planet. I wouldn't use an Indian survey as toilet paper.
    8 points
  28. Focus on the road instead of the people.
    8 points
  29. I was 9 when my immediate family member passed away. That’s how the spiritual urge started. Might share more another time.. anyway a few points; - when do happy people remember god? People only remember god in pain - religion is a game, spirituality is something completely different. If your third eye opens you’re in for a big shock. Many religious folk who are famous/respected wear bana are on complete zero within. - 1st stage of bhram gyan is called sub icha (genuine desire of enlightenment arises). Pain is the only thing which finally pushes a person hard enough towards searching inwards. - best thing you can do for a departed soul is akhand path as per marayda then fold your hands in front of sggs ji. Transfer the worry to guru Sahib completely, then carry on with this life. Time heals wounds, scars remain. Your time to leave will come one day too. Next best thing is you reaching sachkhand yourself (your avastha reaching there via simran) people close to you automatically get liberated - ever wanted to see your previous life? Losing someone effects you so badly, but we all lost people in previous lives too. If you start remembering losing loved ones from previous lives you wouldn’t be able to endure the pain it would drive you mad. (Don’t set desire on seeing previous lives), those who see it through simran only see glimpses anyway.
    8 points
  30. As I've said for a while, if you've got kids or nephews and nieces of a certain age, foisting them onto others in a religious camp for a few days isn't going to turn them into little gianis. Keep them away from those places because you'll get religious predators making it their first port of call. There's probably a reason they're called a CAMP. If you're British you'll know. The clue is in the name.
    8 points
  31. Jagraj bhai ji (of BoS) points out that Anglos played some weird Jedi mind tricks on our lot (like 'Sikhs don't preach and convert!") and we quickly brought into it despite our own Sikh culture and history clearly being the very opposite direction. It's the same with all the 'race' theory crap our people brought into. I mean it so obviously goes against Sikh conceptualisations of Sikh society but many of our lot jumped on it because it made them feel 'special'. It's really cringeworthy to see how our lot are so easy to manipulate like this. And the other side must be in hysterics at our gullibility (I don't know about half devil but 'half child' for real!) We're only seeing people starting to question a lot of obvious bull5hit put in our heads now. When any outsiders (like the English) can come in and in effect set the very fundamentals of our faith, and that too for decades/centuries, we're clearly in deep trouble and missing something VERY important. How many things that we consider as Sikh are actually Anglo additions or influence? Like the whole Charitrio Pakyaan prudery! Given this, are we really surprised that we still have hordes of apnay that think that Sikhi is somehow in complete alignment with western liberal thought. Though I should point out that the other extreme of narrow minded clannishness isn't much better of an option long-term either.
    8 points
  32. The higher caste Punjabi Hindus, the Bahmans, Khatri/Arora and the Bania has always been anti-Sikh and anti-Punjab to the core. Our leadership has failed to recognise that the Punjabi Hindu is deeply split even more so than our people. The Badal Akalis in 1997 by aligning themselves with the BJP which is the party of higher caste Hindu interests gave this section of the Punjabi Hindus a taste of power in Punjab which after 1966 they had never had. Simranjit Singh Mann's Akali Dal had supported the BSP and Kanshi Ram. Now the Badal Akalis after leaving the BJP have aligned with the BSP so it will interesting to see if the BSP made any gains from it. If you read the names of the Hindus who spread the most anti-Sikh vitriol, it will always be a Sharma, Verma, Bhardwaj etc - all Bahman surnames. The problem with our Panthic leadership is that they have never aligned with a section of the Punjabi Hindus with whom we have common interests. The Hindu Dalits and the Hindu agricultural castes. Together these form over 15% of the population of Punjab. The attack of the RW Hindus have been to divide Sikhs by using their narrative that Jat Sikhs have been killing and raping Dalits with impunity in Punjab so as to divide our people. Even some of our muppets with an agenda also latch on this and have been spreading this BS online. The area where the Hindu Dalits have dominance in Doaba is the place where Dalits are in direct competition with the urban Hindu and not the rural Sikh. These Dalits don't consider themselves Hindus and are anti-Hindutva. They should be our natural allies. We should go back to our anti-Manuvadi origins. Here is the typical Punjabi Hindu upper caste trying to demonise the Sikh majority to the rest of India.
    7 points
  33. Here is the hypocrisy of someone of shares the same comrade ideology of Swaiman Singh. These comrades are the traitors within, they will espouse western views on women's 'freedom' to us and yet give Muslims a free pass for their oppression of their women.
