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  1. Gurfateh Sangat ji, We see large number of new membership trying to join our forums and we are not approving those new members who are coming from India. Some of them are non-punjabi names or email ids and we are rejecting all those memberships for the past few weeks. We do not know if they are genuine or some troll for anti-farmers group. For the past 5 years or so, we approve members manually; which is a daunting process but we want the quality in. With recent anti-humanity GOI and their goons trying to use good platforms to spread their agenda or propaganda. For that possible reasons, we are not approving anyone joining our forum from India. If you are genuine person who wants to join the forum then please email us sikhsangat@live.com Stay in Chardikala
    16 points
  2. Akalifauj the reason why I think you are still quality control is because you never stop arguing with people and never admit when your are wrong maybe if you change you will not be in quality control.
    14 points
  3. I love you Watch the movie chaar sahibzaade, read jeevan of sants, and shaheeds. Channel the emotion towards how special opportunity you got. You got a chance at Sikhi only because countless died for it. Remember them, pray for strength like they had The only reason you fall is because you’re trying in the first place. It’s never too late. Test of faith can be brutal but love for Guru Ji carries you through Review what people to keep in your life and those to remove. Do seva of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and his sangat. Beg Guru Sahib Ji to let you taste the anand of his charan.
    13 points
  4. You're marrying the love of your life (supposedly), and you're more worried about whether if you're walking behind, beside or in front of him. Rather than booking the nearest wedding date available in great anticipation, to get married to person you love, you're delaying the process because of your insecurities. I suggest you go back to basics and ask yourself, what does this person mean to you? why are you marrying him? and why Anand Karaj? and what is your priority in this relationship? Its not too late to reconsider, modern Sikh marriages suggest that marriage isn't for everyone. As for why the bride walks behind the groom, then that is because your father will pass your husbands pala into your hands. This symbolises that your father is now passing you onto your husband and that you are now a part of your husbands family. The grooms father does not pass the brides chunni into the grooms hand, it is the brides father that passes the grooms pala into his daughters hand. Your sons will also be a part of your husbands family and take their fathers name. Just how Guru Gobind Singh ji narrates the history of his family, the Sodhi clan, the clan of his father Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. Just how Guru Nanak Dev ji is described as being born into the Bedi clan, the clan of his father Mehta Kalu. Just how Bhai Santokh Singh ji describes that when Guru Nanak Dev ji is born the BEDI ladies(aunts) come around to see Baby Guru Nanak. Guru Gobind Singh ji's hukkam is that a Sikh man should get his daughter married into a house where Sikhi is practiced, why ? because its the bride that is marrying into the grooms family, hence a father should choose a home for his daughter where Sikhi is practiced. Just like that the father of the bride passes the grooms pala into the brides hand, symbolising that she is now a part of the grooms family and their kids will also be part of the grooms family. We have been getting married like that for centuries, its our tradition. If you don't like it, then like others have suggested you can have a registry marriage. @jkvlondon would you like to give this bibi some advise?
    13 points
  5. A village near my house in Ludhiana has a significant Muslim population. The granthi Singh of the Gurdwara Sahib in the village is a jeevan vala Singh and my friend too. A Muslim family in the village were going through huge financial and health problems. The Muslim bibi in the house started suffering from depression and started having suicidal thoughts. She regularly read Quran but nuthing changed. She told her mental agony to the Granthi Singh. He told the bibi that if u want to be near to Allah do paath of Jaap Sahib and if u want to be protected by Allah do paath of Chaupai Sahib. He also gave her santhiya of these 2 baanis. She started doing these 2 baanis and started to feel better. Health sickness of her son started getting better. She started doing 5 Jaap Sahib and 20 Chaupai Sahib daily and all the financial problems of her family got solved in 3-4 months. Now the entire Muslimfamily which includes the Muslim bibi,her children,husband and parents in law do nitnem of Jaap Sahib and Chaupai Sahib daily.
    12 points
  6. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa , Waheguru ji ki Fateh , firstly what you are doing is throwing out sikh culture and gurmat for some supposed 'modern' and WISER ???? way , in some mistaken impression you know what Guru ji meant better than he did. If you are happy and grateful for being a sikh on the long line of sacrificing sikhs upon whose bodies you stand then it should not be US the descendents, telling the GURU that 'we know better than you' and altering his given ways to bless you both as a Couple. If you look at the history of the Lavaan it has ZERO to do with Vedic resams as we are dedicating ourselves to Guru ji and making Guru ji our support and centre of our lives (that is why we travel around giving respect, equidistant to the Guru , neither partner becoming a blockage to personal relationship to Guru ji) . If your guy is walking ahead of you it is showing that he will protect and shield you from the unknown harms that could come your way in life as Guru ji has told him to do, so actually it is giving him space to show how much he cares and honours you in sharing your life with him . It is not saying you are lesser in any way so please stop listening to frankly uneducated 'modern' sikhs , as Kaurs are supposed to be supportive and ready step into the breach if life takes out the Singh and protect the future of the panth. The First Anand Karaj was when Guru Amar Das ji Married his own Daughter Bibi Bhani ji to Guru Ram Das ji , did he insist that his daughter walk in front or side by side to Guru Ram Das Ji ? No , he could have done knowing just how blessed and holy she was , daughter to a Guru, Wife of a Guru, Mother of a Guru and GRandmother of the Next Guru also . Was she treated as lesser by anyone ? No , so please leave western ideas of 'equality' and understand Sikh ideas of equality they are much deeper and more expressive then simple minded kneejerk swaps as in western thinking. Yes you are right societal thinking has got you in a tizz but it is not Sikhi but your interpretations of it via the messed up western model which fails to see beauty in the chivalry of promising to protect but sees it as a belittling of the female (how messed up is that? so daughters shouldn't look up to their dads and brothers if they look after them but should be angry) . Guru ji commanded that his sikhs should never ask for daaj or harass the girl's family with demands if they did they are not his sikhs. The bharat was only supposed to be as big as the female's family could host without stressing them . A Sikh was never allowed to cuss out or strike women did this mean Guru ji thought of women as weak flower or was it he wanted society to change their attitude and show just as much love and respect to the girl's family as the boy's family got ? This is the equality he wanted that daughters were married into homes with these attitudes intact not the transactional attitudes that existed in societies dominated by the other faiths. Unfortunately, in your speech I have seen that crass transactional attitude with regards to the raagis , if you are serious about sikhi and doing your life the sikh way , cultivate humbleness because you are begging Guru ji to bless your future together and his Granthi and sewaks will follow Him not you . If you don't want to pay for a particular jathebandi then just get the gurdwara sewak team to do it and donate the difference to the homeless or poor. Raagi jathe following Akal Takht maryada and Guru ji's hukham so do not expect them to answer yes to your folks strange ideas because those ideas are insulting the maryada of Anand Karaj and Guru ji Themself. They know the sikh follows the Guru not the other way around .
    12 points
  7. We are Sikhs not Cultural Marxists. If you have it the traditional you are both equally distant from Maharaj. If you have both people level then one is going to be further away. You adapt to Sikhi, Sikhi should not have to adapt to your whimsical ways. If you want a western ceremony, I suggest you have a registry marriage. Simples
    12 points
  8. What part of his is good looking or Sikh? He is a punjabi with trimmed dari. Compare him to the ones such as these. They are not only better looking but they are also better and true Sikhs, with fine facial expressions in their eyes and faces, amazingly long and loose dharra and shastar bastar dari all over ?? It’s the Best looking race on earth.
    12 points
  9. The Path to a Sikh Renaissance I feel that we are in a dire need of a Sikh Renaissance, where Sikhs will be able to contribute to the world at their zenith. I believe we were heading to that point during Maharaja Ranjit's time but it dwindled from there on. I think that we as a community need a re-emergence, and realizing it and bringing it into reality should be our main and only priority for now. Hearing and seeing the Sikh youth in Punjab being gripped by drugs, and in certain parts of the Western world becoming unmotivated, and failing in life is disheartening to see. I think through the following steps, we can emerge as a powerful force, however it will take extreme strife. Here is what I think is needed: Sikhs need to spiritually reconnect with Sikhi Become entrepreneurial by creating new industries or by taking control of existing ones, as a means of gaining great economic resource which can then be channeled to the Sikh cause, think Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg type of entrepreneurial success and economic gain Put the Khalistan movement on the back burner for now, as it is only damaging and polarizing the community, and instead build ourselves up to a formidable level where we have a respected global image and can command power; and then bring back the movement through calculated ways and not martyrdom Refocus on being a Sikh, and not a Sikh-Hindu, and pledge allegiance to the Sikh cause by being a united community - agreeing on our future goals, this can only be done by having more parchariks like Jugraj Singh, and supporting them through economic resources which in itself can only be provided by entrepreneurial Sikhs mentioned in my second bullet point Having to set milestones and future goals such as Sikhs winning Nobel Prizes, Oscars, Pulitzer Prizes and etc. Encouragement for meaningful learning and education ( this is the need of the moment, why is it that most of the Sikh youth hates pursuing education, especially Sikhs from Punjab?); we need more Sikhs aiming for the Rhodes Scholarship Branch out into