    7 points
  34. 7 points
  35. I also remember having an Egyptian colleague at university in the mid 2000s who would always talk badly about Pakistanis to me. Saying that Pakistanis are ruining the name of Muslims with their extremism and terrorism. Lo and behold the same extremism and terrorism became rampant in Egypt with church bombings etc. There really is not much difference between them.
    7 points
  36. I couldn't care less if a sul is from Mirpur, Lahore, Karachi, Dhaka, Kabul, Delhi, Algiers, Casablanca. A sul is still a sul. They all exhibit similar behaviour and have little respect for those from other faiths. So much arrogance. This thread reminds me of when some Hindus and Sikh people have said to me that Indian Muslims are better than Pakistanis. I simply tell them that the only difference is that they are a minority in India and they cannot do much with their numbers. I then tell them to look at how Indian Muslims behave when they do become a majority in an area - Kashmir. All minorities are thrown out or harassed.
    7 points
  37. If I am correct, Gurmukhi is based on Landa script which came from which is today's Pakistan. So basically Shahmukhi is a foreign script where Pakistanis are bowing down to their Persian and Arab masters. Us Sikhs do best when we lead and do our own thing rather than trying to acommodate and appease. Appeasing these lot gives us no benefit.
    7 points
  38. There is no need to be aggressive with anyone. Knee &lt;banned word filter activated&gt; reactions are never a good idea. Just don't be a liberal a$$hole and challenge those in our community who are. The external enemy is never as dangerous as the internal traitor. The biggest traitors are those who look like they are devout Sikhs and yet are willing to subvert our religion and go against the Rehat Maryada just to win brownie points with their liberal backers.
    7 points
  39. Because that was a paid agenda bro, it's a paid program that was set up here, and it had ways of enticing people into it, some of those ways were cult sex practices. White people are also more than happy to appropriate something rather than assimilate to it and so they are happy as s*** being the real Sikhs while the rest of us are sidelined you know what I'm saying? These white Sikh organizations are paid for, they're set up by Intel services. Have you ever seen how smug these guys are when they're confronted about being in a cult they know and they're happy as s*** about it bro. Yogi bahaha even told the 3ho that they have no ties, no responsibility to the Paanth. That it's just brown politics and not to get involved. To ignore the genocide and attack on Harminder Sahib. In who's best interest is it that Sikhs don't help each other? Certainly it isn't in Sikhi's interest. I think a more important question is who did Yogi bahaha actually work for?
    7 points
  40. I think the British army is a good for our people to keep the martial spirit alive, learn how to shoot and how to survive in the wild. They days of military interventions on behalf of the USA are pretty much over now so it's unlikely any apna will get killed in enemy fire while fighting for the British army. The army is something like 82,000 regular and 30,000 reservists so if we have a couple of thousand apnay in the British army that would be a good thing especially if there any civil unrest and a breakdown in order. What I really hate is the inordinate amount of subservience that we tend to display when we highlight our historic link with the British army. The important thing to remember is that we are here because they were there and they took away our sovereignty.
    7 points
  41. Maybe keep it? At least some apneean might learn that what brothers are saying about how sullay perceive them isn't a lie.
    7 points
  42. Moga, Jagraon and the areas west including Zira and south to Bathinda and Mansa were all a part of the Lakhi jungle where the Khalsa Dal would retire to recoup and unite their forces for the next attack on the Mughals and Afghans. Malwa has a different experience of Mughal persecution. Apart from along the GT road where the govt was strong, in the rural areas the influence of the govt only extended through Muslim chaudharis such as the Manj Rajputs who had villages along the GT road as well as Pathan, Dogar and Gujjar Muslim villages which existed in regular intervals between Jat villages. The Malwa never saw the persecution that the Sikhs of Majha and Doaba faced in which many Sikhs were killed in large numbers by both the Mughal Subedars and the Muslim peasants who would hunt for Sikhs in the areas where Sikhs were sheltering. At one stage the Majha and some areas of Doaba adjacent to it were emptied of Sikhs. The Malwa experience was different because half of the Malwa was under Sikh Chaudhris who had come into Sikhi during Guru Hargobind's parchar tour of Malwa as well as Guru Gobind Singh's stay in Malwa after leaving Anandpur Sahib. These Chaudhris went on to become the states of Patiala, Jind, Nabha and Faridkot. Sikhi grew exponentially in Malwa because unlike Majha and Doaba, it enjoyed a sustained period of relative peace. Malwa also retained the old Chaudhris who were a part of the old order while in Majha and Doaba because these Chaudhris had taken part in the persecution, they were overthrown and new leaders from among the common population came forward to become Misldars. Incidentally Malwa never had a Misl or even Misldars although sometimes the Phulkian chaudhris who became the Malwa Sikh states are included as a Misl they do not meet the definition of what a Misl was. The Majha and a few Doaba areas produced Misldars many of whom set up their own rule in areas of Malwa bordering Lakhi Jungle, the area they knew well due to sheltering there during the Mughal persecution as well as along the GT road towards Delhi. These non-Malwai kingdoms such as Kaithal, Kalsia, Ladwa, Rupar and Buria either lapsed after the failure of a male heir to the British rule or were annexed after the Anglo-Sikh wars. Only Kalsia state survived into 1948 when it became a part of the Patiala and East Punjab states union. Although the Malwa rulers supported the British in the Anglo-Sikh wars, the general Sikh population was on the side of the Lahore Durbar. Many Sikhs especially in the British ruled areas of Malwa like Ludhiana and Ferozpur had historically crossed the Satluj to join the Khalsa army. The famous general Dhanna Singh Malwai was one such person. After his death the Patiala ruler attempted to take over the jagir that Maharaja Ranjit Singh had bestowed him for his service which was resisted by the Lahore Durbar. During the battles along the Satluj while the Muslim villagers supported the British, the Sikh villagers would attack British army stragglers passing through their areas.