more reputable fields/industries - i.e. Science, Engineering, Medicine, Politics, Academia, Arts/Media, Technology, Business (this honestly is the crux of the Renaissance and I can see some of it already taking place in the Western world); I say this because most Sikhs join the Indian Army and most go for soldier as an occupation, but we need to step back and stop putting our lives on the line and instead need to focus on educating and securing our community through personal development Evolve and be more open - accept Sehajdari, Mona Sikhs, 3HO Sikhs, Sikh sects as a part of the community, the more the merrier, however gradually, with love, help them correct their ways Immigrate from Punjab to the Western world (however through legal means and with the intent of gaining meaningful education, i.e. studying at esteemed institutions in America/England/Canada and not some merit-less community colleges, and gaining reputable jobs), as this will allow Sikhs more global exposure and opportunity Increase our numbers through procreating more children or adopting children and raising them into the Sikh faith, and marrying out (i.e. bring spouses from other faiths/ethnicities into the Sikh fold through reason and willingness, not force like love jihad) Be clear in our focus, respect other communities, but do not advocate their causes (such as the Sikh Coalition standing up for Muslims and Hindus, this is not benefiting us) Reap the benefits of the system, and do not fight it or challenge it for the meantime, however retain allegiance to the Sikh cause (make use of the IITs in India, and Medical Colleges, and the student scholarships that send worthy students to Ivy Leagues); I think the Parsis have been most successful in this Become role models,and in turn inspire Sikh youth, and establish an encouraging network (often times the Sikhs that do attain success, are extremely averse against helping other Sikhs - this is wrong, as we need to create a community that encourages and supports individual success such as the Jewish people) Stop riding the coattails of our ancestors, and instead create new sagas of success in the present-day Uphold the warrior spirit, but put on a thinking cap so that communal decisions can turn out to be effective ones, and not ones that are conducted in the heat of the moment, which ultimately lead to little gain and more damage Revise Judeo-Christian influenced English translations of the GGS and translate the GGS into other major languages (Arabic, Russian, Chinese, French, Spanish) and Indo-Aryan languages (Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Marwari/Rajasthani, Bihari, Nepali) to make Sikhism more accessible and understandable for those interested Removal of caste altogether (it has no place in Sikhism, and any pride on ones caste should be absolutely condemned and derided - more Singh/Kaur surnames, zero gotras, let's get out of this tribal thinking) Although I may have repeated myself a few times, this is what I came up with at the moment. Feel free to criticize, discuss and contribute your thoughts about improving the Sikh community. Apologies in advance, if I've offended anyone.
    12 points
  10. On Vasakhi 1699 after the first two Khalsay had stood up ... Guru Gobind Singh Ji (the sixth Khalsa) gave three more calls. Mohkam Chand, a Gujarati calico printer/tailor from DwarkaNagar, Himmat Rai, a water-bearer from Jagannath Puri in Orissa, and Sahib Shah, a barber from Bidar (south India), stood up one after another and advanced to offer their heads. ... a minority of the wider Punjabi community is Sikh ... most Punjabi's are Muslims and there are more Hindi speaking "Punjabi's" in the historic parts of pre-1966 Punjab. So we as Sikhs need to fight back against this nonsense portraying Sikhs as the equivalent of Punjabi's as they seek to limit the truth to a small part of Punjab only. Even the Muslim Jatts that killed 300,000 Sikhs in 1947 and the Hindu Jatts like Sajjan Kumar laugh at the ridiculousness of some Sikhs associating an ancestry with their name as a mark of pride given the fact that even the vast majority of Jatts are Muslim and Hindu ... So again we as Sikhs need to fight against our Panth being associated with any particular ancestry backgrounds (because that's exactly what our enemies want) So let's be clear anybody in 2012 who proclaims their ancestry background from the rooftops is not a Sikh and Punjabiyat has no relavance to Sikhi. Anybody into Bhangra please tell your favourite artists that you will not buy their records if they continue to promote alcohol + caste on behalf of a Muslim record label like Moviebox. Sikhi is falsely portrayed by the Panth's enemies and for the record let me state that i think a billion or so Hindu's are generally good people (the 800 million or so Hindu's who live in poverty I consider as Sikh in my eyes anyway ... before someone misinterprets my stab at the Panth's enemies)
    11 points
  11. Try harder. It's a waste of time and emotional effort. Learn a practical skill that you normally pay another person to do (home repair / maintenance, etc) or a martial art to aid fitness. Or just read something. I was a little more than an average gamer but not quite hardcore. I was in my late 20s, mindlessly bashing buttons one day. Opposite from where I was sitting was a mirror. I saw myself, a grown man, playing a video game, and it hit me like a ton of bricks; a tide of overwhelming shame washed over me. "You soft b*****d" I said to myself. Next day I sold my consoles and all my games. One of the best things I ever did. I feel the same about spectator sports such as football. I was heavily into football. I was a proper statistician. I could've told you the teams and squads up to the reserve team of every club in the domestic European leagues. That's hundreds of players! Knocked that 5hit on the head in my early 20s, too. Bread and circuses bukwaas. They get you to invest your heart and soul into this 5hit so that you ignore or neglect the actual important stuff you need to be aware of. Moderation isn't the issue at all. It's all corporate cr4p that chips away at your aatma.
    11 points
  12. One for his saura and his saala if he has one. One for his wife:
    11 points
  13. Maybe because Jats are the only remaining group who are still actively alpha amongst the Sikh community. We could also ask why are Jats the only group to aggressively take on Delhi in the protests. You can’t knock a group of people who still possess the hot blood needed to take risks.