    7 points
  43. I don't see the point of usIng the gurdwara for prayers Muslims can lay down their mats and pray anywhere: on the street, in the park, in a lounge. But to do this, is like capitulating Muslims are probably thinking , " What a bunch of mugs, we do not need to conquer them, they are letting us do this! Alhamidullah! "
    7 points
  44. sikh said we have no problem with muslims coming to do namaz in gurdwara muslims also said we have no problem to do namaz there (despite the reporter pointing out there are mosques nearby) however when muslims were asked would it be ok for sikhs to come to masjid and do their prayers they said our religion doesn't allow that when it came to eating langar or prashad at the gurdwara ,the muslims actually said that would be haram for them to eat it , given that it is made of nonharam veg and dal and grains they are talking out of their As as there no restriction quran wise. so there you have it halaal to pray on site of Guru ji's darbar namaz and haram to eat anything there (which is not what old school punjabi muslims believe or say) , halaal to approach other dharams daughters but haram to allow own daughters to have friends who are nonmuslim.
    7 points
  45. https://www.sikhhelpline.com/bullying-the-tragic-story-of-a-sikh-boy/ The Tragic Story Of A 13 Year Boy – Bullying Kills! superadmin 15th July 2014 bullying Monday: my money was taken. Tuesday: names called. Wednesday: my uniform torn. Thursday: my body pouring with blood. Friday: it’s ended. Saturday: freedom. These are the final diary pages of Vijay Singh. Read his true story…. One in ten students said that they had suffered severe bullying which included physical violence. Most of them felt they cannot share their problems and the consistent bullying they faced drove them to depression and misery. Vijay Singh was a bright 13-year-old boy from Manchester. This child was tormented; his life made a misery and it drove him to taking his life. The reason why this happened was because of intolerance, racism and bullying. Vijay Singh attended predominantly a white school. Most children did not have an understanding of why Vijay Singh wore a turban. Racist boys at school would beat up young Vijay Singh, when going to school, in school and going home. He was half their size, but size did not matter. They would knock his turban off and punch his eyes, so what if he cried they thought. Vijay Singh good grades made these unintelligent racist children, jealous. They would taunt him, and call him names. Paki! Turban-head! Wrap head ! His lunch would be stolen. The boys would swing their fist in his nose. Bleeding Paki! Bloody Paki! , they would say. Not knowing the pain they caused when his nose went crunch . Blood pouring down young Vijay Singh shirt. They grabbed his arms, and would push him into to the wall. They would hit him, Punch! Crunch! and he would fall to the ground. They didn’t care how he felt or why he had a turban on his head. Kick! Spit! they would watch him crawling, crying for help. The bullies would walk away leaving young Vijay Singh crying out for help. The School lessons would begin. For most children lessons were normal, a laugh a giggle as well doing work. However for Vijay Singh this was like a prison cell at the school from hell. He would sit in the class with his blood stained clothes. Tears would roll down his eyes, and he had a sour broken nose. However the bullies didn’t stop their taunting. They could not feel the pain or see why he should not deserve it. He was brown, he wore a turban, and wasn’t normal. He wasn’t normal. What is normal? Is everyone single person the same? Someone is clever, someone is good with their hands, someone is fat, or slim and someone is tall or small. We are not all normal. Our abnormality makes us individual, and it represents our background, identity and what we stand are. No teacher saw this bullying happening. No teacher saw the signs of bullying. No teacher said to this kid, don?t worry, No one said, you are a Sikh, and you are brave and strong…….. No one knew young Vijay Singh plans, of what he had been thinking and going over his mind almost certainly. He opens the door, slams it shut. Runs up the stairs, for freedom calls He escapes from his body walls , and is free at last from the horrific violence, which he had suffered silently. Vijay Singh was found hanging from the banister rail at his home on one Sunday in 1996. This was the silent death of an innocent child who was tormented, and mentally and physically tortured. Where his life ended, we begin, to understand the effects of bullying. Did you know? 50% of people have been bullied in school. Bullying causes psychiatric