    11 points
  14. At the moment Sikhism is in its golden period. The next 50 years are crucial for its survival and prosperity. It is a make or break time for the faith. If we continue the way we are going Sikhi as we know it will become a insignificant religion on the world stage confined only to Punjabi people and not like a ethically and racially diverse religion like other faiths. Our time is running out. We must act now for the benefit of the next generations who are counting on us for their future. But we are on borrowed time. Unless drastic steps are taken to take the faith further and expand all around the world. If this is not done within the next 50 years it is game over. There will not be an opportunity like this again. Many if not all will eventually become athiest or convert to other religions. This is actually happening now but will get increasingly worse. The next 50 years is either success or failure as far as numbers go. After 50 years are up. There is no way of turning back the tide. That is why I stress the importance in a crucial period and juncture for the faith. We need huge scale missionary activity throughout the world from tibet to mongolia. Dont expect people to one day wake up and look at a basics of sikhi video on youtube then convert on their own will. Yes we can implement digital technology to reach to the masses but that is only one method. We need boots on the ground. Missionary centres on every corner of the earth to spread Guru Nanaks message. We must lobby our so called leaders to fund these projects. Money and resources need to be poured in for the effort to begin. Dedication and commitment is needed from us all. Sacrafices will need to be made. It will not be easy but we can achieve the goal with the right methods and knowledge. Dont think I am just typing this as a passing thought. I am in the process of setting up one of only in the UK of a Sikh missionary centre. If people are intrested in helping and are from the the east London area. Please contact me on ways you can help and contribute to the project. Any thoughts on this crucial period in time that we must act on? WJKK WJKF
    11 points
  15. Why isn't SGPC spending millions on sending missonaries to poor North India areas to convert people ? They steal millions for themselves but not to further Khalsa .. Numbers are power.
    11 points
  16. @singhbj singh and many others are correct that Sikhs are the ones to blame for the rise of deras. However, I think the right course of action to tackle deras and now is especially a great time to implement this, as there are tons of dera followers that will now be looking for a spiritual path, is to welcome all members back into Sikhi, by not discriminating them through their castes. We've made this mistake in the past, and still are continuing with it, however let's not drag it in to the future. These Sikhs have done a great job welcoming the ex-sirsa dera followers: Let's hope that other Gurudwaras not only in Punjab and India, but the world as well, follow suit.
    11 points
  17. 10 points
  18. This is just my take on this There's an increasing number of Panjabis in western countries learning Bhangra professionally, making Bhangra societies in universities and holding grand Bhangra competitions. Although Bhangra is a hybrid dance done by males with modern hip-hop moves, women are also seen in these competitions & performances. Some parents in the west are encouraging their children to learn Bhangra from these academies. The reason they give for joining is Bhangra connects them with Panjabi culture and they feel "proud" seeing their children on stage. I don't think Bhangra is helping any western Panjabi stay connected with Panjabi culture. Dancing like this on public stages was frowned by most Panjabi elders. It's sad to see Panjabi culture has been reduced down to jumping on stage. The bright crazy patterned uniform Bhangra dancers wear also looks very silly, no Panjabi in the past dressed like that. I've met some Bhangra-doing Panjabis in the west who can't read Panjabi, speak it properly or know anything about Panjab's situation and history. I don't know why so many Panjabi parents hold this misconception that putting children in Bhangra will connect them with culture and turn them into the next Vir Singh or Bulleh Shah.
    10 points
  19. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Sangat ji,please read as much bani as possible and do naam simran. May Vaheguru do kirpa on all and protect all.? Bhul Chuk Maf
    10 points
  20. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Sangat ji i would just like to say one thing, In some of the recent threads where there was talk of Khalsa Raaj,some of the Sangat were convinced that Khalsa Raaj is no where near and that the Panth is in a bad state now.Sangat Pyare Jeoo this is not true at all.The Panth is in Chardikala and Maharaj is taking care of his beloved Children.It is us who have turned our backs away from Him and because of that and only that we are not receiving the full benefits.Do not think that by having Khalsa billionaires we will achieve Khalsa Raj. We need to focus on Rehat and Naam Bani. I would like to share a Sakhi.From this Sakhi we can all see that with Naam and Bani, Maharaj does Beant Kirpa on his Panth.Khalsa Raaj is definite.IT WILL HAPPEN.As a Panth we need to move towards Khalsa Roop, read Bani and follow Rehat and MOST IMPORTANTLY, Amrit Shako Guru Wale Bano. Bhul Chuk Maf Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh The British were going to Auction Sri Harimandir Sahib Ji on April 30, 1877, the plans were to build a giant church. But Sat Guru Ji Did not let it Happen. A Miracle changed everything, on Morning of April 30, 1877. September 2, 2013: For those of us who’ve been to Darbaar Sahib Amritsar, we may have noticed a sign outside on the Darshani Deori that reads: “It is for the knowledge of all that in Harimandir Sahib on April 30, 1877 at 4.30 in the morning, a strange thing happened. There were about four hundred devotees enjoying spiritual peace of celestial music in Harimandir Sahib when suddenly a flash of lighting was seen which in the form of a big resplendence entered through the door on the mountain-side and exploded exactly like a ball in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and illuminating everything then went out, becoming a streak of light through the southern door–though at the time of its exploding there was a dreadful and forceful sound, no harm of any kind occurred to any devotee sitting inside and no harm to the building or anything else in the precinct. All the people described this supernatural scene as the wonderful doing of Sri Guru Ram Das himself” (translation based on one in “Strange but True in Sikhism” by SS Kohli p.11) This miracle transformed the Panth and brought it back from the brink of oblivion. After the fall of the Sikh Kingdom in 1849, the Sikhs were in very serious trouble. The Gurdwaras were in control of Mahants who had installed Hindu Idols and barred “low castes” from entering. British observers wrote that Amrit Sinchaars almost never took place. Sikh women lost their distinct appearance and no longer followed rehit or took amrit. The British even began to photograph Sikhs as they believed this “fading sect” ought to be recorded in history and one day shown in museums as a part of India’s history. The British also started a heavy mission of conversion amongst the Sikhs. Many notable Sikhs left the faith at this time. Raja Ranjit Singh’s general, Jowand Sikh Mokhal’s family embraced Islam, Beharwala Sardar Isher Singh became Muslim under the influence of a prostitute, Harnam Singh of the Kapurthala Royal family became Christian, Dayal Singh Majithia became a Brahmo Samajist and gave over the Daily Tribune, Dayal Singh College and a Library to the sect. Big Sikh landlords Mangal Singh Virk and Charat Singh of Barhar became Muslims for Muslim women as well. In 1873, 4 Sikh boys Aya Singh, Attar Singh, Sadhu Singh and Santokh Singh announced they were converting ot Christianity and prepared to cut their hair. Later they were convinced not to do this. Harmandir Sahib was under the control of the British Government and they had appointed a Sikh manager, Mangal Singh to look after the site for them. The British had nefarious designs for the Sikhs. They had intended to make Sree Darbaar Sahib the main Diocese for the Christian Church and convert the complex into a giant church. Crucifixes were even put near the entrance of Sree Darbaar Sahib near the foot-wash area. Sardar Mangal Singh heard these rumours and despite being pro-British, felt very upset. He met with Punjab’s Lt. Governor to ask about this issue and he did not give any reassurance but asked him to speak with the Viceroy. The Viceroy was at this time in Gobind Garh fort in Amritsar. Sardar Mangal Singh went to meet him and was told that the British were lawfully entitled to own, manage and dispose of all property owned earlier by the Sikh regime. They could do as they wish in the future. The Sikhs came out very dejected and sat in a Gurdwara trying to understand what to do. They decided to hold and Akhand Path Sahib in Darbaar Sahib and do Ardaas that the most precious place of the Sikhs would be saved. The next day, the sangat gathered at Harmandir Sahib and Asa Di Vaar began. An intelligence officer sent by the Viceroy was also present to watch over the gathering. At 4.30AM, the ball of light entered and stopped in front of Guru Granth Sahib ji and then did as was described above. The Sangat began to repeat “Dhan Guru Ram Das!”. News of this event went all over Punjab. The hundreds of witnesses all gave their names as proof of this great miracle. The intelligence officer too was stunned and advised the British Government that any attempt to take over Darbaar Sahib would be wrong. This incident was Guru Ram Das himself blessing the Sikhs. It showed the Sikhs that Guru was not far, but always watching over his Panth. At a time where amritdhari Singhs were almost extinct and Hindu ritual had taken hold in the Gurdwaras and Sikhs were converting away en masse, Guru Ram Das enacted this miracle and revived and awakened the Sikhs. The Gurdwara Reform Movement gathered steam. The entire Panth rose up to save Sikhi. The Sikhs were saved from the brink of extinction.
    10 points
  21. So there are individuals willing to conduct such a ceremony, but you don't want to pay their rates? Do you not feel the actual religious or spiritual method by which you are enjoined to your partner is worth the financial outlay? So, the problem isn't "Sikh society" but your frugality, because if the issue truly lay with these backwards Sikhs, you'd be unable to find even one individual willing to conduct whatever abominable concoction of religiosity you deem to be en vogue in the current year. As for the rights and wrongs of the ceremony itself I guess it's a matter of tradition. If the ceremony itself is deemed to be so objectionable, I'd find another spiritual framework to latch onto for your wedding aesthetic. If I was in your position and so certain of my convictions, I would reject the Anand Karaj on principle, and instead conduct a secular ceremony more suited to my beliefs and tastes. That's what someone of principle would do.