injury, a feature of which is reactive depression. At least 16 children commit bullycide in the UK every year . Many Sikh children have been the subject of racial abuse because they look different. Read his poem below…… Racism also manifests itself in teachers failing to take racist bullying seriously, even after tragedies such as the suicide of schoolboy Vijay Singh. There are still a huge number of cases of racist bullying, which have been dealt with improperly. The Sikh Helpline were made aware of a case where a secondary school pupil was attacked by a number of other pupils, leaving him with a broken arm. His assailants were left unpunished and continue to verbally and physically abuse him. To maintain order, he has been excluded from socialising at school and has received complaints from teachers for highlighting inadequacies in his treatment.? THE BULLY Poem ….. Dedicated to Vijay Singh, aged 13, who hung himself at home in Manchester, after being bullied at school. Vijay Singh 13 yrs old “Racist ruffian, low-down scum Foul mouthed thug do you think its fun To beat up a kid who’s half your size? Knock his turban and punch his eyes He gets good grades and it makes you sick turban-head’s clever and you’re so thick. You push and punch and steal his lunch You swing your fist his nose goes crunch Bleeding Paki! Bloody Paki! Swear a lot then steal his money Grab his arms – push him to the wall Punch! Crunch! He takes the fall Kick! Spit! Watch him crawl Walk away from his crying call. Lessons start at the school from hell Classroom’s more like a prison cell Sitting in his blood stained clothes Tears in his eyes and a busted nose Bully boys don’t stop their taunting No teacher saw his daily haunting No teacher said you’re a lion Singh Be BRAVE, be STRONG but never give in School bell rings:”Bye-Bye friends I ain’t coming to hell again!” Running home as fast as he can No one knows his secret plan Up the stairs for freedom call He escapes from his body walls Free at last from the violence Hangs himself in deathly silence. Where he ends we begin Bullies won’t kill another Singh Unite as CHILDREN make the change Don’t let things stay the same We want freedom – no more crime We want freedom all the time No more Singhs will die this way Unite as CHILDREN – fight them today! CHILDREN UNITE IT’S TIME TO FIGHT THE BULLY BOYS THE RACIST NOISE DON’T LIVE IN DREAD TELL THE TEACHER INSTEAD YOU’RE NOT ALONE LET YOUR TROUBLES BE KNOWN” At least 1 Sikh student has committed suicide in the UK because of racial abuse. This issue of racial abuse is present amongst all communities and can affect anyone regardless of religion, colour, caste or creed. If you know someone who is being bullied, know someone who is bullying someone or need help yourself (as a bully or victim), THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE HERE TO HELP AT THE SIKH HELPLINE, 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. PLEASE CONTACT US USING ONE OF THE METHODS ON OUR CONTACT US PAGE. The SikhHelpline needs your support We are here to provide support to young people around the UK deal with various issues. In order to continue this service we need people like you to donate as much as you can spare. Our greatest fear is that when desperate children call our Hotline for help they will find our lines busy and never ring again. To Donate
    7 points
  46. Come on guys lets not derail this important thread.There are many other threads dealing with that subject and you can carry on there if it's really necessary.Just because Niddar Singh is affiliated with the RSS it doesn't mean everything he does has an RSS agenda angle.Most probably he is familiar with this issue and is supporting as a person because he believes in the allegations as do so many others currently. Focus on the victims and what they are saying.It's not easy for them to come out like this in public especially for males.The least we can do is to not start wild conspiracy theories of hidden hands and agendas involved in this issue.
    7 points
  47. Our Belief creates our reality. Its true now and after we die( actually we never die since energy changes form, we are shape shifters). Due to the factor of time on earth physical manifestation takes time. Repeated thoughts and focus create reality faster. Since there is only one of us Unity consciousness. Separation is an illusion. After the process called death we first realize we are not the body, next we experience what we hold in our mind (beliefs). At some stage when mind is purged with all the acquired beliefs we proceed to mergence and experience oneness(our true nature)
    7 points
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