    10 points
  22. Guru Sahib Ji’s happiness is on completion of nitnem. When starting the journey of Sikhi my ardaas was Guru Sahib please wake me up at 6am to read Japji Sahib. (I started with Japji Sahib and built up to 5 baani slowly). Guru’s blessing at 6am my eyes automatically opened wide. It continued, each day my eyes open, when I look at clock it’s bang on 6am down to the second. One day (weekend) I got lazy that I’ll sleep 5 more mins and closed my eyes. I heard a voice ‘fine stay sleeping’. Then a crushing pain on my right leg. I was screaming and biting the duvet so my family didn’t hear. Hours I couldn’t move. Finally when it felt ok to move same thing happens on my left leg ? Either it was Guru Sahib or a Shaheed Singh punishing me I’m not sure Guru Sahib really aren’t happy if nitnem is missed ?
    10 points
  23. How times have changed, now we have members of LGBTQ community trying to have Anand Karaj. When you break a rule for one, then there always will be another wanting you to break the rule for them.
    10 points
  24. What happened during partition? Rape was used as a 'weapon', especially on the Muslim side (yep I said it). Now do you think the people who did that would let that mentality suddenly disappear after partition? Those folks who perpetrated those crimes would be the 'elders' of today, passing on retarded attitudes like that in societies/communities that didn't aggressively counter them. Look at the perpetrators of grooming gangs, they are generally from similar small clan groups with weird attitudes to things like 1st cousin marriage (indeed most are the outcome of such practices). They live in insular bubbles where to be honest their best hope of doing something with their lives is criminality or taxi driving (or mixing the two).
    10 points
  25. Darshans of Dhann Dhann Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj’s Nishanian.
    10 points
  26. I don't give two hoots about what gujjus say sikhs have a divine mandate to spread gurbani's message , understanding this people will automatically reject oppressive dictats of other faiths
    10 points
  27. I think he has no lack of courage to be a sikh in sikhi saroop and has encouraged other kids to not be ashamed of their differentness e.g. of their kesh so I think you are confused . You sound just that racist troll on his channel , Soorma Singh's culture is Sikhi that is what speaks to him, that is where his heart is . Some people are harsh and rude to others he however tries to gets his message across by being balanced in himself and making light of what is probably a hurtful experience for him. Being a good sikh means staying on your path even if people are basically ridiculing , abusing you for it , not losing your cool because your ego is pricked, trusting Guru ji to have your Back in life . The accusations are not backed up by a single quote/ example and yet you jumped on someone else's bandwagon just because of???? SIKHI is not PANJABI CULTURE it is GURMAT and that, is for the world community . So anyone who calls themselves a sikh and has some warped sensibilities that sikhi is only for people of the Panjab only need to look at history and see how many sikhs were created in other nations including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Sri Lanka, China, Leh, Ladakh, Tibet By Guru Nanak Dev ji himself , panj Piarey were not all born of Punjab's soil but they were reborn there. I don't know why apney who probaly have not such a strong relationship with sikhi are so determined to stomp on newcomers who are striving to better themselves through Gurmat , they do it to Punjabis, they do it to Chinese/Japanese/Burmese/ Caribeaan/African/Europeans/Latinos basically anyone who joins sikhi . If you feel a lack due to seeing others progressing don't be an A , feel the pain understand it and work on your own SIkhi. Stop being a crab in a bucket. Every pukka gursikh will encourage others and future generations , there is strength in numbers and diversity , nothing happens without Akal Purakh's hukham so get with the program. For those upset about Soorma SIngh pointing out our faults as a community why are you so silent about people like Jus Reign and Lily Singh aren't they doing the same and much worse ?
    10 points
  28. We Sikhs are #1 enemies of Sikhi today. We do more to harm our own faith than any Hindu or Musalman.
    10 points
  29. An indian origin guy goes for a job interview. Interviewer : "Can you please write your name in English on this paper?" Interviewer : "Are you sure this is your name" Man : "Of course, I am sure that this is my name" Interviewer "So your name is...PRETTY RED PANTIES"? Man : "Yes sir, you told me to write my name in English, but in Punjabi my name is "SUNDAR LAL CHADHA" !!
    10 points
  30. This dude is blatantly some fat 35 year old virgin whose never even held hands with a girl and is type who joins in with the his mummy and auntiyah doing choogliyah. He blatantly has no self esteem, probs has no friends and is a social outcase. Comes on here giving it large, when its blatant this dungar cant step into the real world. Listen bruv, instead of chasing bakra meat, go chase women LOL. Or even better allow all that and look at the beauty of Sikhi instead of chatting baquas as per usual.
    10 points
  31. 10 points
  32. QUESTION! Where are the Sikh girls? I see no Kara let alone dastaar n "Kaur" being mentioned in names.
    10 points
  33. Jagraj bhai ji (of BoS) points out that Anglos played some weird Jedi mind tricks on our lot (like 'Sikhs don't preach and convert!") and we quickly brought into it despite our own Sikh culture and history clearly being the very opposite direction. It's the same with all the 'race' theory crap our people brought into. I mean it so obviously goes against Sikh conceptualisations of Sikh society but many of our lot jumped on it because it made them feel 'special'. It's really cringeworthy to see how our lot are so easy to manipulate like this. And the other side must be in hysterics at our gullibility (I don't know about half devil but 'half child' for real!) We're only seeing people starting to question a lot of obvious bull5hit put in our heads now. When any outsiders (like the English) can come in and in effect set the very fundamentals of our faith, and that too for decades/centuries, we're clearly in deep trouble and missing something VERY important. How many things that we consider as Sikh are actually Anglo additions or influence? Like the whole Charitrio Pakyaan prudery! Given this, are we really surprised that we still have hordes of apnay that think that Sikhi is somehow in complete alignment with western liberal thought. Though I should point out that the other extreme of narrow minded clannishness isn't much better of an option long-term either.
    10 points
  34. Baba Banda Singh was the first to admit he took things further than was needed, which is a remarkable act of frankness considering the savagery of the Mughal administration of the time. He acknowledged the fact that God was going to rein him in for his excesses, and that any punishment - be it temporal or in the hereafter - was entirely justified. I find it interesting how certain sections of our people either can't reconcile themselves with the fact that morally questionable acts are committed during times of conflict (YES, even the "good guys" get their hands dirty; it's called fighting darkness with darkness), or flat out castigate Baba Ji as un-Sikh. I tell you, if I was around at the time and seeing Sikh babies torn from limb to limb and placed around their mother's throats as necklaces, I'd have been praying for someone like Baba Ji to emerge. Hindsight is great isn't it?
    10 points
  35. Flippin' hell. Although I applaud bringing out the dangers of oestrogen producing substances, arguing like we are here seems plain nuts. In my opinion we do need many more places for Sikhs to eat out and socialise. Living around East London with its plethora of halal outlets makes it hard to get any food on those rare occasions we might feel like eating out. So I'm glad Sikhs are opening businesses like this. We NEED to create a strong robust diverse Sikh economy. Things like this helps.
    10 points
  36. Apne will still serve Langar to suls in Kashmir, Dubai and Delhi like a bunch of simpletons. It's like the kid in school who gives away free sweets so that all the other kids like him and more importantly don't beat him up. Pathetic really.
    9 points
  37. It is not non-Muslim countries that actively invite Muslims in, it is the liberals in these countries that emotionally backmail the rest of the population into allowing Muslim migration in and shout 'racist!' if there is any voice which wants to restrict their migration into non-Muslims countries. In Punjab it is the same, it is liberal organisations that started the trend to build Mosques for them and started the propaganda that they are 'beecharay' Countries that have voted in right wing governments understand the danger of Muslim migrations, countries such as Hungary, Poland and Serbia. Countries with Muslim populations already have tried various methods such as expulsion like Myanmar and De-Islamification like China has. It would be interesting to see how the first group of countries fare in the next few decades compared to the second group.
    9 points
  38. I really am making a conscious effort to adjust my frame of mind so that I'm not viewing reality from a purely masculine and patriarchal perspective, but reading 5hit like this hammers home the absolute futility of it all. We know what she's going to come back with: "Sikhi is outdated / sexist / patriarchal / anti-female" and we're all pendu b**tards who wants to ruin her special day.
    9 points
  39. This website has translated 10 chapters of Suraj Granth 31-41 Suraj Granth with Translations It starts at Guru Ji leavin Anandpur and ends at Guru ji giving the Guruship to the Panth and leaving the fort Benti to the entire sangat to read and check it out.
    9 points
  40. My nani ji had darshan before she was even amritdhari! She fell really ill when she was in her teens and her parents took her to some baba who was a fake, then they ended up at the gurdwara where she had darshan of guru Nanak maharaj. Then she had darshan again at amrit sanchar! She said she drank amrit then when the panj Singh put their hands on her head, she fell unconscious and had darshan of dasam paatshah. Nani ji has been amritdhari for around 60 years and awakes at 12 every night even at her age! She’s also kept sarbloh bibek from the day the panj Singhs gave her hukam up until this age, never even complained about it. Even though her own children are not amritdhari, when I was born and my mum took me to India, the first thing she said was that i will be gifted amrit! My mum told me that she got a batta and put water in it and started to stir it with a kirpan and recite japji sahib in maharaj hazuri. She then did an ardaas in bairaag for me to be blessed with amrit. Her ardaas was fulfilled 17 years later when I went back to India and she took me to a rainsbhai. I was thinking of taking amrit but I was in a bit dubidha but when I sat there and I saw my nani ji in sangat with so much anand on her face, japping naam, the thirst arose inside. mignt be biased but she’s the best gursikh I know! ?
    9 points
  41. Empires are not brought down by external threats, but internal weaknesses. Before we begin some holy crusade against the missionaries (Christian missionaries in this case lol), let's stop and think for a second. Why are they able to target these Sikhs? And what have we (sangat, leaders) done to help them? Our people do nothing to help our brothers and sisters who have a hard life, and yet have the gaul to complain when others come along, help them and convert them to their religion! We first gotta get our house in order. And once we do, these type of missionaries will be easily handled.
    9 points
  42. Interesting article I'v heard this before. “Only GurSikhs Had Anand Karaj Before the 1900” Says Elderly Grandmother Posted byDaily Sikh Updates October 11, 2016 “Only GurSikhs Had Anand Karaj Before the 1900” Says Elderly Grandmother Anand Karaj in the 1900s by Anonymous on Sikhnet Recently the Sikh marriage ceremony (Anand Karaj) has come under dispute when concerning couples professing different faiths, which has led to some controversy and conflict. Without going into too much detail of the recent events in the UK, where members of the Sikh community prevented an interfaith marriage from taking place in a Gurdwara, the Akal Takht, the spiritual abode of authority for Sikhs, has made it very transparent in the Sikh Rehat Maryada (Sikh Code of Conduct) that the Anand Karaj ceremony is only permitted for those professing the Sikh faith. And quite rightly so! If one does not wish to accept or practice the Sikh faith, then why would one want a Sikh marriage ceremony? What is intended to be a blissful union of two souls merely becomes a meaningless and ritualistic ceremony. For many years after the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh marriage rites became disoriented with conflicting practices, to the extent where a number of Sikhs were partaking in Hindu Vedic ceremonies to solemnise their marriage. In order to safeguard the sanctity of the Anand Karaj, a Sikh marriage act was officially passed in 1909, which established a legal binding of two people professing the Sikh faith. AnandKaraj This led me to go back to something my maternal grandmother mentioned regarding how Sikh marriages were performed in the early 1900s. It was a common practice for all marriages to be arranged and for girls, as young as seven years old to be engaged (my grandmother was nine years old!). Despite being engaged at such a young age, the girls would legally get married at 15 or 16 and for couples to meet for the very first time on their actual wedding day. My grandparents had a very simple, traditional Sikh wedding ceremony, which took place around the late 1920s-early 1930s (the exact year was never documented). My grandmother very interestingly pointed out, in order for the Anand Karaj to take place, the man had to take Amrit before the ceremony to profess his commitment to the Sikh faith and making a promise that he will maintain Sikh practices within his household. It was not necessary for women to take Amrit before marriage, which was something I could not quite completely understand nor could my grandmother explain why. Upon my grandfather taking Amrit, my grandparent’s marriage was sanctified by the Anand Karaj ceremony. The wedding ceremony took place in the ambrosial hours of the morning at around 4-5am, which was a practice that was maintained and continued from the times of the Sikh Gurus. Sadly this practice has now been lost. This prompted me to question my grandmother further; what if my grandfather did not choose to take Amrit or what if my grandfather had shorn hair but was born in a Sikh household, would they still be allowed to have an Anand Karaj ceremony? My grandmother made a very bold statement that no Sikh during the British Raj cut their hair; the Sikh identity was strongly intact. The cutting of the Kes became more apparent when Sikhs began to emigrate to the West in the 1950s and 60s, where they faced a backlash of discrimination and hostility towards them. For those who did not take Amrit before their marriage or where a Sikh daughter’s hand was given away in marriage into a Hindu household, the Anand Karaj ceremony was not permitted. As an alternative, the couple were offered an opportunity to sanctify their married life and seek the blessings from the Guru in the Gurdwara, where a Sukhmani Sahib or some other form of prayer and an Ardas were performed. Based upon my grandmother’s insight into Sikh marriages in the early 1900s, it is clearly evident that the Anand Karaj ceremony was led and performed for those professing the Sikh faith. Although there was a significant requirement for the male spouse to take Amrit before the marriage, this is not the case now as many Sikh marriages take place with or without either couple being Amritdhari. Inevitably, interfaith marriages will take place. Civil Service ceremonies are held inside many Sikh Gurdwaras around the world in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. If a couple wishes to have a marriage ceremony conducted inside a Gurdwara and seek the blessings from the Guru, then we should be able to offer them an alternative ceremony through a prayer and an Ardas. In spite of the times changing, Sikhs have and should continually maintain the sanctity of the Anand Karaj ceremony between two Sikhs, however to also offer an alternative solution for interfaith marriages.
    9 points
  43. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh ji married the Muslim dancer what did he get. Silence from every Sikh until he went to Akaal Takhat to get whipped Dating in Sikhi is not really allowed. Same issue as interfaith marriage Do you want to be with a Muslim and sacrifice your faith?
    9 points
  44. Guys secretly admire girls with open hair. My husband always used to encourage me to leave mine open. Uncut hair is hard to leave open without it blowing everywhere and getting untidy. I finally told him - they cut their hair to get that look. So yes- being amritdhari does mean that you have rid your feelings for a spouse whose looks match the western ideal stamped upon us by advert after advert about what looks best. Why don't people see it as a positive - as in a cut hair girl actually married a sikh boy When they reject pag vale we complain - do wheres the praise now? An apna married an apna and we are still sad. What do we want and who made us judges by the way?
    9 points
  45. Well explained!!
    9 points
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